Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 533 I apologize to you for making you suffer

Chen Yue was taken aback, this answer was beyond Chen Yue's expectation, she was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Help me, I want to go down and see my brother."

The servant didn't move, and even her gaze didn't fluctuate: "Miss, Mr. Chen is not in the villa. If you want to see him, it may be a little troublesome."

As soon as the servant finished saying this, Chen Yue's body froze suddenly.

"The gentleman you are talking about, isn't it my brother?"

The servant shook his head and said, "It's not Miss, I'm talking about Mr. Lin."

A bad premonition flashed across Chen Yue's heart. She always felt that something was wrong. Chen Nanyan always loved her. This time her illness was supposed to be very serious, but Chen Nanyan was not by her side.

However, this Mr. Lin, she had a hunch that it might be Lin Changqing.

The servant's attitude was very tough, and he pulled her up from the bed. Although his movements were gentle, he firmly led her downstairs.

There was a person sitting at the dining table, and Chen Yue was a little unsure if it was Lin Changqing.

The environment was very strange, not facing the south bank. The man at the table was wearing a pink and white suit, which looked a little less serious. She had only seen this color on Lin Changge.

Lin Changqing can't wear it.

Hearing that he wanted to move, the man turned his head and glanced upstairs. The sun reflected on his cheeks, with a thin white halo, but it was enough for Chen Yue to recognize that the person was Lin Changqing.

Chen Yue's eyebrows twitched, the man's lips twitched, and his voice was shallow: "I'm awake, I want to eat something, tell the kitchen."

"Lin Changqing, I remember what I said was obvious, there is no possibility between us, tell me, why am I here?"

Lin Changqing smiled, as if lamenting Chen Yue's innocence: "Chen Yue, you should know that I'm not your brother, so I don't know how to coax you to eat."

The fear in Chen Yue's heart became heavier and heavier: "Where's my brother?"

Lin Changqing sat down in the dining room, and a servant poured tea for him with a carved teapot. The man took a sip before replying: "You slept for too long, let me tell you what happened recently. As for the matter, Chen Yu's current president is me."

Chen Yue's heart skipped a beat, and Lin Changqing went on to say: "Chen Nanyan was chased by Chen Yu, and she jumped from the 69th floor of the building. Only blood was seen downstairs, and her life and death are unknown."

"I did a DNA test myself, and the blood is from Chen Nanyan."

His voice was as gentle as ever, but it made Chen Yue feel cold for no reason. As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yue squatted on the ground, and she was very scared.

"Lin Changqing, you took my brother's place?"

She raised her head, the pupils in her eyes were not bright at all, tears seeped out of them, and fell on her heart, which was so heavy that Lin Changqing could hardly breathe.

"What did you do to my brother?"

"Where's my brother?"

The smile on Lin Changqing's face disappeared: "On the 69th floor, do you think Chen Nanyan is alive or not, or come down from above."

He strode forward, stretched out his hand to pinch Chen Yue's chin, and raised his face. Lin Changqing's eyes met Shang Chen Yue's, and his voice was so fierce that Chen Yue had never seen him before.

"What can I do to Chen Nanyan? Didn't you give me the shares of Chen Nanyan?"

Chen Yue took a deep breath, her heartbeat fluctuated and her breathing was difficult: "What do you want to do?"

"I want to tell you, since you don't want to marry the Lin family, I won't force you, so you can stay by my side and be a mistress who will never be seen for the rest of your life."

"I hate people who bully others, but since you dare to bully me, I must let you taste it too."

The light in Chen Yue's eyes slowly faded, and with tears in her eyes, she whispered, "Lin Changqing, is this the way you love me?"

Lin Changqing smiled, patted her head, and said, "Love? Chen Yue, do you think you are worthy of my love?"

He let go, she squatted on the steps, Lin Changqing stood up straight, he was tall, the shadow covered her body, covering her tightly, she only felt cold.

Lin Changqing stood there for a few minutes, then went downstairs, and said without mercy: "Take care of Miss, if she doesn't eat, just pour it down. When I come next time, if I see someone lose weight, I will Looking for you."

Maid: "Yes, sir."

After Lin Changqing gave her orders, she went downstairs, and when she reached the gate, she heard Chen Yue's voice: "Lin Changqing, what you said is false, my brother is very powerful, no one can force him to death. "

"As you wish."


After Lin Changqing left, Chen Yue fell into a coma. She was very tired and slept very tiredly. There was a sharp pain in her stomach, which connected to her heart, and it hurt together.

When she woke up again, she was awakened by the noise of children playing. There was no one in the bedroom, so Chen Yue got out of bed by herself and looked downstairs.

It was Lin Shenshen.

She is very happy, holding a bunch of balloons in her hand, smiling like a flower, it can be seen that without her, she lives very well.

When Lin Shenshen was having fun, she found Chen Yue. She shrank and ran to Mo Hui's side, reached out and grabbed Mo Hui's clothes, and said in a low voice, "Grandma, I'm afraid."

Following her gaze, Mo Hui saw Chen Yue.

She looked even thinner, bony and bony, pale and almost lifeless.

With a stab in his heart, Mo Hui handed Lin Shenshen to the servant, and said, "You talk to this sister first, and I will talk to her."

Lin Shenshen responded obediently, and Mo Hui went upstairs, stood beside Chen Yue, and handed her a photo.

Chen Yue took it over and took a look, she was a woman, very fair and tender, very cute, with an innocent innocence that didn't know much about the world.

She is not particularly good-looking, but there are traces of her between her eyebrows.

"In three months, Changqing will marry her. Changqing means, let Shenshen call you aunt from today. This girl will be Shenshen's mother."

Mo Hui always thought that Lin Changqing had a gentle personality, but she never thought that she would force people into this situation just to make Lin Changqing less emotionally traumatized.

"You don't have to be sad, just rest here and recuperate. It's a commercial marriage, and I don't like that girl for a long time. I just randomly selected one from a bunch of photos."

Chen Yue didn't answer, Mo Hui went on to say: "What we said between you, you don't need to tell Chang Qing, you have lied to him too many times, just like you said, he is a stubborn child, I can't believe it anymore."

"I didn't expect the child in Changqing to be so extreme. I apologize to you for making you suffer."

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