Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 338 Different Positions

"Huaiyan, I have deciphered the contents of Gongyou's safe."

Ning Yan seemed to be smoking, but his tone was actually a bit vague. Gu Huaiyan didn't take it to heart at first, but when he was about to say that this was not a good thing, Ning Yan spoke before him: "The things in the insurance, you still have to pay for it." There is the truth about your brother's death."

Gu Huaiyan's idle smile suddenly froze on a handsome face. At that time, Yu Xinran had just made an appointment with Lan Xin to go shopping together, and when she wanted Gu Huaiyan to turn around and send her to look for Lan Xin, Suddenly saw his gloomy face.

"Ayan, what do you mean by that? The police have already given a clear judgment, and the driver who hit and ran has already turned himself in. We also guess that my brother was done by Gongyou. How did he get here? There is also the truth ?”

There was blood in his eyes, Gu Heng and Ning Yan have always had a very good relationship, and the hobbies between the two of them have always been very similar.

Later, when Gu Heng made a girlfriend, Ning Yan was the first to wonder what kind of person Ning Yan fell in love with, but Gu Heng has always kept it a secret. In Gu Heng's words, Ning Yan met After Lan Xin, she will definitely be attracted by Lan Xin and fall in love with her...

Gu Heng was right, Ning Yan fell in love with Lan Xin, but at the same time, they also recognized the wrong person.

Recalling the part about the injury, Gu Huaiyan's lips were a little pale, and he didn't even notice that the red light had turned into a green light. Yu Xinran, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, reminded him first, and then he restrained himself With half body emotion, he started the car and lowered his voice: "You said earlier that the contents of the safe may be evidence of Qiaoqiao's crime. A Yan, don't tell me that my brother's death has something to do with Qiaoqiao."

This is impossible!
He didn't want to hear about it, and he didn't want to accept it. After all, because he had a good relationship with Ning Yan and knew everything between them, Gu Heng had always loved Qiao Qiao very much. She couldn't figure out, Qiaoqiao's motive for killing Gu Heng.

There was a mist in his eyes, and Ning Yan was silent for a few seconds before he said in a daze: "Shortly before my Ah Heng got into a car accident, Qiao Qiao had contact with Gong You, and she had already Now that she knows that Gu Heng's HLA can completely match hers, this is also one of the main reasons why she attacked Ah Heng.

When Ning Yan said this, his whole body had some signs that he could not continue, but he had to force himself to continue.

"You are Ah Heng's younger brother. I have no right not to let you know about this matter. Huai Yan, I have an inescapable responsibility for this matter. If I didn't have a congenital heart disease, grandma wouldn't want to be so pretty as a child." Fate changes, Qiao Qiao will not kill Ah Heng..."

As long as he was a little wary of Qiao Qiao, so many tragedies would not have happened. Even if he had given Qiao Qiao a sense of security back then and made it clear that he would not want her heart, Gu Heng would not have died!
He pursed his lips, sad and changed beyond recognition of his partner who couldn't accept him since he was a child, and then his throat was a little itchy, and many words were soft in his throat, unable to speak.

"Where's Qiao Qiao?"

Gu Huaiyan used a lot of strength to squeeze out a few words from his mouth.

"Lan Xin called the police, but Qiao Qiao was vigilant in advance, and I have asked the police to issue a warrant."

After Lan Xin and Yu Xinran met in the central shopping mall, they chatted while shopping.

Because of that phone call, Yu Xinran also had a little understanding of Qiao Qiao's affairs.

She always thought that Qiao Qiao was just a bit of a white lotus, but she never thought that people would be so insane that they could ignore life at will.

"Xinxin, what are you going to do about this?"

Yu Xinran blinked her eyes, looked at Lan Xin with burning eyes, and asked: "Although Ning Yan's attitude towards Qiao Qiao is difficult to predict, how could Ning Yan think of a way to excuse her for so many years of relationship?" ?”

Lan Xin chuckled disdainfully when she heard the words, and then said half-jokingly: "Xin Ran, then tell me, when the time comes, I'll be emotional and kill Qiao Qiao, and when I'm going to jail, Ning Yan will Won't you excuse me?"

Yu Xinran was startled, she glanced at Lan Xin in shock, and asked, "Xin Xin, you don't really have such an idea, do you?"

Lan Xin glanced sideways at Yu Xinran, the girl probably thought she was not joking, her tone became trembling: "Xin Xin, Qiao Qiao is not worthy of you doing such a thing, she is not worthy! You can't do it What a fool!"

Lan Xin laughed, probably because she didn't notice that Yu Xinran would take her joke seriously. Instead of teasing Yu Xinran, she stretched out her hand and patted the little girl's fluffy head. Ji Qing: "Xin Ran, I'm just talking. I have already called the police. I believe Qiao Qiao will be arrested soon. By then, I must live well so that I can live up to Qiao Qiao's care for me in the past."

Yu Xinran was taken aback for a moment, she hadn't looked back from Lan Xin's body, the indoor light was a bit dark, and the girl's facial features against it looked like a beauty in an old photo, with a strong sense of nostalgia and an amazing feeling of going back in time.

Yu Xinran is used to seeing beauties in the entertainment industry, but there are few who can match her aesthetics like Lan Xin.

But following Lan Xin's words, Yu Xinran frowned fiercely: "Xinxin, you don't know that Qiao Qiao has escaped, do you?"

Lan Xin looked at Yu Xinran suspiciously for a long time, and said, "What?"

Yu Xinran thought about her words, and then said shallowly, "Ning Yan called Huaiyan today to talk about Gu Heng, but he also told Gu Huaiyan that Qiao Qiao had already fled in fear of crime. Don't you care about this matter?" do you know?"

Lan Xin's breathing was stagnant. Before she left Yi Jiangnan, after Ning Yan hung up on Mrs. Ning's phone, she seemed to answer a phone call. She didn't have a deep impression of that phone call, but she seemed to have heard one or two Sensitive name.

Probably because the police station called to say that Qiao Qiao had escaped.

That's why Yu Xinran asked her what she was going to do. She pursed her lips and her face turned pale. It took her a long time to regain her senses, and said in a soft voice: "Xinran, tell me the detailed process. Let me tell you, you said that Ning Yan called Mr. Gu, where is he now, with Mr. Gu?"

Yu Xinran was a little flustered, she didn't know that Lan Xin really didn't know about this matter, but Yu Xinran also knew, even if she knew beforehand, she would tell Lan Xin, because compared to Ning Yan Only then did she and Lan Xin get closer.

Yu Xinran recounted the content of Ning Yan's phone call, and Lan Xin's face seemed to turn paler, followed by a deeper and deeper chill in her eyes.

"Core core?"

Seeing Lan Xin running away, Yu Xinran called out tentatively. She turned her head to meet the girl's gaze, and Lan Xin's eyes softened for a moment.

"Xinran, I hate Ning Yan the most, and that's probably the case. I will never know what I want to know from Ning Yan's mouth. Maybe sometimes, he wants to protect me from the original intention, but Xinran , I really don't want it."


The moonlight is as black as ink, and the breeze blows the luxuriant acacia tree, swaying and swaying, and the pink and white petals like a lupine spread all over the ground, shining dreamily under the warm yellow landscape lights.

The girl leaned against the window and gathered the fringed shawl around her body. Against the background of the scene outside the window, her thin figure looked extraordinarily fragile and illusory.

"Bai Yu, thank you for taking care of me, unconditionally trusting and helping me." The girl's voice was clear and soft, as clean and clear as a spring.

Looking at the blurred face of the man in the swivel chair behind the desk, hidden in the blue-white smoke, she showed a sincere and sweet smile.

When she was cast aside by everyone and was an enemy of the whole world, there was still a person who was willing to stand by her side and be an enemy of the whole world, tolerate her, and protect her with all her strength.

Who would not be moved by this kind of pure friendship that transcends gender.

Hearing the words, the man frowned slightly, took a deep breath of the cigarette at his fingertips, and slowly exhaled a beautiful smoke ring before gently parting his thin lips: "Qiaoqiao, we are good friends."

The implication is that there is no need to be so polite.

"Yeah, in this world, family, love and friendship, in the end, all I can hold on to is the friendship you gave me." Her voice was a little ethereal and sad.

Qiao Qiao smiled brightly and sweetly, but Bai Yu felt uneasy in her heart, feeling that she was abnormal.

The man's melodious voice is as clear and moving as a cello.

"No matter what happens, I will be here."

The curvature of the girl's mouth is more elegant and charming, and her almond eyes are full of water.

He is not good at words, and he will not comfort her, but he will only stand up when she is in need, as stable as a mountain, full of peace of mind.

He will never reason with her, nor will he accuse her of doing something wrong, because he understands everything.

Because she understands, she won't stand on the moral high ground like everyone else and point out her behavior at will.

Because I understand, I don't want her to be a little unhappy, I just want her to be the noble and elegant young lady who is held in the palm of my hand forever.

"Bai Yu, people like me are really lucky to meet you."

The girl turned her head slightly, showing a bit of girlish cunning and innocence.

Bai Yu's fingertips holding the cigarette trembled slightly, as if he was not used to his friend's sudden sensationalism, he moved his body slightly.

He never cared about what kind of person she was, good or bad, it didn't matter, what was important was that she was the only friend in his life who loved each other with all his heart, and also the confidant who understood each other best.

Therefore, he will respect all her decisions, spare no effort to protect her, and accompany her through those bloody storms.

In this world, black and white, good and bad, right and wrong, there is no clear positioning, it is just that the environment is different, the growth experience is different, and the standpoint is different.

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