Cheng Yinger was really scared.

She couldn't figure out why this happened, why it started hurting again for no reason.

She clearly remembered that when she took the antidote, that person said that her face would be completely healed in two days.

But what is going on now?


Before she could figure it out, there was another burst of sharp pain on her face.

She screamed in pain, crawling towards Li Chen from time to time, "Brother Li, please, please, save me quickly."

This time the pain was much stronger than before.

She felt like her soul was going to shatter.

"Brother Li!" she screamed.

The whole face was contorted due to the severe pain.

"Go and call Mochen and the others." Wen Wan suddenly said.

Cheng Yinger, who was in severe pain, froze for a moment, she never expected that Wen Wan would agree to let Yuesheng come.

While enduring the severe pain, she bit her lower lip and said angrily, "Wen Wan, I won't thank you."

Wen Wan sneered, "I don't want your thanks. I just don't want to hear you making a fuss here and affecting my rest."

"You!" Cheng Yinger was so angry that she was half dead, but she couldn't speak because of the severe pain, she just bent her body and kept trembling, like a lobster on the verge of death.

Li Chen didn't know if he had listened to the gentle words, so he went out and called Yue Sheng.

Soon, Yue Sheng and Mo Chen walked in.

Seeing Cheng Yinger lying on the ground trembling and screaming, both of them showed strange expressions.

"What's the situation?" Mo Chen asked with a smile, "I said Cheng Yinger, what kind of play are you singing? But let alone, your singing is pretty good, and it looks pretty good."

"Shut up!" Cheng Yinger yelled sharply and interrupted him, "What nonsense are you talking about? When am I going to sing? Ah! It hurts me to death, Yuesheng, Yuesheng, hurry up and save me. "

Yuesheng hugged his shoulders with both hands, and his cute baby's face was full of disdain, "Why should I save you? Just bullying my third sister-in-law at you, I can't control you."

Cheng Yinger's eyes widened. Because of the severe pain, she felt that her mind was in chaos and she couldn't think clearly.

"Just pull it out." Mo Chen smiled and moved closer to Yue Sheng and said, "Don't you think it's annoying for her to make a scene here like this? It will affect Xiao Wan'er's rest."

Yue Sheng nodded in agreement, "That's right, what Third Sister-in-law needs most now is to rest, and I can't let this crazy person mess around here. Brother, you hurry up and call someone to drag her out, it's annoying to death gone."

His cute baby's face was full of impatience, and he gave Cheng Yinger a fierce look, then walked over to the bedside, and looked at Wen Wan with a shy smile, "Sister-in-law three, how are you doing? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?" ?”

"It's okay, I'm much better." Wen Wan looked at Cheng Yinger over there and smiled, "At least it won't hurt anymore."

It was good that she didn't mention the pain, but when she mentioned it, Cheng Yinger felt more pain on her face, and became more angry and jealous in her heart.

Why, her side is in pain, but Wen Wan's side is very comfortable.

not like this.

"Wen Wan! Save me, save me." Cheng Yinger suddenly yelled at Wen Wan, "Are you going to watch me die here? Please, save me."

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