Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 237 Can We Have This Child

"I think you should ask Xinran about this matter. Besides, Mr. Gu, Xinran is pregnant, and you don't look happy! What? Are you friends planning to sleep only with women? Do you want a child?"

Lan Xin asked slowly, Gu Huaiyan's movements stopped, if Xin Ran was really pregnant with his child, he might wake up laughing.


"Did something happen?"

Ning Yan asked nonchalantly, Gu Huaiyan was addicted to cigarettes, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, tugged at the bottom of his heart, bloodshot eyes came out from the pain: "I don't I know why, last night, I lay down with Qiaoqiao..."

Ning Yan suddenly stood up from his seat, Lan Xin was caught off guard, his body was led forward by Ning Yan, and his lower abdomen almost hit the table.

She pursed her lips, and heard Ning Yan's slightly angry voice: "Say it again!"

Gu Huaiyan took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it for himself, and the smoke diffused, like Lan Xin's erratic heart.

"I said, last night, Qiaoqiao and I lay down together! I didn't realize what happened, or even what happened? If you hadn't called me, I might have slept until this morning!"

"Huaiyan, I don't know, is it your excuse to shirk responsibility? This matter, what kind of result Qiaoqiao wants, I hope you can give her!"

Ning Yan's voice became colder and colder, and Lan Xin's heart also turned colder.

"I won't marry Qiaoqiao. Unlike you, I am hesitant between two women. Ayan, I only have Xinran in my heart. No matter how much pressure the Qiao family, you, and the Ning family put on me, I will never marry you. , will only marry Yu Xinran!"

"I'm sorry, but I don't have any impression of lying on the same bed with her. If you say it has nothing to do with her, don't believe me!"

The hostility on Gu Huaiyan's body was very deep, he pursed his lips: "Even, Xinran knew about it!"

He opened his eyes, with a stern look on his face: "Don't talk about the fact that you are looking for me, I will never end with Qiaoqiao!"

Lan Xin guarded her stomach and stared at Gu Huaiyan, she suddenly felt a little envious of Xinran, who found a man like Gu Huaiyan who was devoted to her.

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Lan Xin: "After going out from here last night, Xinran disappeared. I have searched everywhere I can. Miss Lan, do you know where I can find her?"

Lan Xin thought for a long time, hesitated for a while, and said, "Xin Ran likes the sea like me, do you want to go to the beach to try your luck?"

She said, put down the spoon in her hand, and said, "I'll go with you. I'm also worried about her. On the way, I can help you think about where Xinran might go."

"it is good."

The two walked out, Ning Yan glanced at Lan Xin and had to follow, he stretched out his hand to grab him, but Lan Xin dodged her, she said calmly: "Mr. Ning, go and comfort your little Qingmei, I'll go Follow Mr. Gu to find my little girlfriend."

"I'll go with you, sweetheart!"

Ning Yan's voice was very shallow, Lan Xin lowered her eyelashes, and said, "I don't agree with you, Mr. Ning, and I don't want to have another conflict with you. I'm helping Xinran, and you're helping Qiao Qiao." Yes, let's see each other for a while, okay?"

"not good."

Ning Yan forcibly held Lan Xin's hand, his voice was very shallow and low: "I won't interfere in this matter, Linshen and grandma will also ask Huai Yan, unless Qiao Qiao didn't say anything from the beginning."

"Don't mess with me, okay?"

Lan Xin was a little disappointed in her heart, but now she was not alone. With Ning Yan's baby in her stomach, she wanted to give Ning Yan, her, and the child another chance.

"You ask Secretary Zhang to fix Xinran's position."

Lan Xin said as he walked out, Ning Yan understood that Lan Xin had compromised, and he did not hesitate, and did what Lan Xin said.After finding Yu Xinran, Gu Huaiyan explained to her for a long time, but all his words were interrupted by Yu Xinran's question: "Have you done anything with her?"

All of Gu Huaiyan's words stopped in her mouth, she took a step back, and behind her was the boundless sea, Yu Xinran's heart was ups and downs.

"Go and marry her, I don't want a man who can't control his body!"

Her face was very cold, she took two steps forward sideways, and Gu Huaiyan followed her two steps: "Xin Ran, I really don't know, after you and Lan Xin left yesterday, I went to Mansion No. At that time, there was only Qiaoqiao in the box, we have such a good relationship, I can't drive her away, can I?"

"The relationship is good, and you have to be responsible when you sleep!" Yu Xinran's voice was weak: "Besides, you know that I am disgusting and pretty, and I have a bad relationship with someone, but it is her. I don't want to think of her when I see you." That face disgusts me!"

Yu Xinran shook off Gu Huaiyan and walked towards Lan Xin and Shuo Ning Yan. It was the first time Lan Xin saw Yu Xinran cry.

Lan Xin suddenly began to blame herself. If it wasn't for her, if Yu Xinran went to the hospital with her, wouldn't this matter happen?

Watching her cry, she felt a faint pain in her heart. Xinran probably really cared about Gu Huaiyan.

"Xinran, I'm sorry, if I hadn't looked for you, this matter might not have happened."

After Lan Xin took Yu Xinran into the car, she opened her mouth to apologize.

Yu Xinran closed her eyes, and grinned when she heard the words: "Xinxin, even without you, many things that should happen will happen."

She believed in Gu Huai's words, and she could seduce him unknowingly, either because she was very powerful, or because she was the person she knew the most!

Qiao Qiao has both.

Lan Xin thought deeply, and couldn't figure out what Qiao Qiao was thinking in her heart. She obviously only loved Ning Yan, but for some reason, she bypassed Fu Linshen and directly attacked Gu Huaiyan.

After all, in comparison, Fu Linshen had a higher position than Gu Huaiyan, and a better family than Gu Huaiyan. What's more, following Gu Huaiyan, he was always in fear, and choosing him didn't seem like Qiao Qiao's style.

Could it be that it was really an accident?
When several people couldn't figure out why, Qiao Qiao called Ning Yan's mobile phone. Lan Xin and Yu Xinran were sitting in the back of the car. After Ning Yan took out the mobile phone, she looked up and saw only Pretty two words,
Ning Yan slid to answer, but because of one-handed operation, he accidentally touched the loudspeaker. Ning Yan just watched the way, and didn't notice it. He put the phone to his ear, and the girl's sad voice rang out in the car: "Ayan, I know you want me to give up on you, but can you tell me why you drug me and Huaiyan?"

"Can't you see how dirty I am!? I hate you, Ning Yan, I hate you!"

After saying this, the phone over there was suddenly cut off, and the carriage was silent, without a single sound, and the quiet needle drop could be heard.

"It's absolutely impossible for Ning Yan to do this! Xinran..."

Yu Xinran stopped Lan Xin's words: "I know, but...the situation is a bit complicated, why would Qiao Qiao say such things?"

"Because I'm the most suspicious, I really want to give up Qiaoqiao and find a man to marry. Besides, I'm afraid Qiaoqiao is also an innocent person."

"What do you mean?"

"My grandfather."

Ning Yan's voice was a little hollow, he drove the car downstairs to Yu Xinran's, and after watching Yu Xinran go upstairs, he drove Lan Xin back to Yuewan: "Although this request is a bit excessive, can you agree to it recently? Me, stay in Yuewan obediently?"


If it was normal, Lan Xin would definitely not agree, but she is pregnant, and she wants to keep the child, so even if Ning Yan asked her to go out and run around, she would not go!

Interrupted by the matter of Yu Xinran and Gu Huaiyan, Ning Yan no longer had the mood to ask what Lan Xin was hiding from him.

Drive the car all the way back to the villa.

Ning Yan started to get busy again, but he didn't move a single step to Yuewan. Lan Xin keenly noticed that the number of people watching the houses around Yuewan had increased a lot.

Even when she had breakfast in the morning, she could see the uniformly dressed bodyguards outside the door through the window of the restaurant.

Ning Yan knew that the day she was pregnant was at dusk, and it was not time for dinner, but she was a little hungry, so she got up from the bed and went downstairs to look for food.

Just as Ning Yan came out of the kitchen with a water glass, Lan Xin suddenly felt a top-heavy feeling as she was walking, and fell to the ground when her eyes went dark.

Ning Yan's heart tightened, and she reached out to catch her. Her face was too pale, as white as a piece of paper, more like a lifeless doll.

A trace of panic flashed in his eyes, he called out Wen Wan's name twice, and the corners of his lips were tensed, telling Wen Wan to call the family doctor.

He carried him back to the bedroom, put him on the bed, and then turned up the indoor air conditioner a little. Ning Yan's cell phone was in the study room. He wanted to call Lin Changqing, but he couldn't find Lan Xin's phone when he looked around. Mobile phone, very naturally reached out to pick up the handbag she put on the bedside.

His eyes fell on the case sheet, and his heart stopped, thinking that Lan Xin had some serious illness, so he opened it and took a look.

The top row of words showed that she was nearly six weeks pregnant.

His heart constricted suddenly. In her bag, there were also medicines prescribed by the doctor. He checked twice and found that they were all for pregnant women.

She is pregnant!

Ning Yan took a sharp breath, and he glanced at the time on the result, it showed that it was three days ago.

So, she knew about her pregnancy a long time ago, but she didn't tell him!
Ning Yan licked his lips, five to six weeks, probably the night of No. [-] mansion, he didn't take medicine at that time, and then something happened to Lan Xin's mother, so he had no time to worry about whether she would be pregnant or not.

But just one night, she became pregnant.

Ning Yan's heart suddenly seemed to be involved in something. He looked for the mobile phone everywhere, and finally found it behind the bag. Ning Yan pinched the mobile phone and quickly called out Lin Changqing's phone number, and called.

"Long love, Lan Xin is pregnant, can we have this child?"

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