Because Meng Wenfan is a doctor and doesn't work in the hospital, there are always people who come here to get treatment here. camera.

As soon as something happened to Chen Yue, Lin Changqing personally changed Chen Yue's clothes, took a hot bath, and gave her a detailed examination to make sure that she just passed out from the cold, and then walked out of the room with a gloomy face. out.

Some people in the banquet hall guessed that Chen Yue fell into the lotus pond by himself, and some guessed that Chen Yue couldn't think about it, but regretted it after jumping in.

As soon as Lin Changqing came out, she said, "Wenfan, I'm going to get the camera!"

The camera at Meng Wenfan's house was installed in the computer room on the first floor. As soon as she heard Lin Changqing's words, she led people to the computer room.

People with good deeds followed in, Lin Changqing was very worried about Chen Yue, and didn't care too much about it.

As soon as the picture was adjusted, people panicked. Looking at the computer screen, Lin Changqing took a look at the person who rescued Chen Yue from the lotus pond. He was wearing a thin sweater and a mask on his face. He lowered his head, saying that he had saved Chen Yue, but he didn't take it off.

Then I don't know what he said to Chen Yue, Chen Yue cried and walked towards the banquet hall, he followed a few steps step by step, watched Chen Yue walk in, and then suddenly raised his head, Mo Yu's eyes looked through the camera , across the screen, there is an endless abyss in his eyes.

He faced the camera and made a movement.

He bent his palm and nodded his left shoulder, which seemed to be please and thank you.

Lin Changqing's face darkened in an instant.

After watching the surveillance video, people in the banquet hall were panic-stricken. What happened to Chen Yue was very bad. She was pushed into the lotus pond from behind. amount of charitable funds, the only requirement is to let them leave Ge Zhai.

Something happened to Chen Yue, Lin Changqing didn't want to attend, and the charity fund was raised, so the banquet ended without a problem.

Lin Changqing came out of the computer room and asked Ge Yunchuan if he had found the gardener.

Ge Yunchuan shook his head, and even the housekeeper called over. The housekeeper glanced at the gardener and said, "Everyone in Ge's house is checked by me personally, and I have transferred the files, but I can guarantee that I have never had this person." seen!"

The matter came to a dead end, Lin Changqing paused, and said: "Go and check, who is the gardener who lost his uniform, or borrowed the uniform, make a list, I will send someone over, and meet one by one .”

By this time, it was the limit of Lin Changqing's love. He was worried about Chen Yue, so he went upstairs directly.

Chen Yue hadn't woken up yet, she was huddled under the quilt, her face was pale and lifeless, Lin Changqing had never been so powerless.

It's not that he is incompetent, but that he really has no clue about the matter.

Lin Changqing knew nothing except that someone wanted Chen Yue's life. Even if Ning Yan and Fu Linshen went to investigate, there was no progress.
Lin Changqing sat on the edge of the bed for a while, and Chen Yue suddenly started talking nonsense: "Brother..."

Lin Changqing raised her eyes and looked at Chen Yue. Her head was very hot and seemed to be very cold. Lin Changqing hesitated for a moment, then suddenly remembered that the person who rescued Chen Yue was under surveillance...

No matter in terms of body shape or eyes, they all looked exactly the same as Chen Nanyan.

Lin Changqing saw this when watching the surveillance, but!
His action!
Lin Changqing stood up eagerly. Chen Nanyan didn't want anyone to know that he was still alive, and he didn't even want to reveal his identity, but he suddenly didn't mind. He knew that he was Chen Nanyan, just to let please thank him for taking care of him Chen Yue!
Lin Changqing imitated Chen Nanyan's movements, stretched out his hand and tapped his left shoulder, his movements were smooth, but his fingers did touch his chest!
By the way, to express gratitude, pointing to the chest is enough, but Chen Nanyan points to the shoulder.

Lin Changqing is a doctor, Chen Nanyan jumped into the water to save Chen Yue, and watched Chen Yue walk into the banquet hall, his limbs should be frozen stiff, and he was unconscious!
and so……

Lin Changqing stretched out her hand and touched her back.


Lin Changqing's eyes darkened. He has never doubted many people and many things.

Chen Nanyan was reminding him to be careful behind his back...

When he came to the banquet, not many people knew about it, and when he brought Chen Yue over, even fewer people knew about it, only Liu Qin!
But if it's Liu Qin, it's not reasonable!
Lin Changqing felt impetuous for a while, who the hell is...?
Who is attacking Chen Yue?

Lin Changqing has always done everything with a clear conscience and fearlessness, but because of Chen Yue, he suddenly became afraid. Even if he stayed at Meng Wenfan's house, he was still very worried.

He stayed by Chen Yue's side, called Liu Qin, and asked Liu Qin to ask for a very thick dress for Meng Wenfan, then lifted the quilt to wrap Chen Yue inside and went downstairs.

After Liu Qin saw it, he immediately opened the door of the car driven by the driver. Meng Wenfan rushed over when he heard the movement, and asked, "Chang Qing, Chen Yue hasn't woken up yet, do you want to stay here for a while?"

Lin Changqing shook his head and said, "Wenfan, I decided to go back. Chen Yue didn't even know who the enemy was. They all thought it was Chen Yu, but I've already investigated and it wasn't him."

"She is very dangerous, staying here will only bring unnecessary trouble and danger to you and Yun Chuan, I must take her back!"

Meng Wenfan nodded, and said in a low voice: "Long Qing, you are the one who swallowed Chen Yue. When Chen Yue came here today, I always feel that she looks very wrong. You usually spend more time with her, and your feelings are all the same." If you insist on hurting his heart for the fragile things, and the misunderstanding gradually deepens, it will really be impossible to unravel!"

Lin Changqing nodded.

Lin Changqing got into the car, Liu Qin got into the co-pilot, and sitting in the car, Lin Changqing felt the bone-chilling coldness for no reason.

"From today onwards, if you go out to live, I will ask someone to equip you with bodyguards. Now City A knows that there are not many people who have woken up. Take care of yourself."

Liu Qin was stunned for a moment, and asked: "I'm leaving, what if Chen Yue makes trouble?"

Lin Changqing still doesn't believe anyone. When he investigated Liu Qin, he found out that when Liu Qin's father's life was hanging by a thread, it was his chief surgeon who saved him.

That's why Liu Qin went back to medical school and was admitted to the Central Hospital.

Emotions are very fragile, but at the same time, it will also change a person's heart. He doesn't know what kind of feelings Liu Qin has for him, but when he meets Chen Yue, he must be careful in everything!

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