Probably because of illness, Ning Ning fell into a drowsy sleep but frowned with strong anxiety.

Rong frame stood at the head of the bed with a heartbroken face, and gently wiped away the sweat oozing from her forehead with her callused fingertips: "Ning Ning, shall we get up and drink some porridge before going to sleep?"

Ning Ning groaned twice, opened his eyes with some effort, and when he saw Rong Frame, a gleam of light slowly rose in his dim eyes.

"Ning Ning, good boy, I've made some porridge, get up and have a drink." Rong Frame coaxed her to eat with a soft voice.

Ning Ning pulled out an extremely weak smile: "Okay."

Although she really has no appetite, she doesn't want his hard work to be in vain. What's more, she knows her body, and she has no right to be willful.

The one-year-old and one-young maid followed behind Rong frame and set up a small table on the bed with winking eyes, setting out the bowls and chopsticks and a few small dishes prepared by the nutritionist.

Ning Ning looked at the two busy servants, felt a little strange, blinked his eyes, and was keenly aware of something, and said in a low voice, "Rong frame, where is Mrs. Zhang?"

Rong frame just sat down on the edge of the bed, and was about to give her a cushion with the backrest. When she heard her question, she paused and explained: "Ningning, I know you are kind-hearted and simple-minded, but you have to know that someone has committed a crime. If you make a mistake, you have to bear the consequences.”

Ning Ning's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and his expression was a little disappointed: "You fired them? And then replaced a new batch of servants, right?"

Those people lost their jobs because of her, which made her feel very guilty.

Rong frame looked at her drooping eyelashes, understood what she was thinking, and said softly: "Ningning, you don't have to blame yourself, it's not your fault, it's because they didn't do what they should do well. You wake up in the middle of the night and drink water , usually afraid of thunder, these details of life, someone told them."

"Besides, if you don't pay for doing something wrong, they won't have a long memory."

Rong frame's exhaustive explanation is nothing more than hoping that she will not have any knots in her mind, which will affect her body and mood.

"Rong frame, I know all of this, and I can figure it out, and the result is probably predictable, but I still feel a little uncomfortable." Ning Ning's voice was a little soft.

But no matter how uncomfortable she was, she still didn't want to spend time on these things. She knew that her illness would kill her at any time.

Rong frame stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, and kissed the top of her soft hair: "Ning Ning, we are not sad, can we take good care of our health?"

Ning Ning felt the warmth from his chest and the strong beating of his heart, and her heart gradually stabilized: "Yes."

Life is too short, so short that she doesn't have any time to quarrel with Rong frame.

"By the way, how is Xinxin? She is not in good health and has lost a lot of blood. I am worried about her." Ning Ning suddenly pulled out of her arms calmly, a little nervous.

"I've seen her, and she's fine. Just now, I hung up the nutrient solution, and the food was delivered." Rong frame explained patiently. He knew that Ningning cared about Lan Xin, a friend.

Ning Ning breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and Rong Frame held up the white porcelain bowl with his slender and well-proportioned hands, pinched the handle of the spoon with one hand, scooped up a spoonful of fragrant porridge, and scraped gently on the edge of the bowl. Twice, send it to Ningning's mouth.

Ning Ning didn't open his mouth, and looked up at the haggard man in front of him because of running back and forth and worrying, with uncontrollable sadness in his heart: "Rong frame, isn't it tired after being with me for so many years?"

For her, he exhausted his family's wealth and even did some dangerous things, trying to hide it from her, but how could she not notice it for so many years?
He tried his best to create a pure land for her, regardless of his own scars and physical and mental exhaustion.

Rong frame's heart tightened, his jaw line tightened, his deep pupils were bottomless, and he pursed his lips: "Ningning, why did you start saying such stupid things? Don't you understand, you are mine? Life, I am willing to give everything to protect people."

"Rong frame, it's not me, it's you who are stupid. You have paid so much stupidly, but my life is still in danger at any time. If you haven't met me, you married a girl who is in good health. You must live now." To be happy and happy, not to be worried anytime and anywhere.”

Her tone was both sad and self-blaming. Her illness made her simple-minded, but she also became sensitive and prone to overthinking.

However, I don't know if it was because she covered it up too well before, Rong frame didn't notice the change in her mood, so that now her mental state is getting worse and worse.

Rong Frame put the spoonful of cold porridge in his hand into his mouth and drank it by himself, and said softly: "Ningning, if there is no if, if you meet, you will meet, if you fall in love, you will fall in love, because it is you, So enjoy it.”

After Rong Frame finished speaking, he scooped up another spoonful of porridge and brought it to her lips again: "Be good, be obedient, eat first, and only when you are full will you have the strength to talk."

Ning Ning looked at the way the man was taking good care of her, and felt sore in her heart. She drank the porridge on her lips dully, her eyes flushed.

"Rong frame, I can do it myself, I'm not so useless." She lowered her eyelids and reached out to grab the bowl in Rong frame's hand, with a bit of childish paranoia in her movements.

Her movement was sudden, and the bowl was taken away by her unnoticed. She lost a lot of blood and was also weak. The hand holding the bowl was trembling, so she had to put it on the small table in front of her.

"Ningning..." Rong frame stretched out his hand again to feed her, but she pushed his arm away.

"I will do it myself."

Her slender fingers trembled slightly to take the spoon, scooped up a spoon and brought it to her mouth. Although it was difficult, she could still eat by herself.

Seeing her sudden stubbornness, Rong frame felt pain in his heart again. He knew that she was just afraid that she would become a burden to others.

Ning Ning drank the porridge with a spoon, Rong frame felt helpless, picked up the chopsticks and brought the food to her lips: "Eat a la carte, balanced nutrition, huh?"

Ning Ning didn't answer, but ate the chopstick dish, but the surging tears could no longer be suppressed: "Rong frame, I... I'm really useless, I seem to bring trouble to others all the time. trouble……"

She drank the porridge spoonful after spoonful, as if she could tell herself that she didn't need to bother others.

Bean-sized teardrops kept falling into the porridge bowl, and then she sent them into her mouth again, bringing endless saltiness and sourness.

Her tears were like a huge boulder hitting Rong Zhuang's heart, the pain was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

He snatched the spoon from the girl's hand, held her small face full of tears in his palm, bowed his head and kissed her tears away: "Ning Ning, be good, don't cry, I am not someone else, I am your husband, you also You are not my drag, you are the driving force of my daily life and the source of my happiness."

Rong frame put another kiss on her lips: "You must not belittle yourself, give up on yourself, you must be strong, you must not think wildly, you still have to watch Chinqin grow up and grow old with me, we still have a long future to go, You are not allowed to talk about yourself like that in the future."

Although Rong Frame's comfort was a bit clumsy, every word and every word came from the heart. Ning Ning could feel her sincerity, but she couldn't restrain the sadness and sadness in her heart.

After all, there are many things they are unwilling to let happen, but they are still powerless!

Lan Xin's health was not good. After forcibly drawing 400cc of blood, he felt dizzy and extremely weak.

When Lan Xin woke up again, she found that she was sleeping in Ning Yan's arms. The man's strong and strong chest carried the power to calm people's hearts.

The man breathed lightly, and the warmth sprayed on her ears made her feel a little itchy. She adjusted her posture slightly and looked sideways out of the window.

The weather has been a bit changeable recently. She remembered that when she woke up at noon, the sky was still clear, but now it was raining outside the window again, which made people's mood fluctuate accordingly.

Thinking of Ning Ning, her heart felt heavy. This was the first time since they became friends that she felt the horror of her illness up close.

A small wound can be fatal.

"What are you thinking about? Huh?" Ning Yan hugged her from behind, buried her head on her shoulder, her voice was a little lazy after waking up, and the rising end was full of sexy charm.

"I'm thinking about Ningning. How did she persevere in the past 20 years? She was close to death again and again, and she survived again and again."

The sentimentality in her tone was very strong, and Ning Yan subconsciously tightened her arms around her: "Xinxin, our life is very short, and we can't afford any accidents. Promise me, we must accompany each other until we grow old."

Ning Ning's illness is a knife hanging over Ning Ning and Rong Zhu's head, a careless one can kill anyone, anyone who sees such a tragic love will be moved.

Lan Xin leaned into Ning Yan's arms, cuddling him tightly, and said softly, "How do you say that? It is best for a person to have a lot of love. If there is not a lot of love, then There is a lot of money, and if you have neither of the above, then it is good to have a healthy body."

She paused, turned over and looked at the handsome facial features of the man in front of her, and said softly, "Ning Yan, we should be thankful that we have a lot of love, a healthy and complete body, and the confidence to spend the rest of our lives together."

Looking at the girl's clear eyes, Ning Yan was greatly shocked. This was the first time his girl had expressed her feelings so straightforwardly since she agreed to his marriage proposal.

A little bit of starlight seemed to rise in Ning Yan's deep eyes, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, dazzling and charming.

Lan Xin caressed his brows and eyes lightly, and kissed his lips lightly, with a gentle expression.

Ning Yan lowered his head and saw that the girl's beautiful eyes were full of his reflection, his heart moved, his long arm stretched slightly, and he aimed at her lips and kissed her without hesitation.

Her lips were a little cold, which made Ning Yan feel distressed, but she was also entangled in layers of tenderness in her response.

A kiss without any lust, full of deep affection and affection, with lips and teeth intertwined, breathing entangled, as if to imprint the other party in the flesh and blood.

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