When Lin Ruo went out to answer the phone, she never expected that Mrs. Lu and Mr. Lu would fight in the lobby on the first floor!
Xie Hui had already grabbed Lu Jingchen, Lin Ruo hurried to help Gu Nanshu on the ground.

"Where is Yan'er?! Is Zhenzhen with her?!"

A hint of surprise appeared on Gu Nanshu's face. Regardless of Lu Jingchen's obstruction, he broke free from Lu Jingchen's shackles, rushed to Lin Ruo's side, and tugged at his sleeve, "How are they? Are they okay? "

"I don't know the situation."

Lin Ruo supported her while shaking her head, "I just found out the surveillance, and I'm still tracking Miss Lin's location."


While speaking, a crisp sound came.

Lin Ruo glanced at the screen of the phone, and her face suddenly became gloomy.

Gu Nanshu noticed his abnormality, and couldn't help but continue to ask: "What about now? Have you found Yan'er's location now?!"

Lin Ruo's hand holding the phone trembled slightly, her eyes avoided, she didn't dare to look directly at Gu Nanshu!
He turned his face sideways, his eyes almost met Lu Jingchen's, his expression was extremely embarrassed.

Xie Hui, who was at the side, felt his heart skip a beat, anticipating that something serious had happened, and hurried out to smooth things over: "Madam! Brother Xie has already sent someone to investigate! Whether your guess is true or not, as long as Zhenzhen is still alive, thank you The third brother will definitely be able to bring Miss Lin and Zhenzhen back together! Ma'am, your hand is injured, I will take you to Rising Hospital, bandage it first!"

Where did Gu Nanshu hear this, all his heart was on the news that Lin Ruo had just received!

In the blink of an eye, she got rid of Lin Ruo's support, and raised her hand to grab Lin Ruo's cell phone: "Give me—"

She scolded coldly!
Lin Ruo was vigilant about the wound on her palm, and didn't dare to snatch it by force. She could only watch Gu Nanshu snatch the phone.

The atmosphere in the entire lobby dropped to freezing point in an instant, and the forest was terribly freezing.

Lu Jingchen remained calm, with a gloomy and indifferent expression, which made it difficult for people to see through his thoughts.

As for Lin Ruo and Xie Hui, the two assistants, their brows were already knit into a ball, trying to stop something, but unfortunately they couldn't do what they wanted.

Gu Nanshu stared at the content of the short message, his face turned pale in an instant.

The text message showed that Lin Yan broke into the South City Grand Canyon alone two days ago, and there was no news for two whole days.

And in the past two days, there was a thunderstorm in Nancheng, and the Grand Canyon was even more dangerous. Let alone ordinary people, even specially trained explorers... At this time, they dare not enter the mountain easily!
These are not the point, the most desperate are:

Just last night, Lu Hanli took a flight and went to Nancheng.There were a total of six people accompanying him, all of whom were close friends who had followed him for many years.

In the past, Lu Hanli was away from home for many years, and Gu Nanshu never cared about where he was doing.

The background of the Lu family is very complicated, and she will never ask unless others tell it.

But this time, Gu Nanshu couldn't help being afraid.

Yan'er's appearance in Nancheng can be interpreted as she found Zhenzhen's whereabouts.

Then Lu Hanli followed closely behind, took a flight to Nancheng with his cronies... and why?

"Maybe it's just a coincidence!"

Among the people present, only Lin Ruo saw the content of the text message.While explaining aloud, he gave Xie Hui his eyes, "It may be just a coincidence that Miss Lin and Mr. Lu appeared in Nancheng at the same time! Now that Mr. Xie has brought his men to rush there, he will definitely find Miss Lin!"

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