Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 458 One day in total, I will fall in love with you

Lan Xin really didn't expect for a while that there would be someone in this world that Lin Ershao would like.

But she became more curious about Chen Yue, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Dr. Lin, last time you said that you and Yue Yue were simply a patient-doctor relationship, and this has changed too quickly..."

Chen Yue blinked, and smiled at Lan Xin, like a cat stealing fish, the smile made Lan Xin itch.

She didn't hold back either, stretched out her hand to scratch the little girl, squeezed her little face, and said in a low voice: "You look really good, Doctor Lin, you are a bit bigger than Yueyue, but Be nice to people."

Seeing that his daughter-in-law tended to pinch Chen Yue, Ning Yan stretched out his iron arms and held her in his arms. He carefully avoided the girl's pregnant belly, and said in a low voice, "Just touch it twice." , isn't it over yet? Didn't you see that Mrs. Lin's face turned red when you pinched her?"

Lan Xin's originally dissatisfied eyes looked at Chen Yue with a guilty conscience.

Her strength was not strong, but Chen Yue's skin was so delicate that a trace of red marks appeared on her face.

Hearing this, Chen Yue subconsciously covered her face, pursed her lips and said with a smile, "It's because my skin is not very good. Sister Lanxin's pinching doesn't hurt at all, it's much lighter than my brother."

Chen Yue's personality is likable, so the atmosphere is very good, even Gu Huaiyan and Yu Xinran feel that Lin Changqing is really lucky to meet such a good girl.

Lin Changqing smiled noncommittally.

When the banquet was over, Zhuo Zhuo was already drowsy, and Lin Changqing drank, so he called for a substitute driver, and when he arrived at the residence, Chen Yue had already fallen asleep leaning on him.

"Sir, are you here?"

Lin Changqing responded, paid the money, and then woke up Chen Yue. The girl was from a wealthy family, and she was spoiled in her bones. She nestled in the man's neck and said softly, "Brother, I want to sleep."

Lin Changqing's eyes darkened, and then he carried Chen Yue out of the car, thinking about it on the way upstairs.

Chen Yue, after all, she is still a child.

Just let her more.

On the first day of the wedding, sharing the same bed is also the same bed with different dreams.

When Chen Yue woke up, Lin Changqing was leaning on the bedside to change clothes. The man is a doctor, and he knows that a lot of exercise is necessary for good health. The girl's eyes are facing the man's strong chest, and the beautiful mermaid line and abdomen. muscle.

The lines of his body are flexible and smooth, and the texture is distinct, giving people a feeling that they want to go up and touch them.

Chen Yue was so stimulated that he just opened his eyes, and then closed them tightly. Lin Changqing put on his shirt and said in a low voice, "Wake up and wash up. Breakfast is ready."

Chen Yue felt her face was a little hot, she pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "Got it."

When Chen Yue got up, she realized that she was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. If she had to say something about Lin Changqing, it would be because she took off her coat.

She pursed her lips, went to the bathroom to change clothes, and came out of the room after washing.

Lin Changqing had just poured milk for Chen Yue, when she saw her coming out, she handed the tableware to her, then sat down opposite her, and whispered: "Chen Yue, I'm going to buy a house, you have a villa you like Is it?"

Chen Yue didn't have a deep understanding of money, she blinked, bit her fork and asked, "Can I be neighbors with Mrs. Gu, I... I'm her fan."

She didn't mention this matter last night because Lin Changqing and Gu Huaiyan were friends, and he was afraid that if she acted like a little girl, Lin Changqing, who was troubled, would also be looked down upon.


After Gu Huaiyan and Yu Xinran got married, they moved to the villa opposite Fu Linshen, facing the south bank. The security system is very good. Although the price is not low, to Lin Changqing, it is just a number.

Chen Yue was young, and Lin Changqing didn't want to wrong her, so he contacted Gu Huaiyan to show him if there was any existing house on Linnan'an, preferably one that could be moved in directly.

Gu Huaiyan's actions were quick, and he gave Lin Changqing an answer within 5 minutes: "Yeyun has a villa on the south bank of Linnan. He is used to living in Yuanheng. You can call him directly and ask him to transfer it to you."


Things progressed quickly, and Lin Changqing took Chen Yue to move into Linnan'an that afternoon. It was very close to both Gu Huaiyan's house and Fu Linshen's house, especially Gu Huaiyan's.

The distance between upstairs and downstairs.

On the day they moved, both Fu Linshen and Gu Huaiyan came over.

"Chen Yue, come to eat at home when you have time, your Wen Wan sister's cooking skills are very good."

Speaking of this, it was actually Fu Linshen's approval of Chen Yue. The girl looked sideways at Wen Wan and said in a low voice, "Sister Wen Wan, can you teach me?"


Life is gradually getting on the right track. Although Chen Yue is married to Lin Changqing, her life after marriage is not any different from her life before marriage.

At the beginning, she was immersed in the joy of being Mrs. Lin and couldn't extricate herself from it. Until Lin Changqing was on night shift, the villa on the south bank was too big.

Chen Yue is so old that he always has the feeling that wild beasts are coming from all directions.

Her heart constricted, and whenever she was frightened, she wanted to eat.

She almost stayed up all night, even ate up everything in the refrigerator, and threw the garbage bag of snacks at her feet. It wasn't until the sun broke that the girl fell asleep on the sofa in the room tiredly.

But when she woke up, after one o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Changqing still didn't come back.

She was a little flustered, subconsciously Lin Changqing made a phone call, and the voice on the other side of the phone was a bit sexy after being woken up: "Who?"

"Doctor Lin, where are you? Why didn't you come back?"

Do you regret marrying me?
Lin Changqing was sleeping on the bed in her single apartment, when she heard Chen Yue's voice, she woke up suddenly, sat up from the bed, and said in a dignified tone, "Chen Yue?"

There was silence on the phone. While lifting the quilt, the man explained in a hoarse voice: "Sorry, I forgot that we have moved. I will go back now."

Chen Yue really wanted to ask him, did he forget that they had moved, or was he simply unable to get used to the fact that he was married?

The uneasiness in her heart grew little by little, and Chen Nanyan's voice fell in her ears.

"You don't know anything... Even if you marry Lin Changqing, you will only be a burden to him... What can you do to make him love you?"

On a scorching summer day, Chen Yue was startled by her own memories, and the girl shook off the thoughts in her mind, and took an apple from the coffee table and started to chew.

Her stomach felt empty and empty, creating the feeling that she was hungry.

When Lin Changqing came over, he frowned after seeing the junk food packaging bags on the coffee table. He put down the things in his hands, strode to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and saw that there were things in the refrigerator that could not be eaten except raw. , basically had been almost eaten by Chen Yue.

The man's eyes were dark, and he reached out to touch the milk box, trying to pour himself a glass to suppress his shock, but when he weighed it, he found that the milk box was empty.

Lin Changqing pursed his lips, and his jaw line was a little tense. He put away the garbage made by Chen Yue with a cold face. Chen Yue just finished washing, changed his clothes and went downstairs.

The man looked up at Chen Yue, waved at the girl, and said in a low voice, "Come here, let's chat."

Chen Yue was a little nervous, and Lin Changqing's tone gave her the feeling that she was back in her student days, and she made a mistake and wanted to see the head teacher.

"Doctor Lin?"

"Chen Yue, we are married, you can call me by my name."

Lin Changqing supported his forehead, but this is not the point. His eyes locked on Chen Yue's eyes, and his voice was very deep: "Did you not sleep last night?"

Chen Yue got her fingers right, she didn't dare to lie, so she nodded slightly, and said a little aggrieved, "I can't sleep."

"Yesterday you ate everything in the refrigerator, including the milk. By the way, did you heat the milk?"

Chen Yue shook her head and said in a low voice, "I don't know how to heat it."

When she said it, she felt a little ashamed to open her mouth, and the man's eyes were deeper, even a little dangerous: "Did you throw up this morning?"

When he asked this question, Chen Yue's fingertips began to tremble, her eyes were a little red, she hesitated for a long time before she nodded slowly.

He vomited, when Lin Changqing came, he had just vomited, and even now he still has the desire to vomit.

She didn't speak, but it didn't mean that Lin Changqing couldn't figure it out. The man took a deep breath, took out his phone, and asked Chen Yue's opinion in a low voice: "Chen Yue, I have a good relationship with a psychiatrist, do you meet?"

She listened to Lin Changqing's words very much. After the gastric cancer operation was completed and she returned to Kyoto, she saw more than one psychiatrist, but there was no result at all.

The girl raised her head and whispered, "Okay."

Lin Changqing's heart moved slightly, Chen Yue had already lowered her head, and moved a little closer to Lin Changqing's direction, her voice was very shallow, with a gentle feeling: "Doctor Lin... Ah Qing, do you like me today? a little?"

Chen Yue asked with a guilty conscience. She knew that Lin Changqing preferred clean things, but she made a mess of her new home. She originally wanted to clean it up by herself, but she suddenly felt nauseous...

She's a little depressed, and it's hard to like her like this.


Lin Changqing responded, he reached out and rubbed Chen Yue's head, and said in a low voice, "Even if my feelings for you are not love, but Chen Yue, you are so beautiful, you should have confidence in yourself."

"One day, I will fall in love with you."

Chen Yue raised her head suddenly, Lin Changqing had a very serious expression on her face, the serious Chen Yue couldn't help letting go of all the fears and feelings of wanting to shrink back last night, and had countless hopes for the future.

Seeing that the girl was in a particularly bad mood, Lin Changqing smiled and asked in a low voice: "Didn't Wen Wan give you a simple and easy-to-follow recipe yesterday? Mrs. Lin, do you want to show off your skills and cook for me?" eat?"

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