Erosion Bone Pet Marriage: Good morning, my wife

Chapter 103 Gu Nanshu Was Stuck in His Throat With One Word

Gu Nanshu was stuck in his throat by his words.

Without waiting for a response, Lu Jingchen tore off the tie in front of her, threw the tie into the laundry basket, and then went into the bathroom with a strong temper.

Through the frosted glass door, Gu Nanshu could vaguely hear the sound of splashing water.

This is……

You've been out drinking all night, and you haven't taken a shower yet, right?

Gu Nanshu frowned unconsciously.

Taking advantage of the time when Lu Jingchen was taking a shower, she quickly arranged her clothes, got out of bed, and headed for the study in the back room.

Lu Jingchen's study room and bedroom are connected, because the husband and wife have been sleeping in separate beds for a long time, in order to prevent irrelevant people from finding out, Lu Jingchen has always slept in the study room.

Of course Gu Nanshu didn't think he was pitiful.

Because after a whole year, the nights that Lu Jingchen stayed at home were few and far between.

Gu Nanshu was slightly stunned as he dug out one contract after another from the stacked file storage box.

Lu Jingchen usually looks drunk and absent-minded, but this document storage box is really organized.Thousands of contracts are sorted by industry and year, stacked one by one, and the date of signing is hung with a paper clip on the corner for easy search.

Gu Nanshu quickly turned to the case in July eight years ago.

Eight years ago, in June, Lu Jingchen had just taken over the Lu family. All the checkpoints in the Lu family were blocked by those uncles and cousins. There were only two or three contracts in his hands. In July, the number of contracts soared to more than 20 in an instant, which shows Lu Jingchen's strategizing.

He is a playboy and has constant scandals, but it is undeniable that he graduated from the world's leading institutions of higher learning and receives a full scholarship every year.The aura of the male protagonists in those novels, except for his special feelings, he possesses almost everything.

This kind of man is inherently poisonous, and he will die if he touches it.

So six years ago, when Gu Nanshu caught him in bed for the first time, he completely closed his heart and refused to fall in love with him!
You can give him everything, except love.

Because feelings are the most easily hurt things in this world.

Gu Nanshu has been hurt once, and can't afford to be hurt a second time.

She brought out all the contracts for July, put them on the desk, and flipped through them one by one until she reached the last one... Her long and slender hands, with pale knuckles, trembled and did not dare to flip through them. Download the final signature page.

——[Lu's Tourism Island Project Planning].

There are nine big bold characters on the cover of the contract, which are so clear and dazzling.

And the year and date marked below are more like a mouth full of blood, mockingly trying to swallow all of Gu Nanshu's self-esteem.

Gu Nanshu flipped down the last page with trembling fingers, [Gu Wenchang] signed the three big characters on the lower right corner of the page eloquently, and the date "August 8" attached below was more like a curse, which made Gu Nanshu Stuck in place, unable to move.

August NO.18 eight years ago happened to be the eighth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar.

The day after the Qixi Festival, the day after the Jincheng Overnight Gate incident broke out!

Lu Jingchen had just finished taking a shower, his upper body was naked, his lower body was loosely wrapped in a bath towel, and he directly kicked open the door of the bathroom.

A ray of light from the study came in through the hollow wooden door, making it particularly dazzling.


Almost subconsciously, he pushed open the hollow wooden door, and stared at the woman beside the desk with scorching eyes.

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