Don't like sharing the bed with Ah Shu?

Lin Yan was startled, she really didn't know that the relationship between the husband and wife had reached such a dire situation.

Gu Nanshu changed clothes in the bathroom.

Lin Yan walked to the bedside and sat down, flipped through the small ornaments on the bedside, and just caught a glimpse of the trash can by the bedside, where a large pile of discarded alcohol cotton was piled up.

"Ashu, are you hurt?"

Through the translucent glass door, Lin Yan asked.

"No." Gu Nanshu put on his clothes and came out, "Yan'er, don't worry. Speaking of which, Wen Jinnian just wanted to rob me, there's no need to hurt me."

"Oh..." Lin Yan's eyes moved, her mind was full of alcohol cotton.

Since Ah Shu was not injured, what was the alcohol cotton used for?
"Yan'er, I've packed up, let's go." Gu Nanshu picked up his handbag, took Lin Yan's arm, and was about to walk out of the suite.

"Wait." Lin Yan paused, bit the corner of her lips, and asked very reservedly, "Ashu, are you sure that Lu Jingchen told you...that last night?"

Gu Nanshu obviously didn't want to recall what happened last night, rubbed his brows and said: "Last night I took the medicine and was unconscious. The person I met before I passed out was Lu Jingchen. Yan'er, you really don't have to worry about it." I didn't take this to heart... He and I are husband and wife, aren't we?"

"En." Seeing that Gu Nanshu didn't understand her hint, Lin Yan's eyes moved, she responded, and then pulled Gu Nanshu out of the room.


Restaurant on the second floor.

The waiter greeted him first, pointed to the seat in the center of the restaurant, and said, "Miss Lin, Mr. Lin ordered the best seat for you and Miss Gu early in the morning."

The corners of Lin Yan's mouth twitched involuntarily. Just as she was about to refuse, Gu Nanshu tugged at her sleeve and said, "Yan'er, Uncle Lin intends to show his favor, so let's forget about it."

If it were someone else, Gu Nanshu would never let it go.But the relationship between Lin Chaoan and Lin Yan is complicated, after all, there is the grace of nurturing, Gu Nanshu does not want Lin Yan to be embarrassed.

After finishing speaking, Gu Nanshu took Lin Yan to a seat.

Not long after, Lu Jingchen and Lin Chaoan also appeared at the door of the restaurant, walking straight here.

Uncharacteristically, Lu Jingchen gave up those flirty pink and blue shirts, and instead wore a black shirt with a suit. Although he didn't wear a tie, he was much more serious than his usual playboy image.

His suit was open, and two buttons were unbuttoned at the collar of his shirt, revealing his good figure.

The moment Lu Jingchen approached, Gu Nanshu couldn't help tightening his hand holding the knife and fork.

She had many questions in her mind for him to answer.

Why didn't he stay in Jincheng all of a sudden and suddenly appeared in England?
Why did it happen to be in the same hotel as her?
Gu Nanshu was still thinking about it, but Lu Jingchen and Lin Chaoan passed her and Lin Yan and sat down at the table behind.

Although there was a screen between the two tables, they were in the lobby after all, and the voices of Lin Chaoan and Lu Jingchen talking were clearly visible.

"Xiao Chen, it was my nephew who was ignorant last night and was almost rude to Mrs. Lu." Lin Chaoan said in a low voice, "Is Mrs. Lu scared?"

Lu Jingchen was silent for a while, and then said in a low voice: "It's not a big deal for her to be able to travel thousands of miles to England alone and hide in this small town. I found it."

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