Erosion Bone Pet Marriage: Good morning, my wife

Chapter 1570 Is little aunt a bad person?

"If there are no other questions, I'll ask the driver to come over now." Lu Jingchen said, "Send Zhenzhen to meet your doctor Jiang."

"No... no need."

Gu Nanshu's face became more and more ugly, "Let Zhenzhen accompany Xixi."

"That's not what Miss Su said just now."

Lu Jingchen raised his eyebrows.

He stood up, walked to the side of the wine cabinet, poured a glass of red wine, shook the glass in his hand, and shook it carelessly, "You just said that you disagree with Zhen Zhen going to the park with Xiao Nuan."

"Lu Jingchen, as long as you have a little conscience, you will not be willing to let the two children be hurt."

Gu Nanshu's eyes were slightly red, "How much you hate me, just come for me."

"Where did all this talk go?" Lu Jingchen lowered his head and took a sip of red wine, "It's just that their little aunt took them out for a stroll."

"I know what kind of person Lu Yunnuan is."

How many times Gu Nanshu almost confessed to Lu Yunnuan and Jiang Meiyun, she still can't forget it.

She has to take medicine now, which is more or less related to their mother and daughter.

"People are not static."

Lu Jingchen lazily left a word, put down the red wine glass, and immediately entered the study.

Lu Yunnuan will come to bring Zhenzhen and Xixi tomorrow, so the dust has settled.


After dinner, Gu Nanshu took Zhenzhen to her room when her aunt gave Xixi a break to take a bath.

She took out a bracelet from the bedside and put it on Zhenzhen carefully.

"Mama, what is this?" Zhenzhen asked.

"Positioning device. Mama can check Zhenzhen's location at any time through this bracelet." Gu Nanshu thought about it for a while, but was still worried, then took off his ear clips, put on a rope, and hung on Zhenzhen neck, "This can also be positioned."

"Oh." Zhen Zhen nodded thoughtfully, "Ma Ma is afraid that I will get lost. Don't worry Ma Ma, if I get lost, I will go to the police uncle. Moreover, my sense of direction is very good, I don't will be lost."

Gu Nanshu smiled perfunctorily.

Zhenzhen said again, "With my little aunt taking us, we'll be fine."

"Zhenzhen." Gu Nanshu supported Zhenzhen's shoulders, his face became more serious, "Don't trust little aunt Xixi."


Zhenzhen was a little surprised, "Is little aunt a bad person?"

What kind of person Lu Yunnuan is now, Gu Nanshu is really not sure, so he just avoids the important thing and said lightly: "Zhenzhen is very smart, he has his own judgment when encountering anything, right?"


Zhenzhen nodded.

"So don't let anyone influence your judgment. Even if she is Xixi's little aunt." Gu Nanshu caressed his face, "Take care of Xixi and don't let her get hurt."


After some education, Gu Nanshu was relieved to let him go to wash and sleep.


The next day, when Lu Yunnuan came, Gu Nanshu was hiding in the room.

Lu Yunnuan's dress was much more conservative than a year ago. She didn't come alone, she was accompanied by a man.

During the pleasantries between Lu Jingchen and that man, she probably knew that the man was a teacher and also Lu Yunnuan's fiancé. In less than two months, the two would get married.

Because of his profession, the man's conversation is extraordinary, and he looks more friendly, so Gu Nanshu relaxed his vigilance a little.

"Goodbye, Papa."

Xixi turned around and kissed Lu Jingchen, then took Zhenzhen's hand and followed Lu Yunnuan out the door.

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