Lan Wei's pupils shrank, and the sleepiness in Qiao Qiao's voice rose little by little, "In the past few days, you can spend more time with grandma, and find a chance to let her accompany you to that small company to have a look, isn't it all right?"

How could Ning Yan buy a company for no reason?
After hanging up the phone, Lan Wei blinked her eyes, turned the car and drove towards Ning's old house.

She still has a little affection for Lan Cheng and Wei Qingqing. Ning Yan killed her family's company for Lan Xin. Although she got the help of Mrs. Ning, she still struggled.

Ning Yan didn't seem to have the intention of killing her from the very beginning, and signed many big-budget scripts for her. Secretary Zhang also treated her respectfully, but she was surrounded by people from Xinghui.

Watch her filming.

Filmed three dramas in two months, and was scolded bloody by the director.

She has always known that her acting skills are poor, she can't bring herself into other people's stories and feelings, and she is used to being pampered, but she has a relatively strong vanity, and she only has two wishes in her life.

Gain both fame and fortune, and marry into a wealthy family.

A few years ago, it was fine. Lan Xin successfully took home the Cannes Best Actress trophy for her, and she also climbed into Ning Yan's bed. Although nothing happened, these are not important, what is important is her The name has already appeared in Ning Yan's household registration book, in the name of his spouse.

But when she came back, everything changed!
She took a deep breath, and as soon as Lan Xin left, Ning Yan gave her a scene with very deep acting skills, ruining the image she worked so hard to create, and making their marriage status fake!

The future she worked so hard to create was ruined by that bitch Lan Xin!
How could Lan Wei not hate Lan Xin!

Her heart ached from hatred, because of her, her parents had no place to stand in City A, and when Lan Xin came back, Ning Yan was going to pick her up!Even if she dies, she will not fulfill them!

She stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and arrived at the Ning family's old house before Mrs. Ning took a rest.

She sorted out her thoughts, turned around and entered the villa, saw Mrs. Ning, and felt wronged for no reason: "Grandma..."

Madam Ning glanced sideways at Lan Wei, raised her eyebrows, looked at Lan Wei with a smile, and asked, "Miss Wei, what's the matter?"

"Grandma, didn't you keep asking A Yan to come back, won't he come back? I heard that A Yan bought a small company outside and is busy with it." Lan Wei paused, hiding her doubts about Ning Yan The little secretary is Lan Xin's business, and she said in a soft voice: "Grandma, why don't we go to A Yan tomorrow? I heard that A Yan is very interested in this small company, and he lives there every day."

A trace of anger rose in the eyes of Mrs. Ning: "A Yan still refuses to go to Yuewan to buy a small company? Zhang Ma! Why didn't you tell me about this?"

She stretched out her hand to grab Lan Wei, sat down beside her, and scolded Mama Zhang a few words.

Lan Wei held Mrs. Ning's skinny hand instead, and said in a low voice: "Grandma, don't blame Zhang Mama, anyway, there is nothing to do tomorrow, let's go to that small company together to see?"

Ning Yan was brought up by Mrs. Ning. When she knew that he fell in love with Qiao Qiao, she felt that the sky was falling.

Ning Yan fell in love with two women, one was his source of heart, and the other was a little stand-in who had someone else in his heart but could give everything for money.

She longed for her grandson to get better and better, but it was obvious that whether it was Qiao Qiao or that little stand-in, her grandson would be killed at any time!

The roots of troubles!

For the first time, she knew that these four words were not just a vocabulary!
"Okay, let's go and have a look tomorrow!"

Mrs. Ning opened her mouth softly. She patted Lan Wei's hand and said softly, "Girl Wei, since you're here, it's so late, so stay here for the night."

Lan Wei nodded and asked, "Grandma, where's Qiaoqiao?"

"Qiaoqiao drew a design draft day and night a few days ago, and she is still sleeping upstairs."

Lan Wei nodded with a smile, stood up and said, "Grandma, let me make you some supper. I heard that you have a bad appetite recently. How about making some home-cooked dishes?"

Mrs. Ning wanted her not to trouble her, but Lan Wei went straight into the kitchen after speaking.

In fact, she really looked down on Lan Wei. If she hadn't liked the reputation of the Ning family, she would never have let Lan Wei in.

Half a year ago, Ning Yan had someone make their marriage certificate fake. Although Mrs. Ning did not support it, she also held a tacit attitude.

Later, Qiaoqiao went to City A to participate in the design exchange meeting, and she was very depressed when she came back. After all, she was the one who brought up the child with her own hands, so Mrs. Ning took people to relax.

When she came back, Qiaoqiao answered a phone call and left first, but she got into a car accident. Without Lan Wei, she might have died.Thinking about it now, Mrs. Ning still has the feeling of surviving after a catastrophe.

Originally, her dissatisfaction with Lan Wei was completely dissipated in that accident.

She also slowly accepted Lan Wei, and with Lan Wei's understanding of psychology, these past few months have made Mrs. Ning very happy

Lan Xin went to the hospital secretly again in the middle of the night. She didn't enter the ward, so she called Susan and asked about Shen Lin's situation in the women's bathroom.

"Susan, did you hear when my mother was talking to that man?"

Susan shook her head, and said, "I just vaguely heard what the man said, about not regretting after following Lan Cheng... I can't hear anything else."

Lan Xin was silent for a while, Susan was brought back from abroad by her, Lan Xin pursed her lips, she knew that she would be recognized soon if she went to see Shen Lin as Shen Xin, but she was worried about Shen Lin , took a deep breath.

"Susan, I have been trying to contact Lin Changqing to take care of my mother in the past few days, and I will also find a few bodyguards to protect my mother. Next time this man comes over again, don't let him enter my mother's ward, okay? "

"Okay, miss."

"The mobile phone number I asked you to buy before, did you buy it?"

Susan took out a card from her mobile phone and handed it to Lan Xin: "Miss, I bought this from someone in the hospital."

Lan Xin took it and said: "Well, you go back first."

After Lan Xin got out of the hospital, she took a taxi to the beach and asked the driver to wait for her.

The sea breeze is very cool at night, and the sea breeze is also very strong.

Before marrying Ning Yan instead of Lan Wei, she was afraid of the dark, but after she spent the night on the top of the Xinghui Building, she was thrown by Ning Yan on the half-mountain of Yuewan Bay, and stayed alone on the dark road for several hours .

He was knocked out in Charm, locked in the utility room, and stuffed into the trunk.

There was still a little bit of starlight on the beach, so she installed the SIM card that Susan had bought in her mobile phone and called Lin Changqing.

Lin Changqing often lived a life with day and night upside down. When Lan Xin called, he was still awake.

"Hello, Doctor Lin. I would like to ask you to see a patient for me. In terms of remuneration, I will do my best to satisfy you."

Lin Changqing had just had an operation, and she hadn't even taken off her white coat. When she heard Lan Xin, her consciousness, which had been a little sluggish during the operation, revived.

"By the way, who do you want me to take care of? Who are you?"

He could guess who it was, and the little nurse who walked out of the office to rush to the night shift tapped her mobile phone.

The little nurse handed over the phone, and Lin Changqing sent Ning Yan a series of numbers, and edited the text message while listening to Lan Xin.

"The patient is now in your hospital, Ward 1027. The patient's name is Shen Lin."

"Are you Blue Core?"

Lan Xin responded and said, "Dr. Lin, get rid of you and help my mother see a doctor. I will transfer the money directly to your account."

"Lanxin, can we meet and talk?"

"I'm sorry, Dr. Lin."


When Ning Yan saw the text message, he was sitting in Xinghui's office having a video conference, which was a matter from the capital.

The phone vibrated, it was an unfamiliar number, he frowned, because this number was Ning Yan's private number, not many people knew it, so he clicked in and took a look.

Suddenly stood up from his seat, strode out of the office and said to Secretary Zhang who was still in the office: "Find the location of this mobile phone number immediately! Call Secretary Shen and see where she is!"


After locating Lan Xin's position, Ning Yan returned to the office and said to the adjutant, "We'll talk about this later." Then he went out with his coat.

"You go downstairs to Secretary Shen's house, and I'll go to the beach to see people. If you see Secretary Shen, you must stop him."

"Understood, President."

Secretary Zhang looked at Ning Yan's face, and didn't dare to ask Ning Yan what he was going to do, so he went downstairs and drove to Jinglan Garden.

When Ning Yan followed the mobile phone sent by Secretary Zhang to locate the beach, it took 10 minutes, but he was no longer there.

He expected this result, and was not so disappointed. He turned on the flashlight on his phone and took a silent look at the beach.

Following the footprints, Ning Yan walked to the beach and found a phone card. He picked it up, looked back at the footprints left on the beach, and started walking back.

He didn't know what kind of mood he was in to go to Jinglanyuan. Downstairs in Lan Xin's community, there was only Secretary Zhang alone, with a mobile phone in his hand, as if he had just called Shen Xin.

"President, Secretary Shen is already asleep."

Ning Yan's jaw was tense, he ignored Secretary Zhang's words, and went straight in and pressed the elevator.

On the 16th floor, Ning Yan found out which household Lan Xin lived in, and knocked on the door of the room.

The door was quickly pulled open from the inside, and Lan Xin stood at the door in a pajamas, looking at Ning Yan in surprise.

"President, it's so late..."

"Did you go to the beach?"

Ning Yan directly interrupted Lan Xin's words. He frowned and looked straight at Lan Xin.

Lan Xin pursed her lips, and said lightly: "No."

"Are you her?"

Ning Yan lost all interest, she had been hiding for too long, he lost the patience to find her, and asked directly.

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