"Lan Xin, I'm very happy to see you again. I'm so happy that I want to kill you immediately." Her voice was gentle, but she couldn't hide the hatred in her voice.

Qiao Qiao raised her delicate chin slightly, and the unattractive person behind her understood, walked up to Lan Xin with her head held high, and roughly tore off the tape on Lan Xin's mouth.

The stripping of the tape gave Lan Xin an unexpected pain, she pursed her lips to relieve the pain, thinking, Qiao Qiao might be crazy and want her to die now.

Seeing the madness surging in Qiao Qiao's eyes, Lan Xin restrained the panic in her heart, and tried her best to calmly say: "It seems that Miss Qiao is planning to burn everything together?"


Qiao Qiao sneered, and looked at Lan Xin with some playful eyes.

"Burning together? This is a good adjective. It seems that you are ready to lose your life at any time."

From the moment he quietly kidnapped Lan Xin, he never thought of letting Lan Xin get out of here alive.

Of course, she herself did not expect to survive.

Qiao Qiao squatted down slowly, stretched out her hand to pinch Lan Xin's chin, and looked at her seriously.

She admitted that Lan Xin was very beautiful, with a small face the size of a palm, delicate features, sparse eyebrows, a pair of clear and clear eyes that seemed to be able to see people's hearts, and a touch of cherry lips with a seductive curvature.

When she was without makeup, there was a kind of gentleness and gracefulness of Jiangnan women, like an orchid in an empty valley, secretly fragrant, plain and distant, but it can never be ignored by people.

She went out today with makeup on. The makeup is exquisite, the long dress is elegant, and her hair is naturally flowing, elegant and moving.

This kind of her has a kind of holy and unearthly beauty, but people can't help but want to chase her.

She thought about it seriously, and she didn't seem to be much worse than Lan Xin.

No, she has always been better than Lan Xin.

Talent, education, identity, temperament.

Whether it is external or internal, she doesn't think she will lose to Lan Xin in any way.

So she couldn't figure out why Ning Yan was attracted to Lan Xin.

"Lan Xin, I've always been curious, what exactly does A Yan like about you?" Qiao Qiao squeezed Lan Xin's chin slowly with her fingers, probably touching her own sadness, and the corners of her eyes inevitably showed a trace of cruelty. Li: "We have more than 20 years of relationship! Why do you have it?"

Lan Xin's eyes were a little blurred, and when he heard this sentence, he couldn't help but sneered: "A relationship of more than 20 years? Are you worthy?"

She tried her best to sit up from the ground, and the two women greeted each other face to face. Even though Lan Xin was restrained, the streamer in her eyelashes did not lose anything to Qiao Qiao.

She took a deep breath, and the panic in her heart dissipated because of Qiao Qiao's words: "Tell me, what excuse do you have for taking other people's lives? Gu Heng, Ye Fan? Just because you don't want to die, So they deserve to die?"

"Qiao Qiao, let me tell you, you're a scum! Ning Yan doesn't love you anymore, that can't explain anything except that he's not blind."

"Slap!" Qiao Qiao suddenly raised her hand and slapped Lan Xin hard on the face.

She used a little force, Lan Xin's face was pulled to one side, she was a little numb from the pain, a salty smell wafted from her throat, her pupils shrank, and she licked the wound in her mouth, Then she turned her head and gave Qiao Qiao a cold look.

Qiao Qiao snapped: "What do you know? You are not me, you have never experienced my life, you have not endured flattery, you have not been worried that one day will be your own death, and you have never had love! You have nothing! I don’t know, tell me, why do you judge my life?”

"Is it based on your shameless ability to sell your soul and climb into any man's bed, or is it based on your pretty face? Lan Xin, Lan Xin, am I a scum? You easily took away my deep I have loved a hero for more than ten years, why should I swallow my anger?"

"You haven't experienced my suffering, why should you ask me to be magnanimous?"

Lan Xin's slightly dry eyes turned, and her eyes fell on Qiao Qiao's body. Because of the slap before, her hair on the forehead was a little messy, and the slap marks on her face turned red. She looked a little shocking. delicate and charming.


Her eyes are really too cold.

"I didn't use any shameless means to snatch your hero away, but Qiao Qiao, when you killed Gu Heng, did you ever think that you would lose Ning Yan after I lost Gu Heng? Why do you ask me?" ? Why do you say I am? Your happiness is happiness, so I can’t have mine? "

She was begging on the street when she was young, and every winter she felt that she might not be able to survive a year, Qiao Qiao stayed in the Ning family's castle, enjoying a life of rich clothes and fine food, with Ning Yan's careful care, judging from the comparison in the past However, Qiao Qiao just lived an extravagant life enough, and was made even more greedy by the luxury and money fans of the upper class.

Why can't she judge her life?

For so many years, she has been bullied and reached this height. She never stole or robbed her. She let her pride go her own way. She looked down on Qiao Qiao and even hated her to the bone. Why is she not qualified?
If she hadn't forcibly changed her life, how would she have become like this.

"Even if you make countless excuses for yourself, but Qiao Qiao, have you looked in the mirror these days? You are no longer pure and beautiful in Ning Yan's and the others' hearts. What remains is only a hideous appearance."

In the end, Qiao Qiao's tears still fell slowly in Lan Xin's words.

Some people, some things, some words will always touch your heartstrings and make you unable to feel at ease for the rest of your life.

Everyone understands the truth, but there are always some people who can't live their lives well, just like Qiao Qiao.

She didn't want to talk more about Lan Xin, but suddenly stood up straight with a stern expression on her face.

As early as after she was entangled by Gong You, and after she knew that Gu Heng's HAL could match her, she had no way to turn back.

The sun shines through layers of tree shadows and through the skylight of the abandoned factory, stirring up the fine dust in the air, and after shining on Lan Xin and Qiao Qiao's bodies, it is extraordinarily blurred and undisciplined, and even the eyes of the two seem to melt into each other. It's like entering the night, deep and dull.

The two enemies were silent for a long time, Lan Xin said slowly: "Qiao Qiao, you have already done a lot of things wrong, don't make any more mistakes! Go back and surrender yourself! It's not too late for you to turn back now."

Sometimes, Lan Xin despises her kindness when something happens suddenly, such as now.

Although she hated Qiao Qiao to death, she thought Qiao Qiao was too young, and Gu Heng really loved Qiao Qiao. She hoped that Qiao Qiao could sincerely repent.

A dark light flashed quickly in Qiao Qiao's eyes, she squinted her eyes, and said slowly: "Lan Xin, you can say that I am obsessed, or that I don't know what is good or bad, but I just don't want you to be with Ah Heng. Together."

She paused for a moment, glanced at Lan Xin fiercely, and said slowly: "You have always been noble, I just want to know if there will be any possibility between you and A Yan after I was wheeled by others. ?”

Ning Yan hadn't seen Lan Xin for a day or two, but he had the feeling that he hadn't seen her for a long time.

Fu Linshen was still in the hospital because of the car accident, so he was still temporarily handling his work. Recently, too many things happened, especially the escape of Qiao Qiao, which caught Ning Yan by surprise.

Therefore, Fu Linshen's office in the military region has accumulated a lot of urgent documents that need to be processed.

Ning Yan is the kind of person who is very devoted to work as soon as he starts to work. It was already dawn outside before he raised his head from the file.

The man stayed up all night, but there was no tired look on his face. After a night of precipitation, in this early morning, Ning Yan missed Lan Xin surprisingly, so he took out his mobile phone and called Lan Xin.

After a long time of beeping, Ning Yan still heard a familiar and pleasant mechanical female voice: "The number you dialed is temporarily unanswered, please dial later..."

Ning Yan waited until this sentence was finished before cutting off the phone call.

These days, Ning Yan has called Lan Xin countless times, and all of them are because of this result. He is not surprised. Besides, Qiao Qiao has not been arrested yet. He can't see Lan Xin. There was nothing I could do.

Neither hot nor cold is probably the most comfortable temperature in nature, but it is the most sad and annoying temperature in the emotional world.

Ning Yan put the phone back on the table, picked up the cigarette and lighter on the table with his knuckle fingers, and after lighting it, he sank into the chair and vomited.

Nicotine could not temporarily paralyze the nerves, but instead made his desire to see Lan Xin stronger.

Before he finished smoking a cigarette, the man put it out in the ashtray, got up decisively and walked outside, just in time to run into an adjutant who was carrying breakfast.

Seeing Ning Yan coming out of the room, the adjutant thought he was busy all night and wanted to go out to breathe, so he saluted with the tray in one hand and the other.

The voice was loud and loud: "Hello, Commander Ning! I'll put breakfast in your room first, and you can eat it later when you come back."

Ning Yan paused, waved his hands, and said in a calm voice, "No need, I'll go out for a while."

After Ning Yan left these words, he strode towards the parking lot under the golden sunlight, leaving the adjutant to watch him leave in a daze.

Ning Yan drove away from the military area and went directly to Jinglan Garden.

The car parked downstairs in Jinglan Court. The man lowered the window, put one hand on the window and the other on the steering wheel, and quietly looked up at the apartment where Lan Xin lived with Shen Lin.

He was thinking about what his core was doing at the moment. At this time, she should have woken up, maybe she had just had breakfast and was talking with her mother, or she might be watching dramas and playing with her mobile phone.

Did she ever think about him?Even for a second.


The man rubbed between his brows helplessly, his eyes dimmed for an instant, and the corners of his mouth gradually turned into a self-mockery.

Laughing at myself that I still have self-knowledge, and also laughing at myself that I didn't cherish it once, which caused the current situation of worrying about gains and losses.

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