Xie thought about it, and sighed: "My wife is a high-risk pregnant woman, but the president seems determined to let her have a smooth delivery. These days, you take her out for a walk, for a walk, to climb the stairs..."

"Secretary Xie, don't worry. I've also given birth to a child, so I understand."

Aunt Sun smiled again and said, "I have a distant relative who is a doctor in obstetrics and gynecology."

"That's good." Xie Hui said, "I'm going to accompany the president on a business trip every two days. My wife is in a bad mood, so you keep an eye on her. Nothing can happen to her and the child, do you understand?"

"Understood." Aunt Sun said again, "I do things, Secretary Xie put your heart in your stomach."

After these words, Xie Hui's heart fell to the ground. Before hanging up the phone, he repeatedly asked Aunt Sun not to let her tell Gu Nanshu about "high risk" and "natural delivery".

Aunt Sun agreed, and then hung up the phone.

Gu Nanshu just came out of the room to pour water, so he couldn't help asking: "Is it Secretary Xie?"

Aunt Sun nodded in embarrassment: "Yes, ma'am."

Gu Nanshu leaned on the wall with one hand, tightened the hand holding the water glass, and asked, "What did Secretary Xie say? Why didn't he call me?"

"Where did Secretary Xie call his wife?!" Aunt Sun deliberately emphasized her tone, "The CEO won't let him get close to his wife. He has no face to talk to his wife. Doesn't the wife know?"


I don't know if it's because the weather is getting colder, but Gu Nanshu stood at the door for a while, and felt cold all over.

Seeing her bloodless lips, Aunt Sun couldn't help showing an imperceptible smile, "Secretary Xie said that the last time I went to the obstetric examination, my wife was judged by the attending physician as a high-risk parturient, and a caesarean section was recommended. Secretary Xie went to ask Passed by the president, but the president said that it is the utmost benevolence to let your wife give birth to a child, and it is absolutely impossible to spend an extra penny on you!"

"High-risk pregnant women..."

Gu Nanshu frowned tightly, "There is still a caesarean section..."

"Yeah! High-risk pregnant women! Didn't my wife see the doctor last time? Didn't the doctor tell you? And the baby in your stomach... hiss..."

Aunt Sun covered her mouth after speaking halfway.

"What happened to the child in my stomach?!" Gu Nanshu held on.

"Ma'am...don't make things difficult for me." Aunt Sun looked aggrieved, "I promised Secretary Xie not to say anything."

"What happened to the child in my stomach?!" Gu Nanshu was still angry. The moment he spoke, the veins on his forehead popped up, and his belly tightened, causing a dull pain.


"Let me tell you! What's wrong with the baby in my belly?!" Gu Nanshu was obviously anxious, with a flick of his wrist, the water glass fell to the ground with a "bang", and the remaining water stains splashed all over her body.

"Ma'am, let me tell you." Aunt Sun said reassuringly, "After all, I have been serving you for so long, and I really can't bear to see a group of people conspire to deceive you. Actually, the result of the last prenatal checkup was very bad ..."

"Very bad?" Gu Nanshu couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"Yes, very bad." Aunt Sun nodded and said solemnly, "I heard from Secretary Xie that the baby is missing two fingers due to the medication in the first trimester, and is a deformed baby..."

"Deformed..." Gu Nanshu staggered and almost fell.

Aunt Sun said again: "Yes, because it is a deformed baby, the CEO never thought about keeping the baby. So even though the doctor in charge judged his wife as a high-risk pregnant woman and suggested a caesarean section, the CEO still insisted that you have a normal delivery..."

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