Erosion Bone Pet Marriage: Good morning, my wife

Chapter 332 Mrs. Lu is cute even when she is quiet

What is Lu Jingchen doing? !

Gu Nanshu's mind was blank!
The more intense caresses and hugs that followed made her flustered so much that she couldn't control herself.

Lu Jingchen clasped her palm with one hand, and hugged her waist with the other, forcing her body to be close to his chest.

He pried open her white teeth and deepened the kiss without thinking.

Gu Nanshu and Lu Jingchen had never had such an intimate experience, she almost subconsciously whispered: "Lu Jingchen, you..."

It's a pity that before he could say a word, Lu Jingchen swallowed everything in his stomach.

"Close your eyes and don't talk."

Lu Jingchen's tone was three points gentle and seven points domineering, and every word was an unquestionable order.

Probably because of guilty conscience, Gu Nanshu didn't dare to push him away, allowing him to wreak havoc on her lips——

Lu Jingchen seemed to have restrained himself for a long time, kissing deeper and harder, holding her waist tightly until he rubbed the corners of her thin lips into a seductive bright red.

Gu Nanshu gasped heavily.

She heard her heartbeat again.

But this time it wasn't Lu Jingchen's, the rapid heartbeat belonged to her.


There is no rhythm.

Her cheeks were like warm water boiling little by little, and instantly boiled hot, even she herself dared not reach out to touch it.

"Actually, Mrs. Lu is quite cute when she is quiet."

His deep eyes swept across Gu Nanshu's eyes, Lu Jingchen's thin lips slightly curled up, loosened all the restraints on Gu Nanshu's body, turned over, lay down beside Gu Nanshu, quietly looking at the ceiling above his head , chest ups and downs.

Gu Nanshu was silent for a minute, and finally regained his sanity.

She took a deep breath, looked sideways at Lu Jingchen with a smile on her face, "If you heard me right, Boss Lu was praising me just now."

On Lu Jingchen's side face, there was an imperceptible blush, which flashed past.

He stood up, put away all the smiles on his face, and glanced at Gu Nanshu coldly: "A kiss relieved my anger of getting up, Mrs. Lu, you are very lucky today. Next time, you will not be so lucky gone."

Gu Nanshu was only thinking about the mobile phone that fell off the bed just now, and she was not in the mood to continue bickering with Lu Jingchen, so she simply gave in and smiled at Lu Jingchen: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your kindness."

Obviously, her light smile was very useful to Lu Jingchen.

He got up and changed into a white shirt with great mood, stared at the mirror for a long time, buttoned it up, and then turned to Gu Nanshu and said, "I have an email to return, and you can sleep for another half an hour. But In half an hour you must get up and go out to breakfast with me."

Gu Nanshu nodded: "Okay."

When Lu Jingchen turned on the computer, sat down at the side desk, and was about to answer the email, Gu Nanshu straightened his arms and touched the phone under the bed.

Gu Nanshu's mind is full of what Bo Qin said to her last night.

——"Ashu, Ah Yuan is sick."

—— "A Yuan is very ill, I haven't seen him for three days."

—— "Ah Shu, go and see A Yuan. I want to know what happened to him."

——"You go to see A Yuan, and I will tell you the truth eight years ago."

Gu Nanshu stared at Lu Jingchen's back for a long time, and finally couldn't help reaching out and clicking on the message from Fu Shengyuan.

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