Although Ye Yun apologized, Zhuo Zhuo was still very resistant to this matter, she didn't say a word, and Ye Yun didn't want to continue to force it.

When the girl's emotions stabilized, the first thing she said was: "How are you going to deal with She Tianlan's matter?"

Ye Yun: "..."

She pursed her lips, her voice was a little hoarse, but she stared straight at Ye Yun with her big eyes. Ye Yun touched the girl's head and said in a low voice: "I'm ready for this, you Don't worry."

The girl turned her head uncomfortably, and said in a low voice: "Who is worried about you?"

Ye Yun smiled. Since the girl was unwilling to face it, Ye Yun certainly didn't force it.

He has been immersed in the entertainment industry for so many years, it would be absurd for a She Tianlan to use a scandal to hit him.

In other words, he is the person in power in the circle, and this matter is nothing more than two results. The first is the matter of She Tianlan. Ye Yun did it, but he doesn't care about popularity. He is an insider, but at the same time he is As an outsider, he can deal with this matter and spend money to suppress it. If he doesn't want to deal with it, he will have nothing but increased topicality for himself.

In addition, if he didn't do this, She Tianlan would make trouble for her.

He wanted She Tianlan to not be able to get along in the circle, but it was just a matter of one sentence, why did she think she could get benefits from him?

So, some people, you can be naive, but you can't be stupid.

Ye Yun was worried before because Zhuo Zhuo was staying in the hospital, and he was afraid that people would be led astray by public opinion, but now it seems that sometimes, he has no confidence in his girl.

Zhuo Zhuo fell asleep after eating the porridge delivered by Aunt Chen, Ye Yun leaned over and kissed the girl's head, then stood up straight and left the ward to call Lan Xin.

"Ye Yun?"

The man was smoking, and the breath of nicotine caressed his throat, making his voice sound hoarse but not unpleasant: "It's me, Xinxin, I want you to do me a favor."

"What are you busy with?"

Ye Yun stood at the door of the room, the lighting and dim environment softened his outline and expression.

"Zhaozhuo is very against marrying me. When you have time, can you come over and persuade her? It seems inappropriate to find Xinran for this matter..."

Lan Xin couldn't hold back, laughed, and asked: "If you let her go, she will not only refuse, maybe she will take Zhuozhuo to the Civil Affairs Bureau and sign it."

Especially after getting married, Gu Huaiyan was so used to Xinran's temper.

Ye Yun pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "So, in the end, can you help me with this matter?"

"It's my duty." Lan Xin continued: "Well, I'm finishing a design draft, wait until evening, I'll go there, is Burning in the hospital?"

Ye Yun spit out a smoke ring, and the smoke blurred all the vision on his face, creating a layer of cold and ruthless.


Lan Xin was silent for a while, Ye Yun thought he would continue to ask the burning body, but the girl suddenly changed the topic and said in a low voice: "What happened to She Tianlan? How did the fire suddenly burn on your body?" of?"

"She, even if it's a small matter, she deserves you and Xinran to come forward together."

Ye Yun sneered, to be honest, he had never put She Tianlan in his eyes, except that he was very angry when he saw She Tianlan lying on her bed in the suite before, in fact, she provoked She Tianlan Things don't feel a little bit.

But since She Tianlan dared to provoke her, then don't blame her for being ruthless.


In the same hospital, She Tianlan huddled in the ward and saw the public opinion on the Internet after Yu Xinran and Lanxin made their voices, and strongly pulled back. She fell into a kind of panic, and impatiently called Zhuo Yi .

Almost as soon as it rang, Zhuo Yi picked it up: "Miss Zhuo, what should we do now? You can't leave me alone, you asked me to do this, you told me that the president and his little lover I quarreled and said that I had an opportunity to take advantage of it, so I took this road, if you ignore me, then we will only die!"

She Tianlan was really afraid that Zhuo Yi would ignore her regardless of the consequences, so she pursed her lips tightly and her heart tightened.

Originally, she thought that Zhuo Yi would be a life-saving straw, but in fact, Zhuo Yi was the one who pushed her into another abyss.

Her tears came down all at once, leaving only fear in her heart.

After all, to be able to climb to this position in the entertainment industry, to be sought after by millions of people, and to live a glamorous life, it is really too difficult for her to return to the life where everyone shouts and beats her.

Obviously, Zhuo Yi didn't like her at all: "The fish is dead and the net is broken? What can you do to me?"

The woman is Ye Yun's secretary, and the follow-up of this incident is still developing. Zhuo Yi is sitting in the assistant's office, with the phone on her head and shoulders, and Danko nail polish on her right hand with her left hand. Casually: "I told you before I went to give you a heavy dose of medicine, what did you use?"

She narrowed her eyes slightly: "You have your own thoughts in your heart in everything you do, and you refuse to listen to me. Isn't it too late to blame me now?"

She Tianlan: "..."

She couldn't say a word, her lips were tightly pressed, her eyes were filled with regret, she quietly turned on the phone recording, and said in a low voice: "Miss Zhuo, I beg you, can you help me? Just help me one last time, okay?"

"I've already given you a chance!" Zhuo Yi said pointingly: "After She Daying, not everyone has a second chance, you know?"

Zhuo Yi wanted to hang up the phone, but was stopped by She Tianlan: "Miss Zhuo, I have evidence, how do you know the whereabouts of the nightclub? You know the whereabouts of the nightclub. I think he definitely doesn't want his secretary to know his whereabouts. Privacy, if you don't help me, then I'll tell the nightclub, you... told me everything! Would you believe it if you look at the nightclub? "

Inevitably, Zhuo Yi was frightened by She Tianlan.

She frowned and asked in a low voice, "What do you want to do?"

She Tianlan blinked her eyes, she didn't want to, she didn't want to take this road piled up with lies, it was full of thorns, she had nowhere to go.

"I don't want anything, I just want you to help me sleep."

What a simple yet extravagant dream.

Zhuo Yi thought to himself, but said in his mouth: "Then you should go out and say it, She Tianlan, if you say it out, you can only do the fact that you framed the president, then you will be a liar full of lies, guess what, At that time, who will believe you?"

She Tianlan: "You are shameless!"

"Thank you for the compliment, but at this point in the matter, I still want to advise you, don't be impatient, it's not that things are not turning around, what are you doing in such a hurry, you are just messing around now."

"I... can I still be saved?"

For She Tianlan, this matter was hopeless and had no source, but Zhuo Yi was the last straw for her. She couldn't believe him, but she also had to believe her.

"Of course, but this time you have to listen to me."

The two hung up the phone, Zhuo Yi's coaxing expression disappeared completely, she painted her nails, and then covered her fingers with a layer of armor, only then did she have the mind to sort out her thoughts.

After she got home last night, she turned on the monitor impatiently, and heard the sound of arguing inside from the very beginning.

Ye Yun really doesn't have much patience with Zhuo Zhuo.

But it was undeniable that Zhuo Yi heard the concern in his voice.

He cares about Zhuo Zhuo, that's what she cares about. Compared with her, Zhuo Zhuo is really not a little bit worse.

Why in the end Yeyun fell in love with Zhuo Zhuo who wanted something and nothing but her?
In the first moment, Zhuo Yi fell in love with She Tianlan. In fact, she already knew that this plan would not be implemented. She had been Ye Yun's secretary for a long time, and she knew that Ye Yun was not the kind of woman who could be seduced. Seduce whoever gets it.

She has seen too many people who have run into a wall at Yeyun, but there are still people who rush forward desperately in order to have a relationship with Yeyun.

The girl pursed her lips, Zhuo Yi didn't want to give up this excellent person to anyone.

Even if Jinshuiloutai can't get the moon, at least she can prevent other people from approaching Yeyun and prevent Yeyun from becoming someone else.

In particular, Zhuo Yi couldn't let Zhuo Zhuo, who had nothing special about him, get Ye Yun's heart, and became the Mrs. Ye that she had been thinking about for many years in peace.

Countless cold lights ooze from her eyes, which cannot be softened even by the dim and gentle light.

"Sister Zhuo, take a look at this document. The president will use it tonight. I really don't understand the professional terms in it..."

The little assistant hurried in, eyes full of grievance and fear: "Sister Zhuo, when can we get back together? I really can't be the president's secretary."

The expression on Zhuo Yi's face softened when the little secretary came in: "You are already sitting very well, let me show you, the president likes careful people, you just need to be more careful, nothing else What."

The little assistant was crying and dissed his boss crazily: "Many people in city A say that the president is very gentle, but Sister Zhuo, after I got close to the hungry president, I realized that those who said that the president is gentle may have eyes. All blind."

Zhuo Yi smiled lightly, marked her the points that needed attention, then closed the document and handed it to the little assistant.Casually asked: "I heard that the president's apex is hospitalized. Is it serious? The president has to read documents at night, so he won't be with his wife?"

The little assistant has not received rigorous training, and he doesn't shy away from the president's private affairs: "Is this document? The president asked me to send it to the hospital. I should accompany my wife to read it."

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