It was nearly eleven o'clock when Jiang Yuanting finished hypnotherapy for Gu Nanshu.

Gu Nan slowly opened his eyes, only to feel that this time was very different from the previous ones.In the past, every time after the treatment, Gu Nanshu felt relaxed, his gloomy mood was swept away, and he could sleep well when he returned home.

Jiang Yuanting frowned, looking at the pocket watch in his hand, hesitating to speak.

"Doctor Jiang, my condition...has it gotten worse?"

Gu Nanshu tentatively opened his mouth.


Jiang Yuanting answered very simply.

"Then you...then why do you have this expression?" Gu Nanshu was a little surprised.

Jiang Yuanting raised his hand and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses, and looked down at her seriously: "I just find it very strange. Obviously your symptoms are weakening, and everything is developing in a positive direction...Why are your emotions so abnormal today... "


"Yes." Jiang Yuanting is a very professional doctor. He has cured countless patients with depression. Su Yi's condition is not the most serious. He is absolutely sure to cure her. It's just her reaction today...

"Why am I abnormal?" Gu Nanshu couldn't help asking.

"You mentioned that person again. I'm very emotional. If I hadn't stopped in time, I'm afraid you would be trapped in this nightmare." Jiang Yuanting knelt down and looked up at her seriously, "Su Yi, tell the truth Have I, the person in your dream, come back?"


Gu Nanshu's throat was instantly blocked by a boulder, sore and unbearable, unable to speak.

"Tell me. Tell me, so I can help you get out." Jiang Yuanting was persuasive.

He looked at her with tenderness in his eyes.

If he hadn't accidentally heard the name "Lu Jingchen" when he was hypnotizing her, and heard the joy, anger, sorrow and joy that this name brought to her, at this moment, he would have already confessed his love to her and proposed to her.


After a while, Gu Nanshu nodded with difficulty: "I met him again. As I told you before, I have an ex-husband...he...he came to Beicheng. He lives in this community."

On Jiang Yuanting's face, the two emotions of suddenness and loss intertwined for an instant, and then he returned to a warm smile with a spring breeze on his face: "That's good, I was going to pass this hurdle. I will walk with you and completely forget about it. he."

When Jiang Yuanting said "forget about him", Gu Nanshu's heart trembled inexplicably, feeling a little sore and uncomfortable.

If possible, she would rather that person be buried in her heart for a long time, and she does not want to forget him for the sake of treatment.


"It's getting late, Dr. Jiang, thank you. I have to go home quickly."

Gu Nanshu glanced at the phone, got up and planned to leave.

"It's too late, just stay at my house." Jiang Yuanting called her to stop.

"Doctor Jiang..." Gu Nanshu froze in place, a little at a loss.

It's not that she can't feel Jiang Yuanting's affection for her, but she is really afraid, afraid that one day he will recklessly confess his love to her, and the friendship she has worked so hard for for so many days will be destroyed in one day.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to take advantage of you." Jiang Yuanting smiled, "This is part of the treatment."

"Part of the treatment?" Gu Nanshu breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Yuanting walked slowly to the window and stood with his hands behind his back: "Didn't you say that? Your ex-husband also lives in this community. If you don't live here, how can you completely overcome the demon in your heart?"

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