Mrs. Cheng was really in a hurry, she never thought that Cheng Yinger would cause trouble for herself like this.

What was even more unexpected was that she didn't care about herself and Cheng Jiaojiao at all.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Cheng became more and more annoyed.

Without even thinking about it, she grabbed Cheng Yinger's arm and dragged it towards the door.

"Give me in."

After Mrs. Cheng yelled at Cheng Yinger a few times, she turned her head to greet Wen Wan and the two, "Mrs. Li, Mr. Mochen, please come in quickly. We'll talk about it when we go in."

She nodded gently, ignoring Cheng Yinger's eyes that looked at her as if she could kill, and followed Mrs. Cheng and the others into Cheng's house together with Mo Chen.

In fact, Wen Wan has come to Cheng Cheng's house twice, including this time, it is already the third time.

Thinking about it seriously, she felt that she and the Cheng family seemed to have some inexplicable fate.

Of course, this kind of fate is what she doesn't want.

After entering the living room, everyone sat down.

Cheng Yinger was originally unwilling, but there was a mother who cheated on her, so she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.

Mrs. Cheng smiled at Wen Wan and the others, and said: "Mrs. Li, I'm sorry, the servants in the family, uh... I hope you don't mind, I, I'll go and prepare some tea for you personally."

"You're welcome." Wen Wan interrupted her directly, "Let's just talk about serious business."

"It's serious, yes, it's serious." Madam Cheng hurriedly echoed, "Madam Li, actually, there is something I've wanted to ask for a long time. How can you be sure that Mr. Li's poisoning has something to do with our Yinger? Actually , I don't really believe that Yinger will poison Mr. Li."

Wen Wan snorted lightly.

"Mrs. Cheng, have you changed your mind?"

Mrs. Cheng quickly shook her head, "Mrs. Li, don't get me wrong. I just think that Ying Er likes Mr. Li so much, how could she poison him?"

Then Cheng Yinger sneered, "Mom, are you now thinking about it? I thought you didn't recognize my daughter, what kind of nonsense were you talking about? Why did I poison brother Li? You crazy people. I'm so If you like him, you can die for him, but how could you kill him?"

"What can you not do if you are not willing?" She interrupted her in a gentle and displeased voice, "Cheng Yinger, stop talking nonsense, I can tell you that if you don't hand over the antidote today, you will be There will be no better days."

"Are you threatening me?" Cheng Yinger raised the corners of her lips in disdain and sneered, "I'm the least afraid of other people's threats. Anyway, the Cheng family is over, and I don't plan to live a happy life in the future. Wen Wan, what do you want?" Just do whatever you want, and see if I frown."

Wen Wan took a deep breath, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips, "If that's the case, then I won't be polite."

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand directly.

Seeing this, Cheng Yinger couldn't help but widen her eyes, wanting to see what Wen Wan was going to do.

However, no matter how wide she stares her eyes, Wen Wan has nothing to say.

"Wen Wan, don't you just have a good mouth?" Cheng Yinger laughed triumphantly.

"Don't laugh so fast." Wen Wan interrupted her with a blunt voice, "Don't you feel uncomfortable on your face?"

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