Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 538 Want Mom, Want Dad

Chen Yue's body froze, and she said softly: "Liu Qin, there is one thing I didn't tell you before... When I was with Lin Changqing, I cheated on Lin Changshen, so... she Maybe you don't want to see me!"

Liu Qin was taken aback, obviously he didn't expect Chen Yue to say such a thing.

"Are you cheating? You might as well tell me that Lin Changqing cheated!"

From the time when Chen Yue first appeared, at that time, Liu Qin and Lin Changqing were still unmarried couples. She hated Chen Yue very much, and she really couldn't like it. No woman would like her boyfriend's ex-wife, and this ex-wife gave her boyfriend A friend is having a baby!

At that time, she never thought that one day she would like Chen Yue so much.

I trust Chen Yue so much.

"I do not believe!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't cheat, I don't want to meet anyone named Lin!"

As soon as Chen Yue finished speaking, she saw Liu Qin's little feet behind her. Her eyes moved up and met those grape-like eyes.

Her eyes were watery, as if there were tears, and Chen Yue realized for the first time that when a person is heartbroken, he really becomes numb, his numb head swells, and all the strength in his body is losing.


Lin Shenshen suddenly cried loudly, tears fell down, crying heartbreakingly, Chen Yue stopped talking, and said to Liu Qin in a low voice: "Qinqin, it's too noisy, can you go out? I want to continue Go to sleep!"


Chen Yue's heart trembled, she didn't agree, Lin cried out of breath, and said, "Grandma said, Dad is going to marry another aunt, so don't let me call you mother anymore..."

"I don't blame you anymore, can you be dismissed from me, can you not let Dad marry other aunts?"

Chen Yue cried miserably, she blinked her eyes, and for the first time, Liu Qin realized that tearing her face was not a word.

"I heard grandma and my little uncle quarreling this morning. The little uncle said that if my father married another aunt, it would not hurt Shenshen if he had children. He also said... Grandma doesn't like you, and it doesn't mean she really likes you. , Said that uncle died."

"Mom, you can hit me, but can you not want me?"

Chen Yue's throat felt dry and sore, her eyes widened, and she forcefully forced back the tears. Chen Yue raised her head and said in a high voice, "Get out!"

Lin Shenshen didn't move. She threw the bottles and jars in the bathroom to the floor and said, "Get out! I'll let you get out! Are you annoying? I don't want you! I can't even support myself , you just lost your uncle and mother, but your uncle and I have been left with nothing by your father! You have something wrong, what are you doing with me? When you become sensible in the future, your classmates will point to your nose and call you Mom is a psycho, someone else's mistress, and a mistress who destroys other people's families!"

Chen Yue's voice and body trembled violently. She wanted to cry and laugh at the same time, and said, "You go to your father, he won't be so narrow-minded that he won't tolerate you. Whatever he asks you to do, you can do it!"

"go with!"

Lin Shen cried into tears: "I want... to be with you."

Chen Yue pushed Liu Qin and Lin Shenshen out of the bathroom, and slammed the bathroom door shut.

If she can't find Chen Nanyan for a day, she can't give Lin Shenshen anything, can't give her the maternal love she wants, or even basic protection?

Chen Yue wept bitterly, remembering in a daze three years ago, when it was first found out that she was going to be pregnant, and everyone wanted her to abort the child, why didn't she expect such a day to happen?
She asked herself, is she worthy of being a mother?
"Chen Yue!"


Chen Yue leaned against the door and turned a deaf ear to the knock on the door outside. Liu Qin and Lin were deeply tired from shouting. A look of worry flashed across Liu Qin's eyes. When she entered the door just now, she seemed to see the sink. blood?

Liu Qin squatted down and hugged Lin Shenshen. She said, "Go, I'll take you to find Dad!"

When she turned around, she saw Lin Changqing standing behind them for an unknown amount of time. He was leaning against the door frame, holding a cigarette with a long pile of soot between his fingertips, and strands of smoke were coming from the cigarette between his fingertips. Come up.

The movement of Liu Qin turning around woke him up, his voice was very shallow, he tilted his head, motioned to speak.

Lin Changqing took it deeply, the little guy's voice was already hoarse from crying, Lin Changqing's brows were twitching in the hazy and irritating eyes, between him and Chen Yue, the most innocent and most hurtful person was Lin Changqing. deeply.

She just wants her mother and her father, just such a wish is extremely extravagant!
Liu Qin paused for a moment and said, "Doctor Lin, I seemed to see blood in the sink just now..."

Lin Changqing frowned, and his heart twitched. If he remembered correctly, he seemed to have seen Chen Yue's blood in Chen Yue's vomit that day.

Lin Changqing moved her fingertips, handed Lin Shenshen back to Liu Qin, and said, "Take Shenshen, I'll go out for a while."

Chen Yue's body itself is a powerful bow, and the matter of Chen Nanyan and Chen Yu has dealt a great blow to her. As soon as Lin Changqing went out and stood on the steps of the door, she suddenly became a little unclear. Did the actions of not wanting to be separated from Chen Yue hastened her death?

In the end, should he obey his inner desire for her, or let her live longer.

Chen Yue, Chen Yue.

what should I do?
Lin Changqing took a deep breath, strode to the side of the car, opened the door, and got into the car.

He started the car engine, called his assistant and asked her to investigate the location of old Feng.

When he arrived at Dingsheng, Lin Changqing was a little depressed. Mr. Feng saw Lin Changqing and asked him what was wrong.

Lin Changqing frowned and said, "Old Feng, we will start treating Chen Yue the day after tomorrow, do you have time?"

Elder Feng nodded and said, "It's you, the minister is in your hands now, do you have time? It's okay if you don't have me alone."

Lin Changqing glanced at him lightly, and the emotion in the eyes was meaningful: "You don't seem to blame me for taking away Chen Yu's ownership?"

Old Feng's expression paused, and then he smiled and said: "I don't know so much about young people, but Nanyan's life and death are unknown now, and that girl Chen Yue doesn't know how to do business at all. If you don't accept it, you can't let the old man tell me Come manage the company for them?"

"As long as you still have feelings for Chen Yue in your heart and plan to save her, I won't blame you."

Can't tell, Mr. Feng is still a person who understands righteousness. Lin Changqing twitched his lips and said, "I can't manage the company. I have already hired a person who is professional in managing the company to be the CEO of the minister."

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