While talking, Lily took out her own Armani Zhenggonghong and planned to paint it on Gu Nanshu's mouth, "Come on! I'll help you paint! Either of us hooks up with him! Go rich! Don't forget each other! "

Gu Nanshu subconsciously raised his hand to block her: "I... I'd better forget it..."

Fearing that Lily would get angry, he bit the bullet and explained: "I still have children at home. People will definitely look down on me."

"Who said that! I've already inquired about it! Our big client today also has children! He's also divorced! Don't dislike anyone, right?"

Lily squinted her eyes and smiled, "I heard that this time, he brought his daughter here too. If he really likes you, maybe your son and his daughter can play together!"

Gu Nanshu smiled awkwardly: "Where did you go?"

Lily waved her hand, "Forget it! I think you've been hurt by love because you look so disrespectful! I won't force you! I'll do it myself! You have to cheer me on!"

Gu Nanshu gestured to her: "Come on! Get out of the order as soon as possible!"


After coming out of the bathroom, Lily volunteered to go to the supervisor and asked to receive new customers.

The foreign supervisor glanced at Lily's bright red lipstick, which was slightly coquettish, shook his head in disgust, and said, "I'm afraid it won't work. The other party asked SUY to receive me by name."

"Would you like SUY to receive the roll call?"

"Would you like me to receive the roll call?"

Gu Nanshu and Li Li spoke in unison.

"Yes." The foreign supervisor nodded solemnly, "I have sent all of your works to the other company for viewing. The other company is curious about SUY's design style and would like to chat with you face to face. You are in the exhibition hall now, and I will show you past."

"But... But my performance is very average, I have never received such a big client..." Because of Li Li's relationship, Gu Nanshu tried to evade it as much as possible.

The foreign supervisor shrugged: "There is always a first time."

"Okay! You go! I'm not that stingy!" Li Li secretly pushed Gu Nanshu behind her back, "Isn't he just a rich man! He doesn't like my design, which means that I have nothing to do with him. A common language! We have so many customers in our company, in the future... I will have plenty of opportunities! You are different! You precious mother... it is rare to be seen by others—"

"What nonsense!"

The corner of Gu Nanshu's mouth twitched, "I just read my work, and you said it like this..."

"Okay, okay! I'm not joking with you! An advance payment of [-] million yuan! Get it for me! From him, you can at least earn hundreds of thousands of commissions! You don't need to pay the money you owe Worried!"

Li Li urged.

Gu Nanshu nodded accordingly.

Yes, she urgently needs the commission.

At the beginning, the Gu family gave up everything in Jincheng, canceled their accounts, buried their names, and came to Jincheng to develop, but their parents were old and could not find a job at all. Both her brother and her were in poor health, and there was still a child to raise, who would not be born in three years. In just a few months, they spent all their savings over the years.

In order to treat her illness, my brother borrowed a lot of foreign debts.

Gu Nanshu knows that only if he earns enough money can his brother not have to work so hard.


While speaking, the foreign supervisor had already led her to the front hall.

When he walked to the entrance of the exhibition hall, he stopped and said to Gu Nanshu: "SUY, I won't go in. Mr. Lu is our big customer, I hope you will do your best to win this order."

"Lu... Mr. Lu?"

For some unknown reason, Gu Nanshu's heart skipped a beat for no reason.

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