Do not!
of course not!

The scourge will last for thousands of years!
A scourge like Lu Jingchen will live to be a hundred years old if he doesn't live to be a thousand years old!

He won't be really sick!

He did it on purpose!

Deliberately getting rain under her nose!

To make her feel uneasy on purpose!

Maybe he had asked the doctor a long time ago, maybe he knew that her eyesight would recover!

The more Gu Nanshu thought about it, the more confused his thoughts became, and his heart was like a mess!

Sioux City One.

There are three or five doctors around the master bedroom, and there are a bunch of medical staff outside, with all kinds of testing equipment with them.

Standing by the crib, Lu Jingchen watched the nurse wipe off "Zhenzhen"'s nosebleed, and then wet the child's mouth and nose with a cotton swab.

With a sullen face, he suppressed his voice and asked, "What's the matter? He has had nosebleeds for three days in a row."

"Maybe it's a fire."

The attending doctor said, "I heard from Secretary Xie that this child was fed breast milk before, but recently switched to formula milk. Probably because he is not used to milk formula."


Lu Jingchen was stunned for a moment.As a new father, of course I don’t know that there is such a big difference between eating formula and breastfeeding.

Thinking of Lan Keke, who has to put on makeup every day and wear such heavy chemicals... Lu Jingchen doesn't think it will be healthier for a child to eat her milk.

In contrast, he hopes that "Zhenzhen" will eat milk powder.

"Yes, many children are not used to milk powder." The attending doctor nodded.

"Is there a solution?" Lu Jingchen cut to the chase.

The doctor in charge smiled: "It's very easy, just let the child's mother continue to breastfeed. How to feed in the past, how to feed now. This situation will naturally disappear."

Lu Jingchen frowned fiercely, "What else?"

The attending doctor bowed his head and stopped talking.

Lu Jingchen nodded and signaled: "Understood. Go back. I hope you will keep your mouth shut about what happened tonight."

The nurses and doctors took the red envelopes from Xie Hui and left in a hurry.

On the contrary, the attending doctor saw that Lu Jingchen was in a dilemma. When he walked to the door, he withdrew and said, "In this age group, getting angry is the most common diagnosis. Of course, it can't be ruled out that it's a blood disease. I've already taken the child's blood sample. The test results will be available in two days. If Mr. Lu feels that breastfeeding is inconvenient, he might as well wait for the report before making a decision."


Lu Jingchen nodded indifferently.

The outsiders in the master bedroom walked away, and Xie Hui stepped forward cautiously and asked, "President, do you want to let Miss Lan know about this? After all... Miss Lan is the mother of the child. If the child is not used to milk powder, It's not a problem if you keep getting angry and crying at night with nosebleeds."

"What do you want to say?"

Lu Jingchen showed displeasure, "Are you asking me to invite that woman to Sioux City One?!"

"No... that's not what I meant." Xie Hui shook his head again and again.Then who is Lan Keke? The few incidents she had with the president back then almost made the wife collapse from anger.If Lan Keke lives in Sioux City No. [-] and lets his wife know...then the president will never be able to ask his wife's forgiveness for the rest of his life.

He thought for a while, and then said: "Anyway, my wife is not in No. [-] Sioux City now, and it is really inconvenient for the president to be a big man to take care of the child. Why don't you send 'Zhenzhen' back to Ms. Lan and let her take care of her for a while After all, it is her own, and she will definitely take good care of it."


Lu Jingchen interrupted him in a cold voice, "In the eyes of Ashu, this child is Zhenzhen. If Lan Keke does something wrong and loses the child, it's not others but Ashu!"

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