It took a while for Wen Wan to calm down.

"Twice, did you mean twice?" She asked again in disbelief.

Although Ouyang Xue's IQ is not online, it does not mean that she cannot see the meaning expressed by the expression on Wen Wan's face.

She couldn't help but said angrily, "What do you mean? What's your expression? Is it less than twice?"

She snorted coldly, "What do you know, in the past year, I might not have been able to have a meal with my eldest brother alone."

Just because Ouyang Xue knew how difficult it is to eat alone with Ouyang Moyuan, so when Cheng Yinger let her eat alone with Ouyang Moyuan twice in just three months, she began to devote herself wholeheartedly. I believe Cheng Yinger.

So seeing Wen Wan's critical look at this time, Ouyang Xue was very unhappy.

"Yes, I didn't know before that eating with my eldest brother turned out to be such a difficult thing. So, if I tell you, I can let you eat alone with him twice within a month?"

"What?" Ouyang Xue widened her eyes in shock.

She raised her hand, pinched the center of her brow, and felt a little pain before she was sure that she was not dreaming.

Wen Wan really told her that she and Ouyang Moyuan would have dinner alone twice within a month.

"Are you serious?" Ouyang Xue found that her voice began to tremble.

She is so excited, twice a month.You know, sometimes Ouyang Moyuan can't stay home for a month once he gets busy.

We went out to eat, and we never saw each other once.

But now, Wen Wan actually said that she could have dinner alone with Ouyang Moyuan twice within a month.

"Did you really not lie to me?" Ouyang Xue asked.

Wen Wan smiled lightly, "Is it lying to you, you will know soon, won't you?"

"Then what if you lied to me?" Ouyang Xue frowned into a mountain.

She snorted coldly, and said, "I know you want me to let you go back. But after I let you out, what if you can't complete what you promised me?"

Wen Wan felt a little headache, talking to such a person whose IQ is not online is really exhausting.

She sighed helplessly, and said: "Miss Ouyang doesn't believe in her ability? After I'm released, once I can't fulfill my promise to you, then you can do anything to me. "

Ouyang Xue smiled coldly, "Wen Wan, do you really think I'm a fool? Others don't know, don't I know? Who is Li Chen? It's just a fluke that I was able to catch you this time." Come here and try to catch you next time, how could it be so simple?"

"Then what do you want?" Wen Wan asked.

She didn't expect that Ouyang Xue would have an online IQ all of a sudden.

"We must sign a contract." Ouyang Xue said seriously. "Only by signing the contract can I trust you."

"Contract?" Wen Wan was stunned for a moment, she never thought that Ouyang Xue would come up with such a strange trick.

Seeing her in a daze over there, Ouyang Xue couldn't help feeling complacent.

She is still smarter, signing a contract will have legal effect.

If Wen Wan can't act according to the contract, then she will have to pay the corresponding legal price. At that time, even Li Chen can't help it.

The more Ouyang Xue thought about it, the more complacent she became, and the more she felt that what she did was right.

"How is it? Do you agree?" Ouyang Xue asked.

"Why didn't you agree?" Wen Wan smiled.

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