Huo Jinbai didn't answer her words, staring at Weibo trending searches without saying a word.

Not long after, he left the ward directly.


Fu Shengyuan moved back to the Ritz-Carlton the next day.

The medical facilities of Tongzhen Central Hospital are too poor. In contrast, Fu Shengyuan's long-term hotel in Jincheng has more complete medical equipment.

Song Yinan said that telling Fu Shengyuan about people and events in the past might stimulate his brain and help wake him up.So Gu Nanshu would stay by Fu Shengyuan's hospital bed for two hours every day.Or read the travel notes he wrote down, or chat and talk about interesting things about their college days.

Gu Nanshu himself rented an apartment near the Ritz-Carlton, which was close enough to avoid suspicion.

In the afternoon, she finished reading to Fu Shengyuan and was about to leave, but was stopped by Shen Yue who had been squatting at the door of the suite.

"Miss Gu, can I spare you a few minutes?"

Compared with Song Yinan's violent temper, Shen Yue seemed much calmer.Since Fu Shengyuan fell into the river, he has been handling the affairs of the DFO on behalf of Fu Shengyuan in an orderly manner.

Gu Nanshu nodded: "I know that Secretary Shen has been contacting foreign experts. Is there any new progress in A Yuan's illness?"

"I've been in contact with St. Peter's Hospital, and I've also consulted foreign authorities in neurosurgery and cardiac surgery, but the president's situation is very complicated, and no one dares to give a 100% safe operation plan." Shen Yue tightened his grip. Eyebrow, "I stopped Miss Gu today mainly because Dr. Song made a new assessment of the president's body."

Gu Nanshu frowned: "How is it?"

"The result was very bad." Shen Yue shook his head, "I thought the president was just in a coma, but Dr. Song found that his heart function was declining rapidly in the past two days. If he can't find a suitable source of heart within a month, the president will be in the hospital. Died of heart failure in a coma."

"One month..." Gu Nanshu's eyes widened, apparently unacceptable.

"Yes, a month at most."

Shen Yue sighed, "But in a month's time, how easy is it to find the source of your heart?! Ms. Gu may not know that the president has panda blood, which also brings difficulties to the matching. It is even more difficult, and the president wants to endure it." After this calamity, the chances are slim.”

Gu Nanshu's heart tightened all of a sudden, guilt and self-blame filled her heart.

She lowered her head and didn't even have the courage to look directly into Shen Yue's eyes: "It's my fault. Damn it, it's obviously me!"

"I stopped Miss Gu, not because I wanted to hear Miss Gu blame herself and apologize." Shen Yue said while passing the folder in his hand, "Miss Gu, take a look at this."

Gu Nanshu tried his best to suppress his emotions, took the folder, and opened it.

This is a wedding planner.

"This is..." Gu Nanshu raised his eyes, frowning and looking at the other party.

Shen Yue's face was serious and serious: "I believe Miss Gu must still remember that the CEO once proposed to you, and he said that he would set up a venue in the South Mansion on the sixth day of next month to marry Miss Gu. Whether Miss Gu agrees or not For his marriage proposal, he will wait for you at the wedding site and wait for you all the time. This is the wedding planning of the South Mansion, which was done by the president himself a week ago. "

Of course Gu Nanshu remembered what Fu Shengyuan said, but she never thought of marrying him at the beginning, so she didn't take it seriously.

"Did he really set the venue?"

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