Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 184 You Will Kill the Lan Family Like This

Before that, Lan Wei knew that Lan Xin would have a miserable life, but she really didn't know that Lan Xin had such a miserable life.

In the past few days, on the first night, Ye Fan found a car, tied her up, and threw her on the edge of the cliff beside the road in Yuewan.

She had seen Ning Yan's car before, and wanted to ask for help, but a piece of cloth was stuffed into her mouth, and she couldn't utter a word. The fear made her miserable, and she didn't dare to move, for fear that with one movement, she would fall into the sky. In the cliff, can't get out again.

She hated and hurt in her heart, hated Lan Xin, hated Ning Yan.

Why should he treat her like this?

She never did anything to apologize to him.

In just three or four days, she seemed to have experienced her entire life, and was finally thrown out of Yuewan by Ye Fan!
When she was desperate and helpless, a thin and gentle voice sounded in her ears: "That substitute of yours back then was Ning Yan's heart who was obtained by stalking. How could you be so Give up soon?"

Lan Wei suddenly raised her head and glanced at the man, only seeing a piece of snow-white skirt, and a head of seaweed-like long hair that almost passed her waist, and the rest were hidden in an ethereal and slender figure.

All the fighting spirit in her heart was stimulated at this moment.

Why can Lan Xin, but she can't?
She got up from the ground, her body was still trembling badly, her legs were limp, her eyes glistened with tears, she didn't have a mobile phone or a means of transportation, and she walked down the mountain step by step.

Not long after, a car came up and asked, "Miss Lan, I'll take you home."

Lan Wei blinked, it was already dark, and she happened to know the person who came up, Cheng Jin.

A man she fell in love with when she was still in school.

She got into the car almost without hesitation. The man was very gentlemanly, and handed it over with a tissue. Lan Wei wiped the sweat and tears from her forehead. At this moment, the hatred in her heart was extremely strong.

"You're here for that?"

The corners of Cheng Jin's mouth curled up, and he pretended to think with a smile when he heard the words: "If I say passing by, it would be too perfunctory for Miss Lan."

Cheng Jin was considered a poor boy back then, and Lan Wei wanted to play with Cheng Jin purely because he fell in love with Cheng Jin's face, without thinking about the long-term at all.

"It is said that."

"Hey, don't you still miss me, Cheng Jin, you'd better not forget that I am Ning Yan's wife! Mrs. Ning is justified."

Cheng Jin raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Lan Wei, how long have you not been online, and you still don't know that your marriage with Ning Yan is fake?"

Lan Wei's face changed suddenly, and Cheng Jin said with a smile: "Didn't you ask me why I am here? Then I will tell you the truth, I came here because someone told me that you were lying on the ground in a mess and asked me to come and see the joke , so here I come!"

Lan Wei: "..."

Cheng Jin didn't lie either. When he was with Lan Wei, he was serious and paid a lot, but people change.

When Lan Wei ruined that boy after entering the entertainment industry, they hadn't broken up yet.

With his head on the Siberian prairie, how could he bear it?

Cheng Jin had received hints from Qiao Ruo in advance about the matter in Qiao Ruo's apartment and the child who was beaten.

He can't forget each other in the rivers and lakes, the only thing he thinks about is that he wants her to have a bad life like him.

So when he heard that she was lying on the main road in Yuewan, and thinking about the entertainment headlines in the past two days, he drove here without any hesitation, and he saw Lan Wei in a panic.

"What did you say?"

Lan Wei couldn't believe it. At the beginning, her marriage certificate was the household registration ID card that Mrs. Ning personally sent someone to her home to get it. Although she didn't show up in person, she can be sure that the marriage certificate is real!

"This is impossible! The marriage certificate cannot be fake! I am Mrs. Ning, Ning Yan's wife! Cheng Jin, I know you hold a grudge against me, but you don't need to lie to me by saying this! You still have Not manly at all!"

Cheng Jin sneered: "I just know you don't, so I'll send you to Lan's house now, look for your marriage certificate, take a good look, whether this certificate is real or fake!"

"Anyway, it's been a year of sleep for nothing by the young master of the Ning family, and it's enough for you to brag about it for a year!"

Cheng Jin's words could not hide the sarcasm, and Lan Wei's face suddenly turned pale at this moment. She had a very terrible thought in her heart, that is, what Cheng Jin said was true!
If she doesn't have the gilded identity of Mrs. Ning, then how will she be able to hang out in the entertainment industry?

It wasn't until Lan Wei arrived at Lan's house that she found out exactly what had happened to her during the past few days of rectification.

The Lan family was in danger of going bankrupt, her marriage was a fake, and two days ago, he was still seriously responding to the child's matter in public.

In the blink of an eye, this kind of news raged, her eyes widened, and she knew in her heart that Ning Yan wanted to block all her escape routes!

Lan Wei pursed her lips, ignoring Lan Cheng's still in the hospital, hurriedly downstairs, and walked towards the parking lot.

"Vivi, where are you going?"

Lan Wei's voice was full of tears: "I'll go to Ning Yan to ask for clarification!"

Wei Qingqing held her back, and asked in a bad tone: "Weiwei, Ning Yan is so nice to that little stand-in, why did you change to this attitude after changing you? Did you do something to offend Ning Yan? You Don't make any more troubles for me! Do you know that our family is almost over!"

"Mom... I'm the one who is going to die!"

Lan Wei said something out of her wits, her throat seemed to be choked, and there were twinkling stars in her eyes: "Mom, I really... I'm going to die!"

"What do you mean by that? Tell me clearly!"

Wei Qingqing's voice was very cold, and she shook Lan Wei's shoulder, telling her to speak quickly.

"Ning Yan found out that I found a substitute. Mom, you know that when Ning Yan and I got married, Mrs. Ning personally came to get the identity information. The certificate cannot be fake!" Lan Wei spoke incoherently, from the bottom of her heart. As if overwhelmed by fear: "Ning Yan wants me to die!"

Wei Qingqing also started to panic, tightly holding Lan Wei's hand: "Then what are you going to do with Ning Yan? You run! Yes, run! I'll pack your things for you!"

Lan Wei grabbed Wei Qingqing: "I'm going to find him! I'm not good, so don't think about it! It's impossible for me to admit that I lost to that bitch Lan Xin! Don't think about it for Ning Yan, nor for Lan Xin. Better off!"

She let out a shrill cry, shook off Wei Qingqing's hand, opened the car door and got into the car, Wei Qingqing clung to the car door tightly, and raised her voice: "Weiwei, do you know that you will kill the Lan family like this? ?”


In the hospital, after Lin Changqing hung Ning Yan with water, he found that Ning Yan had fallen asleep leaning against the head of the bed.

He is very handsome, although he is still meticulously handsome, but it is not difficult to find that he is much more haggard than usual.

Lin Changqing had pulled out the needle for someone, and Ning Yan was startled by his action, and opened a pair of beautiful eyes, without the slightest bit of sleepiness in his eyes.

"Wake up, let's go back."

Ning Yan got off the hospital bed, stretched out his hands to button the delicate and smooth buttons on the suit jacket, and returned to that indifferent and unkind man.

He walked out without saying a word. When she was here, Ning Yan's craving for cigarettes subsided a little, but after she left, it intensified.

As if he couldn't stop it anymore, he scrambled to come over.

Lin Changqing called Ye Fan to pick him up, and leaned on the back seat of the car. Ning Yan swallowed his clouds, closed his eyes, and had a faint illusion that in the next second, she would appear beside him and pinch him away. smoke in mouth.

The scenery outside the window flashed by, Ning Yan opened and closed his eyes several times, and after getting out of the car, he saw that familiar face in his eyes.

The delicate chin, lips, and clean face are as familiar as ever.

He took two steps forward, met those eyes full of hatred, Lan Wei strode up to him, reached out and grabbed the corner of his clothes: "Ning Yan, the news spread on the Internet is fake, right? , how could our marriage certificate be fake?"

"I find a substitute to marry you for me. I have a hard time. Why can't you forgive me? I'm sick and I went to the doctor. If you give me a chance, I will be better than her. I grew up with her." Similarly, her family background is better than hers, and there is no one I can't let go of in my heart, as Mrs. Ning, I will not lose to her!"

"Although she loves Gu Heng, she can promise me to sleep with you for a year because of the money. Ning Yan, don't be afraid. She has already been lying under someone else's body the few days she left!"

"What kind of status are you, are you going to marry a woman who goes out and sells? You..."

"if not?"


Ning Yan suddenly opened his mouth to give Lan Wei a pause, thinking he had heard it wrong, he looked up at the man who was more than a head taller than him.

"What did you say?"

"I said, even if she is a hundred times ten thousand times bad, so what, what's wrong with her selling? It's better than that, you are paying money, and you have to rape the person who wants to sleep, right? Even if it is her She is so unbearably cheap and despicable as you said, but in my heart she is millions of times more noble than you don't know!"

"You may have a better family background than her, you can handle things better than her, and you are more suitable to be Mrs. Ning than her, but... I just don't want you! What can you do?"

Lan Wei's face turned pale, and the indifference in Ning Yan's eyes deepened, and she uttered each word with a chill, as if her heart had been frozen.

She knew that Ning Yan was a cold person, but after seeing him getting along with Lan Xin, she felt a little longing in her heart, and felt that her previous perception of him was wrong.


Tears fell from Lan Wei's eyes, and her voice trembled: "Ning Yan, don't bully people too much!"

Ning Yan's favorite is not a passer-by, but Ning Yan, a man who the famous ladies in City A want to marry!He may be as gentle as water to Lan Xin, but she doesn't lose to her in anything, why can't Ning Yan treat her differently! ?
She doesn't agree!
Also unacceptable!
"Too much deceit?" Ning Yan hooked the corners of her lips at her with a fake smile, and said to Ye Fan behind him in a low voice: "Don't let me see her in Yuewan from now on!"

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