Seeing Wen Xin suddenly, Wen Wan only felt a pang in her heart, a feeling of a world away.

He obviously only saw her two months ago, but for some reason, seeing her this time, he felt like he hadn't seen her for many years.

It was still the same familiar face, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that there was something different about it.

Lying warmly on the bed, his face was pale and terrifying, and all kinds of tubes were inserted into his body, giving people the feeling that something might happen at any time.

"Win Xin..." Wen Wan murmured, took a step forward, stretched out her hand, and took Wen Xin's hand.

"Sit down." Li Chen moved a chair over without knowing when.

Wen Wan sat down on the chair, held Wen Wen's hand, and stared at her without blinking, afraid that she would disappear if she blinked.

"Did the doctor say she's really okay?" Wen Wan asked.

Li Chen nodded slightly, "Yes, the danger period has passed, and there is no danger for now."

"Temporarily?" Wen Wan caught this very important word.

She turned her head and looked at him directly, "What do you mean temporarily? Could it be that her condition is not too stable? What did the doctor say? Is there any danger?"

"It's not a physical danger." Li Chen gave the answer directly without hesitation.

Wen Wan's expression changed, and she understood everything in an instant.

Judging from the fact that those people have attacked her and Wen Xin recently, they will never let them go easily.

Although the warmth is fine for the time being, who knows what will happen next.

"Then what should we do now?" Wen Wan asked.

Li Chen thought for a while with a cold expression before saying, "Respond to all changes with the same."

It is not yet clear who is behind it. If they act rashly, something will happen.

Therefore, the best solution is to respond to all changes with the same.

"I hope it's okay." Wen Wan sighed silently in her heart.

Even if something happens to someone, she no longer wants that person to be warm.

"It's almost time, let's go back first." Li Chen reminded.

"Can I stay a little longer?" Wen Wan asked.

She just came here not long ago, and she still has a lot to say to Wenxin, she really doesn't want to just leave like this.

"You can't stay in the intensive care unit for too long."

Wen Wan immediately showed a disappointed expression. She really wanted to stay with Wen Xin, but she didn't want to have a bad influence on her.

She stood up reluctantly, stared at Wen Xin for a long time, and then was slightly pulled out by Li Chen.

After leaving the hospital, Wen Wan was still a little dazed, her heart seemed to have stayed in the intensive care unit with Wen Xin and hadn't come back yet, she was in a trance.

"Be careful."

Suddenly, there was a scream in my ear.

Wen Wan only felt an explosion coming from her ear, and before she could recover, she was thrown to the ground with one person pressing on her body, and rolled on the spot with her arms around her.

There were crackling sounds one after another, and some sounds seemed to be exploding right next to my ears, so close.

The man who was pressing her held her tightly, rolling over and over, avoiding the attacks of one after another by rolling over.

There was another crisp gunshot.

Wen Wan only heard a muffled muffled groan from the man who was pressing her down, and immediately after that, a hot liquid sprayed her head and face instantly.

"Ah Chen!" Wen Wan exclaimed in surprise.

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