Wen Wan subconsciously frowned, not sure what kind of medicine Li Chen was selling in this gourd.

"Why don't you eat? Don't you believe me?" Li Chen asked coldly.

The gentle frown deepened, and after some hesitation, she began to eat the pastry.

Seeing that Wen Wan started to eat pastries, Ouyang Moyuan didn't say anything more, and started to eat.

In an atmosphere of silence, the three ate.

After drinking tea after dinner, Li Chen took Wen Wan's arm again and pulled her up from the seat, "It's late, let's say goodbye to Mr. Ouyang."

"But I have other arrangements." Ouyang Moyuan said a little dissatisfied. "I have already arranged the whole itinerary plan, Young Master Li can rest assured that after the itinerary is over, I will send Madam Li back safely."

"Don't worry about it, I will take care of my own woman. What's more, it's too late now, and it's not suitable for her to go out with other men. "

After leaving these words coldly, Li Chen pulled Wen Wan away again.

Originally, Wen Wan was unwilling to leave, but after all, she still noticed that the sharp conflict between Li Chen and Ouyang Moyuan was getting stronger and stronger.

She wanted to resist Li Chen, but she didn't want a conflict between Li Chen and Ouyang Moyuan.

Thinking of this, Wen Wan turned around and smiled at Ouyang Moyuan, "Ouyang, I had a great time today, thank you for your hospitality, next time you go to Jiangcheng, let me be your guide and play around with you .”

Waving at Ouyang Moyuan, without waiting for him to say anything, Wen Wan shook off Li Chen's hand and took the initiative to go outside.

Seeing this, Li Chen didn't waste any more time, turned his head and took a deep look at Ouyang Moyuan, then turned around and chased Wen Wan out.

Having already caught up with Wen Wan outside, Li Chen directly grabbed her arm from behind and walked towards a car parked on the side of the road in the diagonal.

She was so gentle that she didn't struggle, but followed him obediently.

After getting in the car, Wen Wan automatically fastened her seat belt, then turned her head and looked out the window, acting as if she didn't want to talk to Li Chen at all.

What surprised Wen Wan was that Li Chen was not angry, he directly drove the car and drove away.

After 2 minutes, Wen Wan realized something was wrong, this was not the direction to return to the hotel at all.

But she didn't ask, anyway, it's already broken for her now.

So, where is Li Chen taking her, and what is there to be nervous about?

Never kill her.

Wen Wan simply closed her eyes directly, and for a moment she didn't see anything.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the car came to a steady stop with a creak.

Only then did Wen Wan open her eyes, she looked outside and found that Li Chen had brought her to the beach.

There is a sea near the imperial capital, but it is a bit far away from the imperial capital, Wen Wan never expected that Li Chen would bring her here.

"Get out of the car." Li Chen said coldly.

Wen Wan didn't oppose him, she just opened the door and got out of the car.

After getting off the car, Li Chen came over directly, grabbed Wen Wan's arm, and led her to the beach.

After standing still, Wen Wan directly patted Li Chen's hand holding his arm away a little rudely, "What exactly do you want?"

"What exactly do you want? I should be the one asking you this question." Li Chen roared angrily.

Suddenly, he grabbed Wen Wan's neck, leaned towards her slowly, leaned against her face, and shouted in a cold voice: "You keep in touch with Ouyang Moyuan again and again, do you treat me as a dead person? "

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