Lu Jingchen's hands froze in the air, trembling undetectably.

What kind of person is Third Brother Xie? In his early years, he was in the messiest place. He suffered numerous gunshot wounds and knife wounds. Killing and arson meant nothing to him... But right now, he didn't even let him turn on the light.

The pungent smell of blood reminded Lu Jingchen of what happened in this room just now, what Fu Shengyuan said in the elevator was more like a bayonet, stabbing his heart out again and again.

What Fu Shengyuan said was absolutely right!
It's obviously him, Lu Jingchen, who wins people's love, but he doesn't cherish it!

The backhand was a punch, and Lu Jingchen hit the switch hard!

The dark space suddenly became extremely bright.

The bloodstains and bloody water all over the ground were so bright red that he could barely open his eyes.

On the floor, on the coffee table, on the table, as well as on the door frame of the kitchen and the refrigerator, there are bright red five finger marks all over... No need to ask, you can think of Ah Shu's despair at that time.

"The siblings are being rescued in the bedroom."

Xie Jing Xing failed to stop him from turning on the light, so he sighed helplessly, "It's my fault, when I received your call, I was at sea, and by the time I got back, it was already late."

"I'll go in and see her—"

Lu Jingchen's fingers were cold, he didn't dare to raise his head, he didn't dare to look directly at everything in the room, so he bravely walked towards the bedroom.

But when I lifted my foot, what I couldn't avoid was a blood-stained tile——

Xie Jing Xing stopped him: "Don't go in. The siblings are bleeding profusely and are in a hurry, you will only add to the chaos if you go in. If you stay, I still have something to say to you."


The pupils tightened suddenly, and Lu Jingchen's jaw tensed into a line.

"You should know that twins are at high risk. There is a possibility of dystocia and massive bleeding. What's even worse, the police found this in a trash can..." Xie Jingxing handed the medicine box in his hand to Lu Jingchen, "This is labor-inducing medicine. Before the accident, the younger brother and sister should have been given a lot of oxytocin drugs, and they had an attack without any medical staff. She had to give birth by herself."

"In addition, my medical team detected ethambutol that has not been metabolized in the blood of my younger brother and sister. If I guess correctly, the reason why the scene was so because the younger brother and sister had blurred vision before giving birth , I can’t see clearly.”

"The bedroom is full of broken porcelain, and the feet of the siblings are all tied up everywhere. It is because of the children that she will crawl out of the bedroom...trying to go out to ask for help..."

"Unfortunately, some people have calculated too hard and put a lock on the outside of the door, so she can't get out of this apartment at all—"

There was a trace of compassion in Xie Jing Xing's eyes, "Lao Qi, I know you have a bad heart, I shouldn't have told you these things, have the right to know."

Lu Jingchen clenched his hands into fists by his side, his eyes were bloodshot, and the light and shadow were filled with moisture, his voice was hoarse to the extreme: "That lock... that lock is what I left behind. -"

Yes, it was the lock he left that made Ah Shu completely lose the chance of escape!
"It's all because of me. It's all because of me!"

He is like a crazy leopard, if the person who hurt Ah Shu was standing in front of him, he would have been torn to pieces by his bare hands right now!
"Don't think about it."

Xie Jing Xing patted him on the shoulder, "Even without the lock you left behind, the other party still thought of other ways to trap the younger brother and sister. I checked, and the phone of the younger brother and sister was set to airplane mode, and she had no chance to make a call at all Help. The other party is strangling all her hope of life, and has no intention of giving her a way out."

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