Ning Yan stood motionless in front of Lan Xin, with an unpredictable expression. Seeing Ning Yan like this, Lan Xin felt a little panicked.The words that come out are a little stuttering.

"What... what's wrong?"

He laughed lowly, and the light not far away reflected in his deep eyes, turning into a dazzling light.His laughter is like mellow red wine, so pleasant that it makes one's heart crisp.

"Have you learned your lesson?"

Lan Xin couldn't help but straighten her back when she heard Ning Yan's question, she didn't nod her head, and didn't say a word.

Ning Yan patted her on the head, Lan Xin was stunned by his beating, he seemed in a good mood, and his voice was also mocking: "I can't even tell the difference between day and night, and dare to pull it out with such little fighting power, Mrs. Ning , you are really not afraid of embarrassing yourself!"

Lan Xin looked out the window, the sky was foggy, she bit her lip, thinking.

No wonder no one called her to dinner!
"So...what's the date today?" She asked in a daze, Ning Yan turned sideways, with a smile on his lips: "Number 9."

The reason for the illness is that his brain is not working well. Lan Xin counted with his fingers, except for the day when he asked for leave, three days had passed.

Lan Xin's expression was a little desperate, and she went downstairs to shake Mama Zhang awake and asked her if she would ask for leave for herself.

Lan Xin was a little seriously ill before, and Zhang's mother was always worried that her fever would not subside for the past three days. After all, it was pneumonia, so she was still very worried.

How could you think of asking for leave for her?

After getting a negative answer, Lan Xin sat on the big bed in the bedroom, a little afraid to go to the set.

Ning Yan was already dressed and ready to go out, Lan Xin didn't dare to let him see her off, and walked slowly towards her car.

When we rushed to the set, there were not many people from the set.While walking, Lan Xin looked around to see if there was anyone he was familiar with, so he could ask Director Guo's attitude.

She walked casually and bumped into someone.

"Don't you look at the road when you walk?"

When Qi Ye saw Lan Xin approaching, he deliberately stood in front of her to block her, but he didn't expect that she would bump into her directly.

Hearing Qi Ye's voice, Lan Xin didn't bother to apologize, and asked, "Best actor Qi, has anything happened to the crew these days?"

"Isn't it just that you disappeared for four days? There is nothing else! Director Guo is quite angry, so take care of yourself!"

After speaking, Qi Ye gave her a self-seeking look, then turned and went to the dressing room.

After hesitating for a while, Lan Xin didn't go to the dressing room, she stood at the door of the studio, waiting for the storm that belonged to her.

It's just that I didn't expect that it was Sumi grains that I waited for.

Su Mili glanced at Lan Xin. On the rainy night, she saw Lan Xin when she returned to the villa, but... Lan Xin's posture was too scary at that time, and she didn't dare to stop the car.

Although she knew that Lan Xin was ill, she never asked for leave.

"Yo? Miss Lan came so early today! Have you rested enough?"

Lan Xin endured it, and didn't really want to talk to Su Mili, so she turned around and didn't respond to her.

Su Mili smiled, full of fairy spirit: "I said Miss Lan, if you don't want to make a film, you should say it earlier, so that it drags us all down, is it true that you are the heroine in the play, but you also regard yourself as the heroine in reality? ? Do you really think the whole world revolves around you?"

Lan Xin squeezed her sleeves, looked at Su Mili and said, "Miss Su is not only unable to be the heroine in reality, she has no role in the drama either!"

Su Mili was angered by Lan Xin, and her face was a little ugly. She lowered her head and lowered her voice to sarcastically: "I heard that you were thrown halfway up the mountain by brother Yan, and you cried in fright? You are not ashamed!"

Throw it!

Why not lose it!

Lan Xin thought, the smile on the corner of her mouth was a bit bitter.Unexpectedly, Ning Yan even told Su Mili about such a thing.

"This is the love between our husband and wife. Your brother Yan just likes to bully me and watch me cry! Someone like you, who can't cry or act like a baby, has no boyfriend or marriage, how do you know what it's like to be liked?" ?!"

Lan Xin raised her head, her expression was rather delicate, but not annoying.

No star didn't react after hearing that he was not liked by others. Su Mili opened Weibo, pointed at her 3000 million fans, and almost poked Lan Xin's face with her finger.

"See! How can no one like me! You recruit people every day, and your private life is messy, so no one likes you!"

Lan Xin patted Su Mili's finger, with a sweet expression on his face: "It's enough that brother Yan likes me, I'm not like you, I don't even know how many zombie fans I have, and I'm proud to show off everywhere!"

Su Mili's pretty face flushed, and she was very annoyed towards Lan Xin in her heart, and had a strong feeling of wanting to kill someone.

Suddenly seeing Guo Lizhi approaching not far away, Su Mili rolled her eyes, and suddenly said loudly: "Sister-in-law Yan, you are doing it wrong, even if you really have something to do these days, just tell the director directly." How can you pretend to be sick to deceive the director?"

As soon as Su Mili's words fell, the eyes of everyone on the set fell on the two of them.A gesture of watching a good show.

Guo Lizhi heard the sound and came over, looked at Lan Xin's expression very unhappy, and said, "Are you going to lie to me that you are sick?"

Lan Xin resisted the desire to roll her eyes at Su Mili, and said to Guo Lizhi with a very good attitude: "Director, I'm not trying to lie to you that I'm sick, but I'm really sick!"

Su Mili raised her head and said proudly: "Nonsense, I live in my brother Ning's villa, will I not know if you are sick?"

Lan Xin glanced at Su Mili resentfully, and pointedly said: "You don't even know that you live with me, are you not caring about me a bit?"

Su Mili gritted her teeth and said, "It's not that I don't care, but you are not sick at all!"

Lan Xin fumbled in his pocket, took out a piece of paper and handed it to Guo Lizhi, saying: "Director, I didn't lie to you, I was really sick, I just woke up this morning, I brought the medical records here, you see !"

Su Mili's eyes were full of contempt, and she said: "You are so old, and you still have to open medical records. The doctor is yours. Of course, whatever you say is what you say! If you are absent from work, you will be absent from work. Do you dare to admit it openly!"

"Are you so sure that I am absent from work?" Lan Xin looked at Su Mili suspiciously and asked.

"Yes, you were still eating Haagen-Dazs in the living room yesterday!" Su Mili was afraid that the people around would not believe her, so she stepped up her efforts to slander Lanxin.

Lan Xin looked at Su Mili with a sympathetic face, Guo Lizhi's expression was a little dark, Su Mili was a little terrified by the two people, and stammered: "What do you want me to do?"

Guo Lizhi directly handed over the case sheet in his hand and said, "Look at it for yourself!"

Su Mili stretched out her hand and pulled the medical record, her eyes straightened up, and her voice was a bit sharp: "My God, Lan Wei, you are not ashamed to be ashamed, you are asking for leave as a primary school student, and you have to open a medical record and ask your parents to sign it!"

Lan Xin rubbed his nose, smiled and said: "Brother Yan is my guardian now, what's wrong with signing my medical record? To tell you the truth, I knew you would cause sabotage! Although I woke up , but it’s still this morning when you wake up completely, you don’t know, forget it, and you still say that I eat Haagen-Dazs! What do you have in mind? I won’t let A Yan sign, what should I do if I was successfully framed by you?”

Sumi Li: "..."

Guo Lizhi: "..." I don't know who to get angry with if you two are like this!
Lan Xin looked at Su Mili who was so angry that she couldn't speak, and her heart was clear.

It was not in vain that she followed Ning Yan for a long time, and got her autograph by deceiving her!
The two went to the dressing room together. Su Mili couldn't understand Lan Xin's pride the most, and opened her mouth and said, "Are you embarrassed? Do you know how much my brother Yan's signature is at least?"

Lan Xin chuckled and asked, "Isn't all the money earned for raising a daughter-in-law? Are you in control?"

Su Mili was really angry, but with so many people still smiling, the whole person was not well!He said in a low voice: "You woman, how shameless you are! You are not worthy of brother Yan at all!"

"I don't deserve it, you deserve it, why don't you! If you can't do it yourself, don't say so much, can you do it!"

After arguing with Su Mili, most of the resentment that Ning Yan threw on the mountainside dissipated.The filming of the scene was finished smoothly, and when returning home, Lan Xin suddenly received a call from the hospital.

"Is it Miss Lanxinlan?"

Lan Xin responded and asked what was the matter.

"It's like this. Your mother is going to have a minor operation recently. Can you pay the required expenses as soon as possible? Miss Lan, Lan suddenly withdrew the funds for your mother's treatment. If you can't make up for it as soon as possible, we will Stop treating your mother."

The doctor's cold voice came over, and Lan Xin promised them to make up within three days.

It's just that she used the Ning family's food and shelter, and raised 68 in three days. This figure seemed astronomical, and she was a little at a loss, not knowing where to raise the money.

Lan Xin sat in the dressing room for a while after removing her makeup, then stood up, and called Ning Yan while walking.

"Ayan, are you off work?"

Ning Yan sat in Xinghui's office, holding a document in his hand, and glanced at the sky outside.His voice was a little cold: "Is there something wrong?"

"May I pick you up?"

His slender fingers tapped on the table a few times, Ning Yan looked unpredictable, holding the phone with one hand, his voice was half mocking and half threatening: "Why, I haven't learned enough from the previous two days, and you dare to come to me to brush your existence?" feel?"

His words were very effective, and Lan Xin inevitably hesitated for a while, and stopped mentioning the matter of picking him up.

She stood by the side of the road, looking at the lights of Wanjia, with a sad voice: "If you really don't want me to pick you up, can you come pick me up?"

Thought she would know people, Ning Yan didn't expect Lan Xin to have the guts to say such a thing.

Sometimes he felt that she was very timid, just like that night, she curled up into a ball, forming a self-protective appearance, looking extremely vulnerable.

Sometimes, he thinks that she is the most courageous woman he has ever seen, just like now, knowing that he will be displeased and knowing the consequences of his displeasure, she is still like a moth to a flame, healing the scar Forget about the pain!

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