But how could Wen Wan change clothes in front of him?
In the end, she had no choice but to glare at Li Chen angrily, then grabbed the quilt to wrap herself, got out of bed and ran towards the bathroom.

After changing clothes and coming out, Li Chen was already sitting on the sofa.

Seeing her coming out, he raised his head and waved at her. "Come and eat."

Wen Wan walked over without saying a word, and sat down beside Li Chen.

However, she was sitting a little far away from Li Chen.

However, just as she sat down on this side, Li Chen on the other side had already reached out and hooked her shoulders.

Wen Wan's body froze subconsciously, and she felt that something was wrong.

She always had the feeling that Li Chen had been replaced.

Is he really Li Chen?
She subconsciously twisted her body, trying to get rid of Li Chen's restraint.

However, Li Chen's embrace was like a cage. She exhausted all her strength, but she still couldn't break free.

After a while, she simply gave up.

Sitting stiffly in Li Chen's arms, Wen Wan felt uncomfortable all over, as if surrounded by a poisonous snake.


Li Chen picked up two soup dumplings for Wen Wan with chopsticks and put them on the plate in front of her.

"I can do it myself." Wen Wan didn't dare to look at the man beside her, she grabbed the chopsticks, lowered her head, and ate the soup dumpling in silence.

Just finished eating a soup dumpling, Li Chen put the soy milk by her hand again. "Drink some soy milk, don't choke."

Although the voice was not very gentle, it was not as cold as usual.

But to Wen Wan, it was like a mountain pressing down on her.

Li Chen put too much pressure on her, she didn't know what happened to Li Chen, which caused him to undergo such a strange change.

A meal passed while Li Chen was feeding from time to time.

After the meal, Li Chen didn't give Wen Wan a chance to refuse, he directly dragged her out of the room, saying that he wanted to take her for a walk in the yard.

Inexplicably, Wen Wan was dragged into the courtyard by Li Chen, and was held by him, like an ordinary couple, strolling slowly in the courtyard.

The two of them walked leisurely, but Cheng Yinger in the hospital almost went crazy.

When she heard that Wen Wan had been rescued by someone else, she went berserk, and almost tore down the ward under the madness.

"Who the hell is it? Who took her away?"

Cheng Yinger roared angrily.

The man standing by the bed hung his head, not daring to say a word.

Dare he say it?Can you tell?

After the incident, they checked all the places, but found no clues.

From this, it can be guessed that it must be the people inside them who let Wen Wan out.

And there is only one person who has this courage and ability, and that is Ouyang Xue.

But, does he dare to say it's Ouyang Xue?He dare not.

He hangs his head like this and doesn't speak, Cheng Yinger is not a fool, so there is still something unclear.

She roared angrily: "Is it Ouyang Xue, is it her? Haven't I already told you that you must watch over and not allow Ouyang Xue to take people away. You idiots, you have broken me What a big deal, do you know?"

However, in this situation, no matter how much you scream, it is useless, Wen Wan has already been rescued.

Cheng Yinger's face was dark, and she clenched her fist angrily, panicking in her heart.

In the imperial capital, Ouyang Xue was the only one she could rely on.

If Ouyang Xue couldn't help her, it would undoubtedly make things worse for her.

Now it seems that Ouyang Xue must be stabilized first.

After thinking of this, she called Ouyang Xue.

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