Chen Yue clutched her injured finger, as if a ball of cotton had been stuffed into her heart, she couldn't speak a word.

Three years ago, Lin Changqing's gentle appearance was still in the deepest part of her heart. Some people used to say that time would change everything, but it was clear that Lin Changqing's change was something she couldn't bear.

"You go and resign with Wenfan yourself, Miss Chen, I hope you won't be here when I come over this afternoon."

Lin Changqing opened the distance between the two, Chen Yue restrained his emotions, and said in a low voice: "Ah Qing, my brother disagrees with my coming to City A, he froze my card, my card There is not much money left, Ah Qing..."

"Then go back to the capital!" Lin Changqing said impatiently: "Chen Yue, don't show me your tricks, I'm not in the mood to make trouble with you."

His strides were so big that the big Chen Yuezhui couldn't catch up. In order to teach Zhizhi and Yaya a lesson, she wore a pair of high heels, and when she was going down the stairs, she missed the stairs and fell down.

The weather was hot, she didn't wear much, her legs touched the ground, a layer of skin rolled up, and her flesh was bloody in an instant.


She covered her painful wound, and the corner of her snow-white skirt was stained with a layer of tiny blood plums.

"Teacher Chen!"

Meng Wenfan heard Chen Yue and Lin Changqing arguing and chased down from upstairs, and saw this side as soon as she went out.

Chen Yue's skin was relatively delicate, and the wound was shocking, and Meng Wenfan couldn't help but feel pain for her.

Hearing Meng Wenfan's exclamation, Lin Changqing finally turned her head, and seeing Chen Yue who was shrinking on the ground, Lin Changqing shrank her pupils suddenly, and even moved her steps in Chen Yue's direction involuntarily.

Neither Meng Wenfan nor Chen Yue saw these.

It wasn't until Meng Wenfan reached out to help him up from the ground that she staggered towards Lin Changqing and stretched out her hand to pull Lin Changqing, but the man took half a step back and avoided her movements.

Chen Yue's eyes dimmed, his hands froze in mid-air, and he asked in a low voice, "Ah Qing, do you want me anymore?"

After she finished speaking, Lin Changqing suddenly remembered that dream and merged with reality.

It's just that the current Chen Yue has more tears in his eyes.

"Chen Yue, your question troubles me a lot." Lin Changqing hardly showed any expression, he was still gentle and his voice was still low: "But since you asked, let's make it clear."

"I don't want you anymore. You! Chen Yue! I, Lin Changqing, can't afford it."

Chen Yue actually laughed, she stood up straight, her body was in pain, but she didn't even frown, she looked at Lin Changqing stubbornly, and asked, "Is it because of Liu Qin?"

Lin Changqing did not answer.

"Do you like her?"

she continued.

"Is it in your heart that I am really cheap now?"

She asked so many questions, but Lin Changqing didn't answer any of them.The time was very light, and the wind was even lighter, so that the hot weather almost evaporated all the water in her body.

So that she couldn't even shed tears, she talked to herself, but the two of them listened.

"You like her, right? You know what she likes and what she is afraid of. You are willing to put yourself in her shoes and think about something for her, and you are willing to rush to her side in the middle of the night because of her fear."

"Aqing, don't chase me away, can you? I came back because I have something to do, not to interfere with the relationship between you and Liu Qin."

As she spoke, her voice suddenly became very harsh and difficult: "I also hope that you will be together. Although you will not hold your wedding until the end of the year, I wish you in advance...a happy marriage for a hundred years and grow old together."

Meng Wenfan's heart suddenly felt sour, she wanted to reach out and pull Chen Yue, telling her to stop talking, her heart was sore.

But Chen Yue had already said so much, but Lin Changqing's face was not moved at all.

He suddenly laughed ironically, patted Chen Yue's head gently, and said softly: "Chen Yue, you are a liar, to tell you the truth, I don't believe you a long time ago."

After Lin Changqing finished speaking, he directly opened the door, got in the car, started the engine and left.

Chen Yue blinked her eyes, the pain in her heart was magnified infinitely.

"Teacher Chen..."

Meng Wenfan called her, she will never forget that day, Chen Yue stood in the sun, alone, as if she was the only one left in this world.

"Miss Meng...I want to resign." Chen Yue said, "I'm sorry, I can't continue teaching Zhizhi and Yaya."

"Mr. Chen, don't take the words of long love to heart, I can be the master of the Ge family..."

Chen Yue shook her head, turned around to look at Meng Wenfan, and smiled weakly at her: "When I was with him, I always made him angry, we separated, I don't want to make him angry anymore .”

She smiled again, as if nothing happened, but she obviously had to leave.

"Then let's calculate your salary." As soon as Meng Wenfan spoke, Chen Yue refused: "I've been staying at your house for the past few days, and I've been here for food, lodging and transportation. I'm already very sorry, and I can't ask for any more money .”

"Chen Yue!"

Meng Wenfan called her, and the scratched ground on Chen Yue's body started to hurt again. She smiled and said, "Well, can you please trouble Miss Meng to treat the wound on my body so that I don't have to go to the hospital?" I went to the hospital to see a doctor, so the money saved can be used as tuition fees for Zhizhi and Yaya?"

Jing Chenyue had already reminded Meng Wenfan that Chen Yue was injured.

She turned her body sideways and asked Chen Yue to follow her into the door. The woman asked the servant to take out the medicine box, and while treating Chen Yue's wound, she asked her: "Do you have to go?"

Meng Wenfan liked Chen Yue very much. Three years ago, she met her once by chance, but before she could say a word, Chen Yue ran away from marriage.

Three years later, the fate between them still seems so shallow.

Chen Yue nodded.

There was something in her heart that had been suppressed for too long. Seeing Meng Wenfan's distressed face, sore nose, and the woman was giving her medicine, she suddenly approached and hugged Meng Wenfan.

"Teacher Chen?"

"Can you stop looking at me like this, it makes me feel so miserable and sad." Chen Yue's tears fell into Meng Wenfan's back collar, it was very hot, and Meng Wenfan was at a loss for what to do.

"It's a good thing for me to leave, so I won't hit Lin Changqing with a bloody head, do you know? How sad I was last night. "

"I loved him for eight years and married him. But when I was afraid, I didn't dare to trouble him. I endured it silently. If I told him occasionally, I would get him trouble." Chen Yue swallowed her tears. , But more and more, my heart ached with the wound: "I thought I didn't care about these, but last night, when he said that Liu Qin was afraid and was going to accompany her, I didn't know, I mind, I really mind. "

"I never had him. Three years ago, he married me out of responsibility. When I was complacent, he gave me a blow. I didn't know until now how much he hates me."

I hate it so much, I don't want to understand it at all, and I don't even want to get in touch with it.

Chen Yue was crying, Meng Wenfan reached out and hugged her tightly, her eyelashes became wet, and her voice was very shallow: "Don't cry, the person who is worth your cry will never make you cry."

"Long love doesn't have the blessing to be with you."

Meng Wenfan felt a little regretful, eight years.

A person, especially a woman, gave Lin Changqing the best eight years of her life and the most beautiful expectations.

She always felt that Lin Changqing stubbornly hated Chen Yue, and she didn't talk about many things, but Liu Qin was indeed a good girl, so why should she be a victim of their relationship.

No matter who Lin Changqing is with, she can't control it.

"Tell me, three years ago, why did you have to leave?"

As soon as Meng Wenfan asked these words, Chen Yue's body stiffened suddenly in her embrace. Although this kind of stiffness was short-lived, Meng Wenfan noticed it immediately.

She thought Chen Yue would say it, but the girl stepped back a distance, glanced at the watch on her hand, and said in a low voice: "It's getting late, I'm leaving first."

She said and stood up from the sofa.

Meng Wenfan didn't force Chen Yue to speak, but when she saw that she was leaving, she whispered, "I'll ask the driver to see you off."

"No need, when I came, I only brought a few changes of clothes, I will take them away, and you can just throw away the other things I used." Chen Yue's eyelashes fluttered twice, and she said softly Said: "Miss Meng, I want to take a walk by myself, don't worry about running out of a car, isn't there a taxi app now?"

Meng Wenfan glanced at her worriedly, Chen Yue wiped away the tears that were about to dry up on his face with his cuff, and said in a low voice, "I want to be alone."


Coming out of Ge's house, Chen Yue carried a small bag and walked down the mountain road. The sky was very light, she walked all the way to the sunset, and finally sat down on the side of the road.

There was still a long distance to the city, so Chen Yue took out his mobile phone and called a car, then stood up.

Before the car came, Lin Changqing's car drove past her. He opened the window, and his side face was very indifferent and profound in his eyes.

He didn't look back at her, the fragility in Chen Yue's heart was drawn out by such Lin Changqing, and it took a long time before he eased over.

In fact, Lin Changqing saw Chen Yue, and was even a little surprised in his heart, after all, seeing Chen Yue's posture, he seemed to be walking over.

There was a cold look in his eyes, it was probably not as weak as he imagined to be able to walk here.

When they arrived at Ge's villa, Meng Wenfan was holding the phone in a hurry. When she saw Lin Changqing coming in, she frowned and said, "Lin Changqing, you came at a good time. Teacher Chen's phone can't get through. I'm very sorry." Worry."

Lin Changqing glanced at her, and asked in a low voice: "What are you worried about, a big living person, can something happen if he is fine?"

"No, I just read the news. There have been several incidents of using car-hailing software in city A. When she left, she said that she wanted to be alone and call a car after a while. Can I not be in a hurry? Here is a barren mountain Yeling, with her appearance, you couldn't stand it three years ago, let alone you, a criminal?!

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