An hour later, the Xie family's fleet arrived in a hurry and salvaged the downstream of the Nanjiang Bridge and the entrance of Nanjiang Bay for nearly three hours, but did not find Gu Nanshu.

Unlike last time, Lu Jingchen didn't go into the water, nor did he run around.

From the beginning to the end, he sat on the edge of the Nanjiang Bridge, watching the rescue with cold eyes.

Xie Jing Xing handed over a cigarette, "Don't worry, no news is the best news. Maybe Mrs. Lu hasn't been in the water from the beginning to the end, and calling you is just to get angry with you, or...she Jumped into the river, but was rescued. As you know, Xie’s marine equipment has always been the most advanced in the country. Such small ear clips and mobile phones can be picked up by the patrolling fleet. A person as big as Mrs. Lu ..."


Lu Jingchen raised his eyes, and the maroon pupils shone with a cold light, "What did Brother Xie tell me these things? Do you think I care about that woman?! If she wants to jump into the river, she will jump into the river, and if she wants to die, she will die. If she disagrees, she will die." Divorce, you have to go abroad and run away from home! A woman who has never cared about me, why should I care about her life?!"

"Lao Qi, what's the point of saying these angry words now." Seeing that he didn't pick up the cigarette, Xie Jing Xing retracted his hand self-consciously, took out the lighter and lit it, then took a deep breath, stood quietly, Say no more.

"I'm angry? Heh..."

Lu Jingchen's face turned cold, his eyes were red, and his words became fierce, "This is not an angry word! Now please thank my third brother for running all the way to help salvage, it's just because of her identity as Mrs. Lu! I don't want to be said , My Lu Jingchen's wife committed suicide by jumping into the river, as her husband, I can't even get her dead body!"

"She's dead right now! Why do you want to ruin our Lu family's reputation?!"

"Third brother, she is the one who is sorry for me! I am not at fault at all!"

"I am not wrong!"

"I don't need to regret either!"

"I will never regret it in my life!"

"She thinks that I will live in frustration and self-blame for the rest of my life, she can't think about it!"

"Not only will I not regret it! I am also very happy!"

"Such an annoying wife! A wife who is always thinking about other men! She is finally dead! No need to occupy Mrs. Lu's position anymore!"

"I have raised so many flowers and plants in Jincheng, which one is not as obedient as her Gu Nanshu! Give them a little favor, and they will kneel down and hold me high! Who would be as stupid as her Gu Nanshu?! Sit down Owning the entire Lu family, sitting on all my property and all... love of Lu Jingchen, but she didn't say a word... silently... left it all behind!"

At first, he still complained and resented, but at the end of the scolding, the man sitting by the bridge didn't know what happened, his voice choked up for no reason, and he was almost speechless.

"Abandoned them all! She really abandoned them all... Hehe... Hehe... Not a little bit of reluctance!"

Lu Jingchen raised his arm and punched hard on the bluestone fence beside him, causing the wound on his injured right hand to burst instantly, and the blood smeared, which was particularly glaring.

He got up tremblingly from the ground, then hooked his head and stared at the bottomless river.

"She just made sure that I would be sad because of her death! Heartbroken!"

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