"Sleep wherever you like!"

Lu Jingchen said lightly.

Xi Xi nodded as if she understood, then walked into Lu Jingchen's room opposite Lu Jingchen with the doll on the sofa in her arms.

There are only two rooms in this suite, and she occupies one of them. Doesn't Papa have to sleep with Aunt Su?

The reality is not as beautiful as Xi Xi imagined.

Lu Jingchen followed her back to the room, took out a blanket from the closet, and then went back to the living room, intending to spend the night on the sofa.

The corner of Xixi's mouth was trembling with anger: "The wooden fish's head!"

Lu Jingchen glanced over and said coldly, "Go to sleep—"


Lu Jingchen vowed to keep a distance from that woman.

This time, he must not mess up first.

But even though he had warned himself a hundred times in his heart, when it was close to twelve o'clock, he still couldn't help getting up and going into the room to see how Gu Nanshu was doing.

She maintained the previous posture, and the quilt was not kicked off, so she should have slept peacefully.

Thinking that there was no scary slide in her dream, Lu Jingchen was relieved.

When he turned around and was about to leave, he accidentally touched a switch beside him, and the bedside lamp suddenly lit up.

Lu Jingchen frowned, and panicked in his heart, for fear of disturbing the sleeping woman.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

After about half a minute passed, the woman on the bed didn't make any movement, she was still lying peacefully, as if she was really frightened and needed sleep to relieve her.

Lu Jingchen also retracted his hand that was raised in mid-air.

He was in no hurry to turn off the lights.

He walked slowly to the head of Gu Nanshu's bed and sat down sideways.

How long has it been since you looked at her like this?

Lu Jingchen also couldn't remember clearly.

They have been separated for more than a year. Of course, before they separated, most of the time was noisy, on and off... There are very few opportunities to face each other quietly like this.

Staring at the woman on the bed, Lu Jingchen stretched out his hand out of nowhere...

When the thumb was about to touch her cheek, it shivered and retracted like lightning.

Lu Jingchen frowned.

He swore that he would never take a step closer to her!

When she's asleep, can't she count?
She slept so soundly, there was no way she would wake up suddenly...

Tomorrow morning, he can still speak coldly to her!

I don't know how long he struggled, but Lu Jingchen finally held the face that he thought about day and night, but...that face was on fire...it was astonishingly hot.


After half an hour.

The family doctor rushed over in pajamas.

He lowered his head to take Gu Nanshu's temperature, and Lu Jingchen couldn't help asking: "She is very hot, does she have a fever? Does claustrophobia also cause fever?"

"It is possible to have a fever when stimulated."

The doctor paused for a moment, and then looked at the forehead thermometer in his hand: "But I just took a measurement, and Miss Su's temperature is normal, and she doesn't have a fever."

"No fever?!" Lu Jingchen couldn't believe it, "She is really hot, how could she not have a fever?!"

The doctor frowned, and looked back at Lu Jingchen: "Uh... I don't know that Mr. Lu is so nervous, Ms. Su, you two should have an unusual relationship. I wonder if it's convenient for you to touch her chest, armpit and other parts for me, see See if you're sweating."

Lu Jingchen hesitated for a moment, then turned his head and stretched his hand into Gu Nanshu's chest.

"How is it?" The doctor asked next to him.

Lu Jingchen was a little surprised: "I'm sweating. It's not just sweating, but a lot of sweating, and my clothes are soaked."

"Then she's just hot." The doctor smiled, "If Mr. Lu is concerned, he will be in chaos."

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