Lu Hanli was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed lightly: "You are so bold, aren't you afraid that I will eat two children?"

Lu Jingchen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but didn't speak any more.

Today, even if the person in front of him is his own grandfather, he probably doesn't have the ability to snatch Zhenzhen and Xixi away under his nose.


Lu Hanli coughed lightly, "Okay. I like the kid Zhenzhen, so let him stay here with me for a few days. As for Ah Shu..."

"Grandpa, I will solve the matter between me and Ashu by myself."

Lu Jingchen cut him off.

After all, Lu Hanli is old, and even if he wants to control some things, he is already powerless.What's more, even if he showed up, the boy Ashura might not be willing to appreciate it.

Lu Chengying felt more guilt in her heart, and did not forget to ask: "You can solve it yourself, but there is one thing, she is the mother of two children after all. No matter what, you can't treat her badly."

Lu Jingchen twitched the corner of his mouth: "I have a measure."


In the suite, Gu Nanshu turned on Lu Jingchen's computer, the password was indeed her birthday, and the screen was still the same as before, clean, as if no other woman had contaminated the computer since she left.

Opening the album, it was full of cherished photos. From newborn to full moon, half year old, and one year old, Lu Jingchen created more than ten folders according to the date.

For more than a year, every moment of Xixi's growth has been recorded in the book.

Gu Nanshu flipped through the pages one by one, and the warmth in his heart also permeated.

Xixi in the photo is very happy, almost any moment, her face is full of smiles.


Gu Nanshu only turned a third of the way, and the door of the suite was pushed open.

Lu Jingchen held a pile of clothes in his hands, and stood at the door: "What are you looking at?"

"No... nothing..."

Gu Nanshu was about to close the notebook in a panic, "It's just..."

"It's just looking through Xixi's photos." Lu Jingchen's eyes swept across her face, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but slightly twitch.

"I...I didn't mean to."

Gu Nanshu lowered his head guiltyly, "I just wanted to take a look at the sketch I sent you before, and I just found it..."

"Miss Su doesn't need to explain so much." Lu Jingchen shrugged indifferently, "My daughter is cute. It's normal for others to look at her a few times. I won't take it to heart at all."


Gu Nanshu nodded.

Lu Jingchen approached suddenly, a handsome face magnified infinitely in front of her, "Or, if Ms. Su takes a fancy to any of Xixi's photos and wants to use them as a screensaver, I'll copy them to you."


Gu Nanshu couldn't distinguish his emotions, nor could he tell which of his words were jokes and which were serious.

"of course."

Lu Jingchen paused, "But there are conditions."

"What conditions?"

Gu Nanshu frowned.

She should have guessed it earlier, Lu Jingchen wouldn't take advantage of her so easily.

"Exchange Miss Su's photo."

Lu Jingchen bowed his head, raised her chin with one hand, and said lazily, "Over the past year, where have you been, what kind of scenery have you seen, have you cried, or laughed, any photos are fine. Your A photo can be exchanged for a photo of Xixi."

"Lu Jingchen..." Gu Nanshu raised his eyes and looked straight into the man's eyes, "These things don't mean anything to you at all. Why should you..."

"Gu Nanshu, how do you know that this is meaningless to me?" Lu Jingchen interrupted her, unconsciously raising his voice, "Why do you draw such a conclusion?"

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