After the two reached an agreement, things would be easy to handle.

Wen Wan invited the general manager of the casino and Mrs. Qian to be witnesses, and signed a gambling agreement with Mrs. Cheng.

Moreover, the two of them must first prepare the gambling funds for each round.

Only in this way, Wen Wan would be willing to gamble.

To be honest, Mrs. Cheng is not very happy with such a condition.Because she doesn't have that much money at all.

About [-] million, she can still take it out.

But if it was a little more, she would not be able to do it.

It's just that the five rounds cost a total of [-] billion. With Mrs. Cheng's ability, she simply can't afford it.

However, the big talk has already been released, and the witnesses are all watching, Madam Cheng is not at all ashamed to back down at this time.

That's a shame.

[-] billion, she, how can she get it together?
After Wen Wan settled the check, seeing Mrs. Cheng still dawdling there, she couldn't help frowning, "Mrs. Cheng, have you gone back on your word?"

"Who said that?" Mrs. Cheng blushed and snorted, "How could I go back on my word? It's just, it's just such a large sum of money, I have to think about how to get it out."

"It turned out to be a question of money. That's easy. Apart from cash, real estate, stock funds, and even company shares can all be used as collateral. There are special accountants here in the casino, so you won't lose money."

Mrs. Cheng's heart began to bleed.

Stock funds, company shares?
She didn't want to take them all out.

At this time, she really regretted it.

You know, once you lose, it's not just a matter of how much money you lose, it's more than a billion.

However, now that the arrow is on the line, she has no choice but to send it out. She wants to go back on her word, but after signing the contract, she can't go back on it at all.

Even if she repents, she will pay Wen Wan [-] million in compensation.

Giving Wen Wan [-] million for nothing, even killing her would not do such a stupid thing.


Mrs. Cheng lost her temper, and she didn't want to lose face in front of Wen Wan, so she gritted her teeth and called the accountant, handed over all her assets, and asked them to do the calculation.

Not to mention, in the end, she managed to make up the more than one billion yuan.

When Mrs. Cheng saw that the money was collected, she became energetic.

"Come on, come on." Madam Cheng clapped her hands excitedly, "Wen Wan, I want you to lose completely today."

The gentle expression was indifferent, "Winning or losing depends on luck, come on."

first round.

Wen Wan beat Mrs. Cheng's seven points by nine points.

Although she lost, Mrs. Cheng's complexion looked good. After all, it was only the first game, and the betting was only [-] million, so she could accept it.

In the second round, Wen Wan lost.

In the third round, Wen Wan won.

In the fourth round, Wen Wan won.

The fifth game!

By the fifth game, Mrs. Cheng was completely insane.After losing two games in a row, her entire mentality was about to collapse.

If she still lost in the fifth round, then she would really lose everything.

"I won't lose, I won't." Mrs. Cheng roared like a demon.

"Nine o'clock!" Wen Wan smiled indifferently, raised the card in her hand at the woman opposite, and put it on the table.

Mrs. Cheng's eyeballs were about to protrude, and then she rolled her eyes and passed out.

Lost, she lost again.

No, she didn't believe it, this must be a dream, yes, that's right, it was a dream.

Mrs. Cheng, who fainted, had no idea what she had lost.

However, even if she knew, there was nothing she could do.

The contract is there, she can't escape.

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