Erosion Bone Pet Marriage: Good morning, my wife

Chapter 942 She Was Wearing a Wedding Dress

"She was wearing a wedding dress—"

When he raised his head again, Gu Nanshu's eye sockets were already slightly red.

Lu Jingchen frowned slightly, and his mind returned to the dinner at the Nan Mansion a few days ago.

At that time, he was waiting for Gu Nanshu's peace call with all his heart, so he never paid attention to Concubine Shi's makeup.

Thinking about it now... that woman seemed to be dressed a little grandly.

"Boss Lu also wears a neat suit." Gu Nanshu bit the corner of his mouth stubbornly, "Those who know are that Third Brother Xie is engaged, but those who don't know think that you, Boss Lu, are getting married again!"

Lu Jingchen's originally frowning brows suddenly eased a lot, and a little imperceptible look overflowed from his gray pupils: "So, my second marriage made my ex-wife feel uncomfortable?"

"Green response! Of course reflex!"

Gu Nanshu didn't bother to hide it, "I haven't even had a second marriage yet, why should I let my ex-husband take the lead?!"

"Besides, when did Concubine Shi sign with Lu Entertainment?!"

"Pick and count the time with your fingers, Mr. Lu must have found a spare tire long ago, right?!"

"Obviously I proposed the divorce, but in the end it was calculated by you, Mr. Lu! Do you think I should be angry?!"

Lu Jingchen said, "Yes."

After a short word, he hugged the woman in front of him into his arms and hugged her tightly, as if wishing to merge with her, "You should! You should be angry! You should be angry!"

But you shouldn't, you're angry, but you refuse to tell me!

"Lu Jingchen! Let go of me! What are you doing?!"

Gu Nanshu's anger didn't dissipate at all, his fists landed on Lu Jingchen's chest like embroidered pillows.


Lu Jingchen raised his head, and the beautiful shadow reflected in his pupils was blurred and layered with smiles, "My wife is angry, I can coax her, can't I?"

Gu Nanshu held his breath in his heart, it was already unbearable.

When he opened his mouth, the soreness in her eyes reached the extreme for a moment, and the tears fell down one by one: "Who is your wife now?!"

"Lu Jingchen, don't forget...we're already divorced!"

"This time it's not just the divorce agreement, this time I even got the divorce certificate!"

"Lu you understand that we can't go back anymore!"

Gu Nanshu lay on the man's shoulder, crying hoarsely.

When she came back from Tongzhen, she felt a sigh of relief in her heart, thinking that secretly applying for the divorce certificate without telling Lu Jingchen would relieve her anger, but after sending the divorce certificate, she found out... It wasn't Lu Jingchen who was in trouble, it was obviously Herself!
"Why can't you go back?"

Lu Jingchen put her back on the seat and looked at her seriously: "Silly girl, you have been in Sucheng No. [-] all day, and all you know is that you are lying on the bed alone, so you can't look through the pages I left for you. s things?"

Gu Nanshu was stunned.

Lu Jingchen then entered the room again, took out the safe by the bed, and threw it on the dining table in front of Gu Nanshu.

The safe is open, the combination lock of the cabinet seems to be broken, and the door has not been closed.

Gu Nanshu had already noticed it a long time ago, but during the divorce, she left Sucheng No. [-] to Lu Jingchen, so she didn't want to touch anything about him.

In front of her, Lu Jingchen took out two red books from the safe, threw them in front of her, and wrote casually: "Open it and have a look."

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