"It's nothing." Gu Nanshu suddenly clenched his hand, "I'm just..."

"The Qingxia Mountain incident almost killed people. Helicopters and rescue teams were mobilized, and various media also reported it. I knew I couldn't hide it from my father-in-law and mother-in-law, so I just told them the truth." Lu Jingchen cut her off first. "I know you don't want to go back now because you are afraid that they will be worried. But if they don't see you all the time, and they have no idea, they will be more worried."

What Gu Nanshu wanted to say was all stuck in his throat.

"Go back." Lu Jingchen's usual cold voice was much gentler, "Father-in-law and mother-in-law have called several times to inquire about the situation, although they know that your life is not in danger, they still want to come to the hospital to see you over and over again. You were in a coma before, so I kept it a secret, saying that I would take you back for dinner today..."

Gu Nan opened his mouth and sighed softly, "Okay."

Escaping is really not the way, if she doesn't say some things, she is afraid that she will never be able to face her father in the face again for the rest of her life.


Gu's old house.

As soon as Lu Jingchen's car drove into the yard, Gu's mother came out nervously.

"Where is Ashu? How is Ashu? Is there any injury?"

As soon as Lu Jingchen got out of the car, Gu's mother stepped forward to ask questions, with anxiety written all over her face.

It wasn't until Gu Nanshu pushed open the rear door and got out of the car that Mama Gu's heart that had been hanging on her finally fell to the ground.

Gu Nanshu stepped forward, grasped her hand tightly, and comforted her: "Mom, I'm fine, I just suffered a little injury. With Ah Chen by my side, I'm almost healed. I'm not used to the food in the hospital. I want to eat your cooking."

"Okay...okay!" Gu's mother looked her up and down, but she didn't see any trauma, so she hurriedly pulled her into the room, "Tell mom what you want to eat, and mom will make it for you at night! I'll make it up for you!"

"Thank you, Mom." Gu Nanshu smiled slightly.

"Stupid child!" Gu's mother stroked her long hair, her tone full of helplessness.

As soon as he entered the gate of the main house, Gu Nanshu's eyes immediately met with Gu Wenchang's.

Gu Wenchang walked to the door to meet them, and put a little smile on his usual serious face: "Ah Shu is back?"

Hearing him call her name, Gu Nanshu's face became unnatural for a moment, pulling the corners of his mouth stiff, trying to restrain the emotions in his heart, and called "Dad".

Then, she turned her head and talked to Gu's mother: "Mom, Xixi! I want to die Xixi!"

Lu Jingchen followed suit: "If you want to talk about it, I think about it more than Ashu. Xixi and I have been separated for too long."

Gu's mother smiled: "Xixi is sleeping in Ah Shu's room! I just put her to sleep! Don't go in now, so as not to wake her up! Unfortunately, that child is the same as Ah Shu when he was a child. He sleeps very lightly. If there is a slight disturbance, you will wake up with a start, crying and making noise..."

"My mother-in-law is so lucky these days." Lu Jingchen said.

"It's hard work, but I'm willing." Gu's mother smiled, and then pulled Lu Jingchen to sit on the edge of the sofa, "Achen, don't just stand there! Go play chess with your dad! He has been yelling for a long time, Said that no one played chess with him! It was hard to wait until you came back..."

After a pause, Gu's mother turned to Gu Nanshu and said, "Ashu, come with me, cut some fruit, make some tea, and send them there. Let Ah Chen accompany your father and have a good discussion."

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