"It hurts—"


"Why am I here?!"

"Where is Zhenzhen?! Where did Zhenzhen go?"

Gu Nanshu curled up into a ball, her hair was covered with messy black hair, which almost covered half of her face, making her unable to see her expression clearly.But even so, her hoarse voice showed her pain all the time!

"Quick! Call Dr. Bell!"

Song Yinan was the first to react, and grabbed a nurse behind him casually, "Call Dr. Bell!"

Fu Shengyuan raised his hand to strangle his wrist, and his originally light eyes suddenly became very sharp, "Why did you call Bell here?! As I said, he is no longer Nan Nan's psychiatrist!"

"Old Fu! Can't you see it?! Lin Ruo mentioned Lu Yuzhen's name in front of her! She was greatly stimulated! With such a reaction, she might break out of hypnosis and wake up at any time! Wait When she thinks about everything, it’s too late! It’s too late to call Bell now!” Song Yinan’s eyes turned hard, “Or just give her a sedative injection and let her sleep peacefully!”

"You hypnotized Mrs. Lu?!"

Lin Ruo suddenly realized, "Are you crazy?! You are breaking the law by doing this!"

"Zhenzhen! Zhenzhen——"

Lin Ruo and Song Yinan confronted each other fiercely, and Gu Nanshu on the hospital bed became more and more out of control, shouting the name "Zhenzhen" with all his strength, his voice was hoarse, and the dusty memory seemed to break out of the ground at any moment.

"Doctor Bell is here!"

The little nurse outside the door yelled, and a foreign doctor hurried over here, holding the medicine prepared earlier in the morning.

"Old Song, stop it."

Fu Shengyuan's black pupils were as deep as the sea.

"Impossible! You are going to have an operation soon!" Song Yinan said while taking the medicine from Dr. Bell, and walked quickly into the ward.

Fu Shengyuan frowned, and he raised his hand to pull out the intravenous indwelling needle on his wrist. The thick and long needle was aimed at his neck artery, "Old Song, try moving a hair of her! The Song family DFO can afford everything you want, but if I die, you won’t get anything!"

"Old Fu..." Song Yinan looked at him in disbelief.

Fu Shengyuan's tone was calm: "You have done so much for me, isn't it just for the future of the Song family? Stop it. As long as you stop, I will fulfill you. New and old grudges will be written off. Some things, if I don't say it, it doesn't mean I have no idea."

A trace of panic flashed across Song Yinan's eyes, and the next second, the hand holding the medicine shook, and the needle fell to the ground.

During their dispute, the woman on the hospital bed suddenly calmed down.

No more shouting, no more pain hammering the wall.

Instead, he covered his face and bowed his head, sobbing in despair.

Fu Shengyuan stood up from the wheelchair, walked slowly to the edge of the hospital bed, and carefully wrapped the woman on the hospital bed into his arms.

"A Yuan, my child, my child..."

He raised his hand to brush the hair from the woman's face, and the originally plain face was already stained with tears.

Gu Nanshu's eyes are red, but they are clearly in focus. She is no longer the obedient puppet girl she was a few days ago, "My Zhenzhen, my Zhenzhen was buried by him in the back mountain of Lu's old house. He said , he killed Zhenzhen with his own hands! He is so cruel!"

Fu Shengyuan wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and his tone seemed to be comforting, but it seemed that he was just stating the facts: "Zhenzhen is not dead. I know Lu Jingchen's character well, and he is reluctant."

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