When Mo Chen rushed over, Wen Wan also came down to Cheng Ying Er's room with Yue Sheng's support.

Cheng Yinger lives in Li's house with a faceless face, but because no one cares about her, she lives alone in the guest room on the first floor.

When they arrived, they saw Cheng Yinger rolling around in the room like a lunatic, her skirt was in a mess because of the rolling, and part of it was even pulled to the waist, revealing two white thighs .

However, none of the people present set their eyes on the white spot, they all stared at Cheng Yinger's face fiercely,

"My God." Wen Wan widened her eyes in surprise, "What's wrong with her?"

If her own face was already terrifying, then Cheng Yinger's face could only be described in terms of horror.

Colorful, like opening a sauce dyeing vat.

Not only that, the poison seemed to have spread from the face to the neck.

Moreover, looking at the trend, it is estimated that it will be out of control.

"Help, save me." Cheng Yinger cried out in pain while rolling on the ground, "Li, brother Li, please, save me, save me."

Li Chen looked at her with a gloomy face, without saying a word.

But Cheng Yinger continued to growl as if she didn't see his cold face.

The situation fell into everyone's eyes, and they couldn't help but feel a creepy feeling. It was the woman Cheng Yinger's voice that was too scary.

Seeing that it was useless to shout for a long time, Cheng Yinger suddenly looked at Wen Wan beside her.

While panting continuously, she thought to herself, only Wen Wan can save her now.

Although she didn't want to admit it, it was true.

Earlier, if she hadn't spoken gently, Yuesheng probably wouldn't have given her painkillers.

Now, we can only start from Wen Wan.

"Wen Wan, please save me." Cheng Yinger immediately shifted her target, "Ah!"

As soon as the words fell, she couldn't control the pain and arched her body, "Wen...Wen Wan, I am in pain, I am dying of pain, please help me, please help me."

"But why should I save you?" Wen Wan asked indifferently, "Seriously speaking, there are quite a few festivals between you and me. If you don't make trouble at this time, it's already considered pretty good, isn't it? "

Cheng Yinger's expression froze, and for a moment, she really wanted to scold back directly.

But sooner, a wave of severe pain hit.

With her mind in a daze, she didn't dare to swear, she just wanted to ask for painkillers quickly, as for the rest, she couldn't care less for the time being.

"Wen Wan, can't I beg you?"

"Ask for help?" Her gentle expression remained as cold as ever, "If asking for help is useful, wouldn't anyone be able to do something wrong?"

When Cheng Yinger heard this, she still didn't understand. This woman made it clear that she was taking advantage of her illness to kill her.

But what can she do?
What else is there to do but compromise?
"Okay!" Cheng Yinger shouted loudly, "Wen Wan, tell me, how can you be willing to save me?"

"It's not impossible to save you." Wen Wan prolonged the volume, "Yue Sheng is here, it's just a cup of painkiller. But if you want me to give you this painkiller, then you have to agree to two conditions. "

Cheng Yinger was about to go crazy from the severe pain, how could she refuse.

Not to mention two conditions, even if it is twenty, she will agree.

"Okay, tell me." Cheng Yinger gritted her teeth and shouted impatiently.

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