"Otherwise what?" Gu Nanshu looked up at her with a dazed gaze.

Aunt Sun lowered her voice: "I have a fellow villager. When I was pregnant, my husband cheated on my mistress and let her know. Mistress made trouble every day and sent her ambiguous photos. She just couldn't hold back... Hey, in the end The baby was born with one hand missing and was a deformed baby! According to the doctor, it was caused by her emotional instability during pregnancy."

Gu Nanshu's hand holding the chopsticks tightened inexplicably.

Aunt Sun said again: "Ma'am, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so bad? Don't take what I said, even though you have had a hard time during your entire pregnancy, teratogenicity... is a small probability event after all... ...Besides, you just came back from the obstetric examination today, didn't Secretary Xie say everything is fine?"

"Yes, everything is fine." Gu Nanshu took a deep breath, then tried to pull out a small smile and said, "My babies are so good, they must be healthy."

Aunt Sun gave her chopsticks fish: "Eat more fish, and the children born will be smart."



Thin house.

Bo Qin pushed the chosen ring in front of old Mrs. Bo, and asked with a smile, "Is grandpa still satisfied?"

"Ask me what this old man is doing?" Mrs. Bo said with a smile, "You young people are satisfied, so I am naturally satisfied. I heard that you have told Lu Jingchen everything about the Gu family..."

"I said I did, but..." Bo Qin paused, and then said, "If I don't say it, the result will be the same."

After all, Lu Jingchen has never lost his memory.

She lied about amnesia, but hated Gu Nanshu to the core.

Old Mr. Bo said again: "I also heard people say that you didn't watch it at any time this afternoon, and went to Lu's to watch a good show. Are you satisfied?"

Bo Qin thought of the blood on Gu Nanshu's hands, and how she lay dying on the ground with her big belly, not to mention how happy she was.

"Of course I am satisfied."

After hearing her answer, Mrs. Bo nodded meaningfully: "It seems that Lu Jingchen has really let go of his future and his past. You can start production with the [-] billion loaned by the bank. I don't ask for anything else. I just hope that the Bo family will prosper, and that your child will not be offended if he marries the Lu family in the future."

Bo Qin clenched his hand: "Grandpa, just put your heart in your stomach. Ah Chen treats me well, and no one dares to bully me in the Lu family. I am different from Gu Nanshu. Her six-year marriage management It was a mess, Ah Chen didn't return home for six whole years, and that's why all the mean relatives of the Lu family stepped on Gu Nanshu's head. I absolutely won't allow this to happen. "

"En." Old Mrs. Bo nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "I heard that Mrs. Lu has some complaints about your engagement to Ah Chen?"

"It's not because of the little thing in Gu Nanshu's belly!"

Bo Qin looked hard, "But grandpa, don't worry, in a few days, all these troublesome things can be resolved."

Mrs. Bo is an old fox, and she immediately heard that there was something in her words, and she didn't break it. She just said in a serious voice: "Do it cleanly."



Half an hour later, Qiao Wanwan called.

"Auntie Sun has already started taking medicine. There are still fifteen days before Gu Nanshu's labor, and fifteen days are enough to be effective." Qiao Wanwan said.

Bo Qin shook his head: "I don't want fifteen days. Ask her to increase the dosage, and I want to shorten it to five days."

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