After eating, it was already early morning, and Chen Yue huddled in the master bedroom by himself. Even though he didn't turn off the bedside lamp, he still felt the kind of fear that made her a little shocking.

She has been married to Lin Changqing for a long time, and she has not become good at cooking. The only thing she has learned is probably to try to forget part of the fear in her heart.

But little effect.

Because things like fear can be forgotten, but on behalf of them, they don't exist.

When she barely cultivated a little drowsiness, she suddenly heard the sound of the second bedroom door opening. All her sleepiness disappeared at this moment, she sat up from the bed suddenly, and ran out of the room barefoot.

She ran very fast, and her ankle hit the door frame when she went out. The girl's face turned pale from the pain, but she didn't care so much, opened the door of the room and walked out, and saw Lin Changqing who was going downstairs.

"Doctor Lin... Ah Qing, where are you going?"

Because of Lin Changqing's penchant for words, the girl slammed on the brakes and changed her name.

Lin Changqing's steps stopped, and his feet were staggered by a step. From Chen Yue's perspective, the man's legs were slender and straight, hidden under the trousers.

"Wake you up?"

Lin Changqing casually took out a cigarette case from his trouser pocket, took out one from it, and held it on his lips.

He didn't smoke originally, this was the first time she saw him take the initiative to smoke a cigarette.

"You want to go out?" She pursed her lips, her voice was low and timid.

As if Lin Changqing had never heard of it, he nodded and said in a low voice, "Take a good rest. The hospital called just now and said that a patient I was in charge of was critically ill. Let me go over and see if she is still alive."

Chen Yue didn't answer, Lin Changqing had already strode downstairs after finishing speaking, he knew that Chen Yue was timid, but if a man's life is at stake, a man might not go if he doesn't look at it.

"I'll take you to have breakfast tomorrow morning, and take you to the beach to play, Chen Yue, be good at home."

"Okay, be careful on the road."


Lin Changqing responded, and the man turned off the light in the lobby on the first floor, and slammed the door shut, the whole villa suddenly plunged into darkness.

Fear is pervasive, at least for girls.

The hunger in her stomach because of the fear became extremely strong. He pursed his lips, returned to the room, took the flashlight and went downstairs, took the ingredients from the refrigerator and started cooking in the kitchen.

The things she made were really not good in appearance, and even the room smelled strongly of burning, but the girl still swallowed bit by bit with a blank face.


In the hospital, it was past two o'clock in the morning when Lin Changqing came out of the operating room, and the man's face was a little dignified.

"Doctor Lin, how is the patient's condition? Lin Changqing's eyes were deep and straight. He took off his medical mask and said in a low voice: "The rescue failed, he is already dead. "

Lin Changqing rubbed his forehead and said in a low voice: "You go and calm down the patient's emotions, and I will sort out the patient's condition. This is not a medical malpractice, let alone the responsibility of the hospital. Therefore, even if the patient's family members are emotional, You take it easy."

The little nurse responded, and the door of the operating room was opened.The people outside rushed over like a swarm.

"Doctor Lin, how is my father's condition?"

"Doctor Lin, my father should have changed his medicine. I always feel that the effect of this medicine does not match my father's physical condition."

"I'm sorry, the patient's rescue was ineffective, and you all mourned."

Lin Changqing suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted the patient's family members. The time seemed to be paused, and the corridor became silent for a moment.

Since his father died, he began to hate this kind of occasion, this kind of atmosphere of life and death.

Even though she had been a doctor for so many years and was used to seeing life and death, he was still incapable of accepting it.

"Lin...Dr. Lin, are you kidding me? My dad was still clamoring to be discharged from the hospital before he pushed into the operating room..."

The man rubbed his forehead, and the voice of the little nurse beside him sounded, soft and soft, very shallow: "Doctor Lin will not joke about whether the patient is dead, Mr. Shen, you should know about your father's condition , life and death..."

It is difficult to accept the death of a loved one, and the hospital was filled with crying.

Lin Changqing was sitting in her office, her hands trembling as she held the medical records. At the beginning, Ning Yan attacked Qiao's family because of Qiao Qiao's matter. All the hospitals in Qiao's family fell apart overnight. Only this one, because he was here, intact.

But the hospital also changed hands and became his.

He was in this hospital, watching his father leave, watching Gu Heng leave, even when Qiao Qiao and Grandma Ning always felt that she could be saved, they all relaxed.

However, her body was already cold.

The expression on the man's face was condensed. Over the years, he began to watch life and death too much, and he began to become unkind...

Many people are not immune.

It took a long time to deal with this matter, Lin Changqing lit a cigarette for himself, and his eyes became distant.

"Dong dong dong."

When Lin Changqing heard the knock on the door, she called out in a low voice, "Come in."

The little nurse came in, and Lin Changqing had some impressions of her. If it wasn't for her at the beginning, at this time, he still couldn't find out that the doctor beside Chen Yue had a ghost.

It seems to be called Liu Qin.

"Doctor Lin, the patient's family has calmed down, and he has left with the body."


Lin Changqing responded, because a girl came to the office, the man immediately wiped out the cigarette ash in the ashtray, his eyes were deep: "I remember you were there during the day, why are you still here at this time? "

The man glanced at his watch and said as a reminder: "It's already 04:30 in the morning. The hospital does not advocate high-intensity work. What's the matter?"

Liu Qin waved her hands again and again, she smiled shyly, and said, "Didn't the key hospital in Kyoto set up an academic seminar with our hospital? All the nurses in the station have passed, and I am the only one who is idle. Let me help, I was originally asked to go back in the early morning, but something like this happened suddenly, she is worried that you don't have enough assistants..."

Later, Lin Changqing asked her to appease the emotions of the patient's family members.

"Why didn't you go?"

Liu Qin was taken aback by the question, and it took him a long time to realize that what Lin Changqing was talking about should be why she didn't go to the seminar at Jingdu Central Hospital.

"I'm still just a trainee nurse."

Lin Changqing nodded her head. Liu Qin was much better than many formal nurses in dealing with work, emotional care of patients and their families.

After all, it was not the first time Liu Qin had assisted him into the operating room.

"Doctor Lin, if there's nothing else, I'll go back first."

"I send you."

Lin Changqing stood up with her coat in her hand. Liu Qin was startled and said in a low voice, "No need, you've been tired for a day. You'd better go back and have a good rest."

"Let's go."

Although men are usually very talkative, when they become machismo, once they decide something, no one can shake it.

Liu Qin pursed her lips and followed Lin Changqing out of the hospital.

City A is near the sea. After the high tide at night, the temperature will drop. Liu Qin changed out of her nurse uniform and only wore a thin gauze skirt. When the wind blew, she shivered from the cold. Handed over his suit jacket.

He didn't speak, Liu Qin hesitated for a moment, but still reached out to take it, and thanked him in a low voice.

Chen Yue stood at the corner of the hospital entrance. When she saw this scene, she subconsciously moved her shoulders that were a little cold from the wind, and then watched Lin Changqing and Chen Yue walk towards the garage on the left side of the hospital.

The red cross at the gate of the hospital was a bloody red, and it was particularly shocking in the night.

She blinked her eyes, knowing that she couldn't wait for Lin Changqing here, so she tightened up her slightly thin clothes, and gradually loosened the fingers that were holding the phone and were about to press the dial button.

On the deserted street, she was only accompanied by tall buildings and a street lamp.

Her shadow was stretched very long, and she was alone. For some reason, Chen Yue suddenly remembered what Chen Nanyan said to her.

If you are wronged, how can I support you when the time comes?

I may not be able to attend your wedding.

Chen Yue didn't cry, she just had a feeling that the road was too long and she couldn't get to the end anyway.

She stood on the side of the street for a long time before waiting for a taxi. When she got in the car and got home, the sky had gradually turned pale, but Lin Changqing still didn't come back.

Chen Yue went straight into the master bedroom and got into bed.Not long after, she heard the sound of a car engine from the open window. Chen Yue got out of bed and stood by the window to look at the location on the parking lot, just in time to see Lin Changqing slamming the car door.

Probably sensing the girl's gaze, the man turned his head to meet her gaze, and Chen Yue smiled at Lin Changqing.

Lin Changqing froze for a moment, and smiled back at the girl.

Soon, Lin Changqing went upstairs. Instead of going to the second bedroom, he knocked on the girl's door directly. His voice was very calm: "Chen Yue, come out and take you to dinner."

"Well, wait for me to change clothes, okay? Ah Qing?"


Chen Yue actually changed her clothes, but if she went out now, she didn't know how to face Lin Changqing who asked her why she changed her clothes?
When Chen Yue came out again, it was already cold outside. As soon as Chen Yue came out, Lin Changqing was pouring water, took a sip of water, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you wake up so early? You didn't sleep after I left?"

Not only did he not sleep, but he went to the hospital to find him, but he left with another woman.

She shook her head and said in a low voice: "I just woke up early, let's go, come back immediately after going downstairs to have breakfast, you go to bed early, you have been tired for so long."

Lin Changqing glanced at her again and nodded.

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