Medical room

Liu Qin nodded slightly at Lin Changqing: "Okay, thank you for your love."

After speaking, Lin Changqing raised his foot and left.

Chen Yue's eyes were slightly red, looking at the back of Lin Changqing walking out, there were crystal drops of water in her eyes, and for a moment, she couldn't control the urge to burst out of her eyes.

She pressed hard to let the mist return to her eyes.

Liu Qin walked to her side and sat down on the stool that had already been prepared close to the bed.

Chen Yue reached out and stroked Liu Qin's hand: "Qinqin, why are you here?"

Feeling a burst of coldness, Liu Qin flipped his hands over and took Chen Yue's hand in his; "Well, I heard about you on the phone and I was a little worried. I wanted to see you..."

"Yueyue, how do you feel now?"

"Qinqin, don't worry, I'm fine now..."

After speaking, Chen Yue looked up at Liu Qin, wanting to give her a bright smile that would make her feel at ease.

Seeing Chen Yue's pale face, his pupils turned red.

Liu Qin's expression froze, a worried look covered his cheeks, and he asked Chen Yue: "Yueyue, why are you crying? Is there something uncomfortable? I'll call for love!"

Chen Yue tightened the fingers she held with Liu Qin, stopped Liu Qin from standing up, and shook her head again: "No need to Qin Qin, I'm not uncomfortable, you sit down, let's chat."

Liu Qin just got up and sat down again.

Chen Yue cleared her throat, and said slowly: "My condition may not be very good, I can feel that my body is getting worse day by day, and the energy in my body is slowly losing..."

Chen Yue paused, sniffled, and continued: "I may not live for too long..."

"But I'm worried about long-term love, and I can't bear to be deep, and you."

Chen Yue's voice was a little sobbing.

Although he had been prepared for a long time, Liu Qin couldn't help feeling sad when he heard Chen Yue say that he might die, and his voice twitched: "No, Yueyue, Changqing is the best doctor in China, and Mr. Feng is the best doctor in the country. Experts in cancer, they will definitely try their best to cure you."

Liu Qin tried hard to suppress the urge to cry, forced back the tears that wanted to burst out of his eyes, and then said slowly: "Don't think too much, take good care of your body, love you so much for a long time, for He, you have to work hard to cooperate with their treatment."

Chen Yue couldn't stop the tears that had been pouring into her eyes, and she sobbed: "I don't want to either, I want to live, I want to grow old with a long love, I want to grow up with a deep love. I have too many dissatisfaction. She, I can't bear my brother..."

Liu Qin embraced Chen Yue, who was choking softly, and wiped Liu Qin's unstoppable tears with one hand: "Yueyue, don't cry, don't be too emotional, it's not good for your health. Deep and so Little, she needs your company. In order to grow up happily, you must work hard and don't be so pessimistic."

Chen Yue buried her head in Liu Qin's arms, tears fell down uncontrollably, and soon wet the clothes on Liu Qin's chest.

Feeling a piece of warm liquid on her chest, Liu Qin's chest felt dull and uncomfortable as if stuffed with cotton, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Liu Qin raised his hand to support his chest, suppressing the discomfort in his heart.

Chen Yue cried for a while in Liu Qin's arms, the fear in her heart was dispelled, she wiped away the tears hanging from her eyes, and looked up at Liu Qin: "You're right, I can't be so pessimistic..."

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