The loud bang scared everyone, especially Mochen. He subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, showing an expression of disbelief.

After a long while, he walked over with an unbelievable expression on his face, stood beside Li Chen, and said in a strange tone: "Then what, third child, did you really throw Mo Feng out just now?"

Li Chen turned his head and glanced at him coldly, "Is there a problem?"

"Uh..." Under the gaze of those terrifying eyes, Mo Chen dared not say that there was a problem, even if he wanted to.

However, this matter is estimated to be really problematic.

"Oh, my God." Yuesheng suddenly let out a loud cry, "Third brother, are you too powerful?"

Looking back at the undisguised adoration on Yuesheng's face with an inexplicable look on Wen Wan's face, she couldn't help frowning, what do you mean, it's just throwing a person out, is there anything worthy of admiration?

"Cough cough!"

Mo Chen coughed suddenly, and turned everyone's attention to himself, "Well, the Mo family is also quite troublesome, I think we'd better be careful. Then what Mo Feng... maybe he can't do it for you. He is afraid, but he has three powerful sisters. Those three hags are not something ordinary people can compete with, so we'd better be careful."

"Her nightshade? From the Mo family?" Wen Wan suddenly exclaimed, "Could it be the three sisters of the legendary beloved brother and mad devil Mo family?"

Mo Chen and Yue Sheng looked at each other, and at the same time nodded emphatically towards Wen Wan with sympathy.

"My God!"

Thinking about Wen Wan, she had already prepared mentally and mentally, and she couldn't bear it now.

Speaking of other things, she may not be very clear, but when it comes to the three sisters of the Mo family, she really knows it very clearly.

Those three women have spoiled their younger brother to the point of madness. No matter what it is, as long as it is what their younger brother wants to do, no matter how difficult it is, they will do their best to help him. He is done.

This is not the most important thing, the key is that they must report their flaws.If someone dares to make trouble for Mo Feng, it will be terrible. If you offend Mo Feng, you will die.

No, to be precise, life should be worse than death.

Over the years, an unknown number of people have fallen into the hands of those three women, living but not speaking, dying or dying.

In the past, when Wen Wan knew about these things, she still felt sorry for those people, and once wanted to help them.

But now that the knife fell on her head, she suddenly felt a little nervous.

What would the three fearsome hags do to them?
"Ah Chen, shouldn't we think of a way to deal with them first?" Wen Wan couldn't help asking.

She wasn't worried about her own safety, but she just didn't want anything to happen to Li Chen.After all, it was because of her that he attacked Mo Feng.

Hearing her voice, Li Chen couldn't help frowning, showing a hint of displeasure.

"What do you mean?"

Wen Wan frowned, "I don't mean anything, I'm just worried..."

"You think I'm no match for these women?" Li Chen's face darkened completely.

Clearly not happy.

No matter which man he is, he shouldn't be too happy to be questioned by his own woman.

Wen Wan was extremely helpless, she didn't question his ability, but those three women were indeed too scary, she was just subconsciously worried.

"Brother Li, how could you treat me like this?" Just when Wen Wan was about to answer, an exclamation suddenly came from outside.

Wen Wan only felt a gust of wind blowing towards her, and when she woke up again, her neck had already been restrained.

It hurts so much!

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