Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 577 Chen Yue is gone

Chen Yue has never felt that time will be as hard as it is now. In the past, the people she thought liked her didn't like herself, so she began to lose sight of the world.

Like, what does what my mother did wrong have anything to do with her?
Why does she have to take on these things for her mother?
The most important thing is that she has gone to compensate those people for her mother. Although she knows that these things cannot give people any psychological comfort, it is not her fault.

The tears in Chen Yue's eyes were suppressed, and a layer of grievance overflowed in his heart.

Chen Yu stretched out his hand and tugged Chen Yue.

"It's just that you still believe that Chang Lin loves you. He just feels that when he was with you three years ago, he was sorry for you and caused your cancer cells to spread. That's guilt."

"No matter how many times he says it, one day he will understand that either he is deceiving himself or others, or he mistook guilt for love."

Chen Yue burst into tears.

The voice is very low: "Brother, I see."

"Can you stop talking? I'm very sad."

The coldness on Chen Yu's face froze, and he said after a while, "What's none of my business?"

Chen Yue held back her tears, and said in a low voice: "Brother, I think it's fine if Lin Changqing doesn't like me, at least he won't be too sad when I die. It's just that he is deeply pitiful."

Her voice was a little nasal: "I always felt that I was very pitiful, so I tried very hard to give a little happiness, but in the end, I didn't tell her when I went out, I chose to come to Uncle Feng, Didn't tell her either."

"People who have contact with me are so unlucky."

"Lin Changqing is unlucky, deeply pitiful, and so is my brother. I am sorry for all the people I like and love..."

The corner of Chen Yu's mouth twitched, he didn't know if he wanted to laugh or to have other emotions, and finally it turned into a breeze and rain: "If there is an afterlife, when you reincarnate, remember to cast a good one. Do you understand?"

Stop being so bitter.

Chen Yue didn't speak, she followed Chen Yu's example and sat down on the ground, leaning against the wall, silent as if she had died.


When Ning Yan went out to smoke a cigarette, he suddenly found that Chen Yue was no longer in the living room.

He didn't think much at first, but after walking two steps left and right, he didn't find anyone, so he realized something was wrong.

Ning Yan asked someone to call Rong Jia and asked, "Where is Chen Yue?"

"Chen Yue? Lin Changqing's little wife?" Rong frame raised his eyebrows, and asked in a low voice: "How do I know, I just need to be optimistic about my own wife."

Ning Yan frowned, and said: "Chen Yue is gone, Lin Changqing doesn't even plan to take his life for Chen Yue, you lost him, even if you save him, what's the use?"

There was no burden in Rong Frame's heart, and he was even in the mood to joke: "What does Young Master Ning mean, I asked my doctor to stop, regardless of Lin Changqing?"

Ning Yan looked straight at Rong frame and said, "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you call your gatekeepers in and ask?"

Content frame: "..."

All the mercenaries he invited were international mercenaries, each of whom came from the hail of bullets. How did they all become gatekeepers when they came to Ning Yan's mouth?

After so many years, Ning Yan is as unlikable as ever.

Rong frame slandered a few words in his heart, but according to his words, he called someone in to question Ning Yan.

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