
Lin Yan and Lin Chaoan had arrived earlier, and they were sitting far away, as if they didn't want to see each other.Lin Yan saw Gu Nanshu, and quickly waved to her, saying hello to her, "Sit here! Sit next to me!"

Gu Nanshu was startled, but did not answer immediately, but turned to look at Lu Jingchen.

Lin Yan saw through her thoughts at once, and said to Lu Jingchen with a smile: "Boss Lu, I haven't seen Ah Shu for many years, we could have had a good get together, we stayed in a hotel, chatting until dawn No problem. Mr. Lu didn't give him a chance, so he insisted on choosing this time to come to England, and took my Ashu for nothing. This afternoon, I will borrow Ashu for a while, and the two of them have a private conversation, Mr. Lu will not have a meal Are you reluctant to leave me the time for dinner?"

Lin Yan's mouth is powerful, much more eloquent than Gu Nanshu's.

Lu Jingchen really couldn't hate Gu Nanshu, his girlfriend, so he waved his hand, looked back at Gu Nanshu and said, "Go."

"Then thank you, Mr. Lu."

Lin Yan smiled gently, and immediately pulled Gu Nanshu to sit beside her.

Lu Jingchen sat next to Lin Chaoan, two seats away from Gu Nanshu.

"Since everyone is here, let's go!"

Lin Yan smiled and waved to the waiter at the door.

"Wait a little longer."

Lin Chaoan interrupted suddenly, "There is another distinguished guest who hasn't arrived yet."

Gu Nanshu was slightly taken aback, and looked at Lu Jingchen opposite him with some surprise.

Didn't you say there were only four of them?
Before Lu Jingchen could speak, he heard a clear voice from outside: "Uncle Lin, Jingchen, I just got off the plane, so I kept you waiting for a long time."

Bo Qin was wearing a light-yellow slim dress and a black cardigan. She was obviously dressed in an ordinary way, but she swayed so gracefully when she walked that people couldn't take their eyes off her.

The moment Gu Nanshu met her eyes, his ten fingers clenched tightly for no reason.

Why Bo Qin appeared here, she had no idea.

"Xiaoqin is here, let's start the table, let's serve the food." Lin Chaoan squinted his eyes, and then waved to the waiter at the door.

Lin Yan clenched Gu Nanshu's hand, frowning, apparently also somewhat resistant to Bo Qin's arrival.

Bo Qin sat down beside Lu Jingchen, then smiled and said to Gu Nanshu and Lin Yan: "Ashu, Yan'er, what a coincidence. I made an appointment with Jingchen early in the morning to see Uncle Lin, unexpectedly You're all there. The plane was delayed and almost missed."

Gu Nanshu frowned, and his eyes were condensed into a line.

She made an appointment with Lu Jingchen?

So why did she, Gu Nanshu, come to this so-called dinner?
Because Bo Qin's plane was late?

Is she Lu Jingchen's temporary girlfriend?
The moment he saw Bo Qin, Lu Jingchen's expression was not good, and he said in a cold voice: "Miss Bo has figured out one thing, I didn't ask you out. You came here uninvited."

Embarrassment flashed across Bo Qin's face for a moment, and then she smiled at everyone: "Jing Chen and I have had a fight, don't worry about it."

Gu Nanshu was stunned.

It turned out that they had quarreled.

That's why they appeared in the UK one after the other.

yes!They even went out to sea together two days ago!How could Lu Jingchen change his mind in a blink of an eye?
It turned out that there was an awkwardness again, and I was angry again.

Gu Nanshu didn't know what was wrong with him, his chest was inexplicably congested.That shining sapphire necklace suddenly became a joke. Under the sunlight, it is dazzling... This so-called gift was probably prepared by Lu Jingchen for Bo Qin, right?

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