Li Chen turned his head and saw Wen Wan, a faint smile appeared on his handsome face.

"You should have an idea, then do it according to your idea."

"According to my idea?" Wen Wan was taken aback, and pointed to her nose, showing an expression of disbelief. "You let me handle this? But..."

She doesn't seem to have much confidence.

"It just asks you to deal with Mo Feng, and doesn't let you get in touch with other things. I think you can handle this matter completely."

Seeing the trust on Li Chen's face, Wen Wan didn't know what to say.

If I still refuse at this time, it is indeed a bit too hypocritical.

That being the case, why not give it a try, even if you really can't do it well in the end, isn't there still Li Chen around, what things can't be done without him?

Thinking of this, Wen Wan didn't say anything more, but nodded directly at Li Chen, agreeing to take over the task.

That afternoon, after Li Chen fell asleep, Wen Wan and Mo Chen left the hospital together, planning to meet Mo Feng.

Since Mo Feng had an accident in the Li family mansion last time, it is said that Mo Feng has been trapped in the house, and his sisters have found someone to watch him 24 hours a day, not allowing him to leave the house.

But with Mo Feng's playful and troublesome character, how could he be willing to stay at home?
So he tried everything he could to escape from the house.

It was only after Wen Wan received the news that she rushed over with Mo Chen.

When they arrived at a remote small side door of Mo's house, they just saw Mo Feng fall down from the wall in disgrace.

At this time, Mo Feng hadn't seen Wen Wan and the two of them, and he was still in a state of excitement.

He was about to get out of the cage, and he was so excited that he wanted to yell a few times.

With a bang, he jumped directly from the top of the wall.The wall was very high, but because of the rope tied to his body, he didn't fall.

"I finally escaped." Mo Feng waved his fist excitedly and roared.

"Congratulations, Mr. Mo." Wen Wan stood behind him, smiling faintly.

"You're welcome." Mo Feng chuckled, turned his head, and waved at Wen Wan and the others, "It's just over a wall, what's there to congratulate..." Congratulations?
The last word, when Mo Feng's eyes touched Wen Wan's face, he immediately swallowed it back into his stomach.

Mo Feng stepped back nervously, and even looked up at the wall, as if he wanted to climb back.

That cute appearance made her gentle.

She said with a smile: "Mr. Mo, you escaped from home with great difficulty, don't you want to go back again?"

"Isn't it possible?" Mo Feng snorted angrily. "That's my own home, I can go back as soon as I want, can you manage it?"

Wen Wan shrugged her shoulders and said softly: "Of course we can't control you, but I can remind you that if you go back at this time, you can think about it next time, but it will not be so easy. A sister will trap you at home for a few years. How many years, it’s a bit scary to think about it, are you sure you can stay at home for a few years?"

Mo Feng's face changed instantly, and even showed a look of fear.

He is not afraid of anything, only boredom.Staying abroad before was also because it was too boring, so I tried to find a way to come back.

Unexpectedly, something happened to Li's family right after he returned to China, causing him to be trapped at home again.

He knew better than Wen Wan how powerful his sisters were. If he was captured this time, it would be impossible to escape if he tried to escape.

"Aren't you going to inform me?" Mo Feng showed a skeptical expression. "Don't tell me that the two of you passed here by coincidence."

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