Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 244 Just Do What The Old Madam Says

Mrs. Ning suddenly stood up from her seat: "Where is she? Does she have anything to do?"

"I've had fetal gas, and she's sleeping in Yuewan now. I came out while she was asleep." Ning Yan paused for a moment, then glanced at Qiao Ruo, who was pale-faced: "Qiao Ruo, I must be held accountable! Grandma , if you still want to stop me, then when my child is born, I will have ten thousand ways to prevent you from seeing her. After all, you don't care if she lives or dies!"

Mrs. Ning took a deep breath, and took two steps in Ning Yan's direction: "Let Ye Fan handle these things, I feel a little flustered, take me to live in Yuewan for a few days."

The three generations of the Ning family are single-passed, and Mrs. Ning really cares about the offspring.

She was a little sad that after Lan Xin became pregnant, Ning Yan kept hiding it from her, but she was also very worried about Lan Xin's situation.

When she hated Lan Xin the most, Ning Yan lied to her that Lan Xin had a baby, and later found out that the baby was fake, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Knowing that Lan Xin was pregnant, she couldn't wait to go over and see how Lan Xin was doing.

"Grandma! I can ask Ruoruo to apologize to Lan Xin. She has already done her best. What else can you do to be satisfied?"

Madam Ning said with a cold face, "No pair of hands can let her know that she is tall and pretty. She has grown into what she is today. After all, it's all because of your pampering!"

Mrs. Ning glanced at Ye Fan, and said, "Just collect the evidence of what Ruoruo did and send it to the police station, and deal with it fairly and justly!"

It can be said that Mrs. Ning turned her back on the front line. Before Qiao Qiao's family could react, Ning Yan helped Mrs. Ning to walk out of the gate.

Qiao Qiao grew up in Ning's family, the first time she heard Mrs. Ning's words so harshly, her eyes were filled with tears as she watched people leave.

After arriving at Yuewan, Ning Yan helped Mrs. Ning out of the car. It was already late, and Ning Yan meant to let Mrs. Ning go to rest first, but she insisted on taking a look at Lan Xin first.

Yuewan was decorated like a girl's castle, with a strong scent of makeup, and Mrs. Ning unexpectedly didn't say anything.

When going upstairs, Mrs. Ning asked Ning Yan: "How is she doing? Was the pregnancy difficult?"

"Drowsiness, and then I have a bad temper, but I haven't had morning sickness yet. Her health is not very good, the fetal image is not very stable, and she was frightened again today..."

Ning Yan took a deep breath, and Mrs. Ning's voice was very shallow: "Stop worrying about pretty things in the future, and take good care of her!"

When the two of them walked to the door of the room, they were silent at the same time. Mrs. Ning unconsciously lowered her footsteps and looked towards the bed. Madam Ning stopped her, she glared angrily, and warned Ning Yan with her eyes, and her eyes fell on Lan Xin's sleeping face.

She slept well. Because of the hot weather, most of her body was exposed, and her hands were placed on her lower abdomen in a protective posture.

After confirming that she was fine, Mrs. Ning took a deep breath and exited the room.


Lan Xin woke up early in the morning and was woken up by Zhang's mother.

She opened her eyes, thinking she was still dreaming, Mama Zhang yelled again and said, "Young Madam, go downstairs for breakfast, Mama Zhang cooked you your favorite tremella porridge, go wash up."

Lan Xinyun washed up and went downstairs in a fog, and saw Mrs. Ning at the edge of the dining table, her footsteps suddenly stopped, and her movements down the stairs were much lighter. In fact, Mrs. Ning didn't really like her.

She knew it in her heart, so she also knew how much pressure Ning Yan was under to be with her.

That's why she was lost in the illusion that Ning Yan loved her again and again, unable to extricate herself.

After Old Madam Ning saw her, I don't know if it was her illusion, she actually had a feeling that Madam Ning's eyes lit up,

"Is there anything you want to eat recently? Zhang Ma and I will live in Yuewan for a while. If you want to eat, you can ask Zhang Ma to make it for you. If not, grandma will buy it for you!"

"Hey!" Ning Yan chuckled and said, "Grandma, there are so many people in Yuewan, how can I bother you to run errands?"

Ning Yan sat upright, pulled aside the chair next to Lan Xin, put the porridge made by Zhang Ma in front of her, and handed her a pair of chopsticks.

He made a series of movements in a smooth and smooth manner, as if he had done it countless times skillfully. Lan Xin held the spoon in the bowl, and unconsciously screened out the main points of the two people's words in his mind.

Mrs. Ning will live here for a while.

Ning Yan was her grandson, so she naturally couldn't have any objections, she held the spoon in her lowered eyes and ate the porridge one after another.

Zhang Ma's handicraft is excellent, the taste of the porridge is sticky but not greasy, she bit the spoon and quickly ate a bowl of porridge.

"Hurry up, give the young lady another bowl!"

As soon as Mrs. Ning finished her sentence, Ye Fan strode in and said in a low voice, "Sir, Miss Qiao is here and wants to see you!"

"not see!"

Ye Fan seemed to know Ning Yan's answer, so he didn't back out. He lowered his voice and said, "Miss Qiao said, if you don't see her, just kneel outside Yuewan until you are willing to see her."

"Kneel?" Mrs. Ning said, the word was bitten between her lips and teeth, with a lot of doubts: "I was taught by the Ning family, what is it like to kneel at every turn?"

In the early morning, Lan Xin's mood suddenly faded away, and the memory was suddenly brought back to last night, she pursed her lips tightly and sat on the same spot.

Her pupils were half-closed, and she looked like she had a poor appetite, but she had a good appetite just now, and it didn't make sense that she lost her appetite in a blink of an eye.

Mrs. Ning opened her mouth, and said almost ruthlessly: "Go out and tell Qiaoqiao, if I knew today, I shouldn't have done it before! If she is so ignorant, it will not be as simple as going to prison!"

She has accompanied Mr. Ning on the battlefield for so many years, she knows how to deal with Qiao Qiao, but she is not willing to use it.

Ye Fan looked at Ning Yan hesitantly, the man's face against the light and shadow outlined a trembling arc for no reason: "Just do as the old lady said."

His tone of voice was too cold, and Lan Xin shrank unavoidably, Ning Yan thought that the temperature in the room was too low to freeze her, so he said familiarly: "Wen Wan, turn the temperature up a bit, go up and get a shawl for the wife. "

Wen Wan responded, went upstairs, took off the shawl and handed it to Ning Yan. Ning Yan took the shawl and put it on Lan Xin's shoulders, gathered it up, and tied a beautiful bow on her chest.

Mrs. Ning's eyes deepened, and her lips curled up in a loving arc: "Girl, do you have any appetite now? Or, do you want to have some snacks or something?"

Lan Xin noticed something strange, glanced sideways at Mrs. Ning, shook her head and said, "No, I'll spit it out if I eat any more. You talk, I'll go for a walk."

"Ayan, you stay with Xinxin!"


As soon as she stood up, she heard the conversation between the two, and then Ning Yan stood up abruptly from her seat. The man's body was tall and strong. He put a pair of strong arms on her shoulders, and walked out of the villa with his arms in his arms. .

As soon as he walked out of the gate, Lan Xin raised his shoulders and said dissatisfiedly: "Ning Yan, can you take your hand away from my shoulder, you are really heavy, do you know that?"

Ning Yan didn't take back his hand as he said, but Lan Xin instinctively felt that the weight on his shoulders was much lighter.

"Why did Mrs. Ning come to Moon Bay?"

She asked casually, casually, if it wasn't for the tension in her eyes, Ning Yan would have found it more convincing.

"It's okay, just stay for a few days."

Ning Yan responded casually, his tone was more casual than Lan Xin's, which made her nervous for no reason, she pinched the corner of her skirt involuntarily, and asked in a low voice: "Then should I move out first?" For a few days, she doesn't like me, maybe I won't feel comfortable living with her?"

The man didn't answer, but stared at her secretly, with a bit of inscrutable.

Lan Xin thought that what she said made Ning Yan unhappy, but she still bit the bullet and continued: "Living in Jinglan Court is also very comfortable, and I can take care of myself, so you don't have to worry about me..."

"Grandma came to live because I told her you were pregnant!"

Ning Yan didn't want to listen to Lan Xin's words anymore, and opened his mouth to interrupt Lan Xin's words. His voice was very soft and shallow, but it pressed a thousand catties on her heart.


"She was afraid that I wouldn't be able to take care of you well, so she came here in person, just running for you. I'm afraid she will follow you wherever you go. Think about it, whether to live in Yuewan or go to Jinglanyuan, no We're moving tonight."

Lanxin: "..."

"You told Mrs. Ning about my pregnancy, why didn't you tell me? A Yan..."

"Lan Xin, Mrs. Ning, Mrs. Ning, keeps barking. She is my grandma. Should you call her Mrs. Ning?"

Ning Yan's tone was a little displeased, and his voice was shallow. When he spoke, the distance between the two of them suddenly closed, and his breath sprayed on Lan Xin's face, which was so thin that it made her tremble for no reason. one time.

"Hey, that's grandma, you know?"

Lan Xin didn't talk to Ning Yan. In fact, Mrs. Ning never regarded her as Ning Yan's wife. She was worried that if she called her grandma, she would be displeased when she turned around.

But Ning Yan didn't want to give up on the matter that made her change her mind. She lowered her head and spoke slowly, with a deep and magnetic voice: "Xinxin, be good, say I understand."

He was very close, and his figure was extraordinarily tall, which gave her a strong sense of oppression. Lan Xin took a step back, and was tightly clasped around the waist by the man's outstretched iron arm. Holding her gaze, he knew that he was still waiting for her to speak.

She tucked the broken hair on her cheeks behind her ears with some discomfort, and a tinge of red appeared on her earlobes exposed to the air. After a long time, she replied in a low voice, "Got it."

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