Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 333 Linshen just woke up

The missing piece of the heart was instantly filled by her, leaving no gaps.

Because she was always concerned about Fu Linshen, Wen Wan didn't sleep very soundly, and when she felt a rough touch on her face, she was awakened instantly.

When she sat up straight and raised her head, she was facing Fu Linshen's eyes filled with a smile that seemed to be filled with boundless stars. The familiar and gentle look made her tears fall instantly.

When Fu Linshen saw that he had woken her up, his first reaction was worry and embarrassment. Seeing her tears streaming down his face, he instantly felt distressed.

He raised his hand clumsily, trying to wipe away tears for her, but Wen Wan was startled when she saw this, and said hoarsely: "Don't move!"

"Fu Linshen, you have multiple scratches and glass scratches on your body, and you have injured your head and bones. Don't move!" She spoke quickly and urgently, her beautiful eyes were full of worry.

Fu Linshen's hand paused in the air, but he still reached out to wipe away her tears.

His pale lips moved, and his voice was hoarse: "Wan... Wan... don't cry."

After so many years, hearing Fu Linshen call her that again made her heart sore.

The helplessness and grievances that had been accumulated for many years found an exit in an instant, and what was pretended to be safe and sound shattered.

She used to think that she could be as calm as water, but now she collapsed with just one glance.

"Wanwan, I'm sorry..." Fu Linshen's tone was full of regret and apology.

I'm sorry, I couldn't protect her, let her suffer so much with Yuanyuan, and I'm sorry, he didn't keep his promise.

Even though he knew that his apology was useless to what had happened, he still felt that he owed her an apology.

As for the future, he will use the rest of his life to compensate her.

"I'm sorry whoever wants it from you, it's useless." Wen Wan turned her head to the side, letting the beating heart in her chest slowly calm down.

"Wanwan, I remember everything, I remember all the past between us, don't be sorry, tell me what you want, and I will give it to you." His voice was gentle, and he looked at her side face with infinite tenderness. and nostalgia.

The girl's tear-stained face suddenly couldn't help showing a smile, which was as gorgeous as a rainbow after the rain. Then she looked sideways into his eyes and said seriously: "I hope you are well."

If there are thousands of fireworks blooming in my heart, it seems that spring flowers bloom after the cold winter. Fu Linshen doesn't know how to describe his mood at this moment. In short, it is happiness, happiness, satisfaction, and the ever-present distress.

"Is there anything uncomfortable? Do you want some water?" Wen Wanqi asked him in a warm voice beside him, and rang the nurse's bell beside the bed.

Fu Linshen's eyes followed her all the time, afraid that she would disappear in the blink of an eye, or suddenly find that everything was just a dream.

Wen Wan was so stared at by him that her face turned reddish, her gaze began to dodge, and she said angrily, "Why do you keep looking at me?"

Fu Linshen smiled lowly, his voice was always elegant and magnetic: "Because you are beautiful."

Such a familiar conversation, Wen Wan's little hand holding the water glass trembled, and she raised her eyes to look at the man lying on the bed with burning eyes.

They looked at each other and smiled, tacitly thinking of the scene when they met for the first time, because she praised him for being beautiful, he was so angry that he jumped up and down, and insisted on calling himself a big man at a young age.

But thinking about it now, it is full of youthful beauty.

The sudden sound of pushing the door interrupted the warmth of the room, and Lin Changqing swarmed in with doctors and nurses with a ticket.

"How is it? Do you feel uncomfortable?" Lin Changqing walked in quickly and looked at him nervously.

"I'm fine, except for some pain, thank you for your longing." Fu Linshen looked at the tiredness between Lin Changqing's brows, looked at him sideways and said warmly.

"As long as you wake up, you'll be fine. Your brain is injured too badly, and you have many injuries on your body, but you can recover if you take a good rest." Lin Changqing carefully checked the data on the various instruments, and heaved a sigh of relief. tone.

"Ah Shen, you can wake up thanks to your own strong willpower." The big stone in Lin Changqing's heart finally fell to the ground.

Healing the wounded and saving lives is his bounden duty. What happened to Gu Heng back then was enough for him to blame himself. He really couldn't imagine what would happen to him if Fu Linshen couldn't wake up this time.

When Wen Wan heard his words, she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Lin Changqing with a little more gratitude.

"Doctor Lin, is there anything I need to pay attention to?" She asked gently.

Lin Changqing pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "Don't make big movements, take a good rest, avoid smoking, alcohol, spicy food, and accept treatment with peace of mind, and you will recover slowly."

Wen Wan nodded again and again, showing a smile: "Thank you, Dr. Lin."

Lin Changqing waved his hand, and said with a rare ease: "Ah Shen is my good friend, I can't say thank you."

He glanced at the watch on the wall, then turned to look at Fu Linshen and said, "Ah Shen, it's too late, you guys rest first, call me in time if you need anything, I'll come and see you tomorrow morning."

"Well, it's hard work, you have a good rest." Fu Linshen replied to him, knowing that he must also be too worried to fall asleep, and now he can go back to sleep for a while.

"Okay." Lin Changqing nodded, indicating to go out with the people who came.

Walking to the door, he suddenly remembered something, turned his head and said softly: "By the way, Ayan's place..."

"I'll call Mr. Ning later to reassure him, Doctor Lin, go to sleep quickly." Looking at his tired appearance, Wen Wan felt a little sorry.

Lin Changqing nodded before taking the door and leaving with peace of mind.

When Ning Yan returned to Yuewan in the deep night, it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

The man went back to the study room first, and sank his whole body into the executive chair. The smoke at his fingertips had burned more than half before reaching his lips. Listened carefully.

It was only when he felt a burning pain in his slender finger bones that he came back to his senses, and leaned over to extinguish the cigarette butt in his hand into the transparent ashtray on the table.

He took out a cigarette again and put it in his mouth. Before he could light it, the phone on the table vibrated.

Seeing Wen Wan's name, his eyes flashed, he took the cigarette away from his lips, and quickly swiped down to answer.

"Sir, did you disturb your rest?" The gentle voice was hoarse and apologetic.

"I disturbed you in the middle of the night because Linshen woke up just now."

Ning Yan's jawline, which had been tense all along, loosened, and the depression in his heart was relieved by this news.

"Well, I see, I'll go over now." Ning Yan cut off the phone immediately after speaking.

Just as Wen Wan was about to say no, she only heard the sound of disconnection when the words came to her lips.

Ning Yan got up directly and hung the coat on his arm. He first went to the bedroom to check on Lan Xin.

The curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows were not drawn, and a wall lamp left for him emitted soft light in the middle of the night, illuminating the frail girl on the bed.

Seeing the girl's peaceful sleeping face, his heart instantly settled down.

Ning Yan went over to close the curtains with light steps, raised the temperature of the indoor air conditioner by two degrees, walked to the head of the bed and kissed her on the forehead. His fingers stayed on the wall light switch for a moment, then withdrew his hand, and turned to face her. go outside.

Maybe it was because of the absence of the familiar embrace, Lan Xin didn't sleep well, she turned over, her side was still cold.

Lan Xin slowly opened her eyes, the wall lamp in the room was still on, and the pillow next to her was also empty, she reached out her hand to feel under the pillow in a daze, and turned on the phone.

Two in the morning.

What about others?It's so late and I haven't come back yet.

Lan Xin felt a little thirsty, squinted her eyes and got up and got out of bed, put on her slippers and prepared to go downstairs to pour a glass of water.

As soon as she went out, she saw the light on in the study next to her. Thinking that he might still be working so late, she went downstairs and poured a glass of water. After drinking it in one gulp, she poured another glass from the glass in her hand and went upstairs. .

The pear-blossom wooden door was ajar, and she opened the door with the water glass in one hand and walked in directly.

The room was empty, no one was seen, the laptop on the table was still on, and she exited the study again.

"Ning Yan?" The girl's crisp voice echoed in the villa, but no one responded.

Feeling a little lost, she went into the study again, walked to the desk, and reached out to turn off the computer.

On the screen of the computer, a recording had finished playing. She hesitated to close it for him, but accidentally clicked on play with the mouse.

"Qiaoqiao, after all, no matter what Gu Heng said to you, he loves you to the core. Now that the person is not dead, you can save him by calling an emergency call, and you can go back on it..."

The man's elegant voice sounded in the silent study.She didn't immediately recognize whose voice it was, but she subconsciously held her breath when she heard Qiao Qiao's name.

And when she heard Gu Heng's name and the content of the conversation, her heart beat violently in an instant.

Qiao Qiao really had something to do with Ah Heng's death!
When the long guessing became a fact, her eye sockets instantly turned red, and there was a tearing pain in her heart.

Lan Xin's hand holding the mouse trembled slightly. She checked the contents of the USB flash drive and found that there were many such audios. She began to listen to the first one.

The previous part was almost all recordings about how Qiao Qiao caused Gu Heng's death in a car accident. Every time she clicked on a recording, her heart ached even more.

Afterwards, after she married Ning Yan, she suffered half of the harm she suffered in plotting.

She probably understood that it was something in Gongyou's safe.

All the secrets that Qiao Qiao has done have substantial evidence here. She killed Gu Heng in order to keep herself alive, and created many problems between him and Ning Yan, including wanting her life. .

Lan Xin bit her lower lip tightly, her beautiful eyes were full of anger, and she clenched her five fingers holding the mouse tightly.

She wanted to know where Ning Yan went, he must have read the contents, so what is his attitude?
The love of his heart, what a white lotus, will he cover up and indulge Qiao Qiao after knowing her true face?

Thinking of his previous bias and connivance towards Qiao Qiao, her heart was filled with hatred. She hated Ning Yan's trust and preference for Qiao Qiao, and she also hated herself for not living up to expectations.

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