Erosion Bone Pet Marriage: Good morning, my wife

Chapter 352 Lu Jingchen's Husband Is Too Easy

Lu Jingchen waved his hand violently, and threw Jiang Meiyun towards the corner of the coffee table!
Unbiased, Jiang Meiyun's forehead slammed against the hard glass, blood flowed profusely in an instant, and she was so embarrassed that she couldn't bear it!
"Grandma, the matter is very clear. This physical examination form is a fake." Lu Jingchen's straight trousers were stained with blood, and he stood straight in front of Jiang Meiyun with his legs, looking down at the people on the ground, "And Ah Shu is likely to be hidden by Auntie!"

"I didn't, I really didn't!"

Jiang Meiyun shook her head again and again.

Lu Jingchen has long hated Jiang Meiyun to the core, he casually touched the fruit knife in the fruit basket, pointed the cold light at Jiang Meiyun's side face: "I don't care if you did it. But Ah Shu only needs one less Fine hair, I will definitely scratch your face!"

"Jingchen, calm down, calm down—"

Jiang Meiyun was so frightened that she shrank to a corner of the sofa, clutching her cheek tightly.


Lu Jingchen threw away the fruit knife in his hand.

"Well done."

After finishing speaking, he left the villa and drove straight to "Qin's Clinic".


Ritz Carlton, Presidential Suite.

Song Yinan called his younger sister Song Xiangsi early, and when Fu Shengyuan carried Gu Nanshu upstairs, Song Xiangsi was already guarding the door.

"The patient fell into a coma."

Song Xiangsi frowned, "There was some bleeding down there, but it wasn't serious. I applied medicine to her, and it would heal within a couple of days. The reason why she fell into a coma is probably the problem here."

As Song Xiangsi spoke, she pointed to her chest.

Fu Shengyuan frowned slightly.

"She has psychological trauma, which is a post-traumatic disorder." Song Xiangsi added.

Fu Shengyuan looked cold and serious, and asked: "Is there any possibility of a cure?"


Before Song Xiangsi opened his mouth, Song Yinan interrupted, with a sneer on his face, "You can guess with your toes that Gu Nanshu's psychological trauma was caused by the overnight stay eight years ago. If she wanted to cure her heart disease, she had to find the man from eight years ago! Either make her fall in love with that man, or destroy that man in front of her, as long as she no longer has any worries about the future, the natural medicine will cure her illness! "

Song Yinan's tone paused, and he looked sideways at Fu Shengyuan: "But old Fu, it has been eight years, and it may not be easy to find that man!"

"Furthermore," Song Yinan frowned, "Are you really willing to go over that old account?"

Fu Shengyuan pursed his thin lips tightly and did not speak.

Song Yinan added: "If you hadn't been stupid eight years ago, Gu Nanshu would have been Mrs. Fu long ago!"

Fu Shengyuan frowned, avoiding Song Yinan's sight, and handed Gu Nanshu's handbag to Shen Yue: "Nannan's ID card and passport are in the bag. Make arrangements and help me buy an air ticket tomorrow morning. I want to take Ah Shu to England to recuperate for a while."

Shen Yue was slightly taken aback, with a little hesitation on his face, and he said tentatively: "President, Miss Gu's current identity is Mrs. Lu after all. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for us to take her abroad on our own. Lu Jingchen is not a good quarrel, I'm afraid he will find someone Come to ask for someone—"

Fu Shengyuan sat down on the edge of the sofa, his face was slightly tired, and his dark eyes were clear.

"It's because of this that I want to find a place with clean ears for Nannan to recuperate." Fu Shengyuan's eyes were light, "It's too easy for Lu Jingchen to be her husband!"

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