But Lin Changqing couldn't help but apologized again, and said, "I'm sorry, because of Chen Yue, I have caused you a lot of grievances."

Old Feng shook his head and said, "Okay, I'm getting old, and I don't care so much. You are doing it for her own good, and I understand it in my heart."

Lin Changqing's eyes blurred for a moment.

He turned around and walked into the villa. Lin Changqing stopped Mr. Feng and said, "The key is in the study."

Feng Lao nodded.

When entering the bedroom, Elder Feng found Chen Yue at a glance. She shrank in front of the cabinet, her shoulders trembled, and she knew she was crying.

Old Feng walked over and called Chen Yue's name in a low voice.

Chen Yue raised her head, there were indeed tears in her eyes.

She cried aggrievedly, her eyes seemed to be washed by the heavy rain, and they were crystal clear.

With a stab in his heart, he asked in a low voice: "Yueyue, do you know that you are making trouble for no reason?"

Chen Yue held back her tears and asked in a low voice, "Uncle Feng, did you come here to teach me for Lin Changqing?"

Feng Lao said: "You have your own child. I don't understand. What are you going to do? Shen Shen is your child. Don't you think it's too cruel to see you behind closed doors?"

Chen Yue kept silent, the sadness in her heart became more and more intense, Feng Lao said again: "The deep hands, the red and swollen slaps on the door, why don't you want to see her."

"You just believe that you will die? You should understand that there are many medical miracles, and it is possible for you to be cured. If you believe that you will die early, what is the difference from really dying?"

"You also know that someone wants to kill you. What is the difference between doing this and making your loved ones hurt and your enemies quick?"

Chen Yue's expression was dazed for a moment, she looked blankly at Elder Feng, and Elder Feng said: "Get along with each other more deeply, she is still a child, and she has a lot of vitality in her body, if you get along more, you can improve yourself." will to survive."

Chen Yue shook her head and said: "I want to deeply forget me. She is only three years old and her memory is not fully developed. After a long time, she will forget me. Uncle Feng, I want Chen Yue to forget me." !"


Chen Yue blinked, held back the tears in her heart, and said, "Because I'm sick not only physically, but also mentally!"

"When I was young, I actually went to school, but at that time, you stayed at the Chen family for a while, you should know my mother, she is crazy."

"When I was very young, I went crazy. My dad made a fuss about divorcing my mother. At that time, people in my school said that my mother was crazy and a lunatic."

More than ten years have passed, but when recalling it, Chen Yue still remembers it fresh.

She had a lot of grievances in her heart, flooding and out of control.

"I dare not go to school, because as soon as I go, people will say that I, my mother is crazy, and I am a little crazy!"

Her voice gradually weakened: "At that time, now I really hate myself for being cowardly and incompetent at that time. It doesn't matter if others scold my mother, I hate her too! I think she is a disgrace, she ruined me everything of."

"I don't want to be deeply like me and go through such a thing. I don't want to, I am also a shame to her! She is my daughter, don't call me mother, or I call me aunt, just forget about me."

"It hurts too much to apply my mistakes to her. It hurts too much to be regarded as a shame by her, and to be hated by her."

"She is young now and doesn't understand anything. When she understands everything, it will be too late!"

Chen Yue broke down in tears, and after becoming a mother herself, Chen Yue wanted to turn around and say sorry to her mother.

But she was dead, and she couldn't say the words, even when it was too late.

Gossip, ah, never soft on a person, whether you are right or wrong.

Chen Yue's body was huddled in a corner, alone, lying alone.

She has always blocked herself in her own world, unable to take a step out.

Old Feng pursed his lips and said, "Then there is Nan Yan, even if it is Nan Yan, you can't give up on yourself?"

"His life and death are uncertain now. He spent so much effort to protect you before, why don't you think about him?"

Chen Yue's body paused. Chen Nanyan once said that he could not tell anyone that he had seen her. In other words, Mr. Feng still doesn't know whether Chen Nanyan is dead or alive.

Her eyes were a little distracted, and she asked in a low voice: "Uncle Feng, do you think my brother has a chance of surviving when he jumped from the 69th floor?"

Mr. Feng hesitated for a moment, and said, "Maybe he's still alive? If you can't find the body for a day, you can't give up!"

Chen Yue nodded and said, "Uncle Feng, I want to be quiet for a while, can I?"

Old Feng hesitated, and Chen Yue said again: "I will receive treatment well, and I will also want to open a little, but I hope you don't tell him the content of our conversation today."

This he refers to Lin Changqing.

Old Feng knew, so he nodded.

When he walked to the door, he stopped, and turned his head to look at Chen Yue, which had a meaning that Chen Yue couldn't understand.

Silence was restored in the bedroom again. As soon as Mr. Feng opened the door, he saw Lin Changqing who had been standing at the door for an indeterminate amount of time. A few cigarette butts and ash were scattered on the ground under his feet, as if they had fallen on his own heart. superior.

Depressed and gloomy.

"Did you hear that?"

Lin Changqing did not deny it, but nodded. He took two steps downstairs and saw Lin Shenshen who was watching TV downstairs.

The little guy's face opened quite a bit, and at such a young age, he already had the outline of a little beauty.

Seeing Lin Changqing, Lin Shenshen leaned over, looked up at the tall Lin Changqing, and asked, "Dad, is Mom willing to see me?"

Lin Changqing shook his head, Lin Shen was a little disappointed.

Coincidentally, the psychiatrist had already entered the door. Lin took a deep look at him, then looked sideways at Lin Changqing who was squatting on the ground, and asked, "Dad, what does that uncle do?"

"He's a doctor."

Lin hesitated deeply, and said, "But isn't Mom's illness already causing Dad and Grandpa Feng?"

Lin Changqing was a little numb, and said, "This uncle wants to see your mother's heart disease."

Lin Shenshen didn't understand, but tears covered his eyes and said, "Is it difficult to treat?"

Lin Changqing shook his head. Instead of answering Lin Shenshen, he asked, "Shenshen, your mother's illness may affect you. When you go to school, someone may scold you and say that your mother is an idiot. Crazy, maybe even say you are a little crazy, they will not play with you, isolate you, will you feel sad?"

Lin took a deep breath and said, "If someone scolds my mother, then I won't play with them anymore. My mother is not crazy."

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