Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 134 Lan Wei is really difficult to raise

Lan Xin scolded Ning Yan twice, and was bullied by Ning Yan again in the end.

Lying under Ning Yan, her heart was pierced like a knife, staring at Ning Yan's lustful face, she spoke with a sense of revenge:

"Ning Yan, do you feel sorry for Ah Heng when you treat me like this?"

Ning Yan's movements froze suddenly, he looked down at Lan Xin, and within a few seconds, a kiss fell on her ear: "Lan Wei, you know, the most hurt thing is not you I am yourself!"

He lost interest in continuing, and as soon as he pulled away and left, Lan Xin's exposed skin suddenly became cold, as cold as her heart.

He stood by the bed, took out a clean suit from the closet, and elegantly fastened the buttons on his shirt.

The dim bedside lamp shone on his face, Lan Xin didn't dare to look at it, with thick eyelashes curled up, looking extraordinarily fragile, Ning Yan sneered, took out a pajamas from the closet and put it on Lan Xin, The voice was cold: "Lan Wei, do it hard, I will sleep with you once you do it!"

When Lan Xin was carried down by Ning Yan, more than an hour had passed, Wen Wan heated up the food and put it on the table, Ning Yan stared at Lan Xin after eating, and then disappeared into the villa.

This winter is very cold, Lanxin is still shivering while covering the quilt with the air conditioner on.

In the middle of the night, Lan Xin started to have a fever again, this time Lan Xin's fever was a little fuzzy, Ning Yan was not there, she was nestled in the bed, her consciousness was drowsy, as if she would die in a second.

Ning Yan didn't return all night, Wen Wan was startled when she found out that Lan Xin had a fever, she went downstairs and asked Ye Fan to carry her back to the hospital.

Lin Changqing happened to be in the hospital, so he opened the door of the office to let people in, and gave Lan Xin a drip with ease.

"Young Master Lin, how is your wife doing?"

The pale light reflected above his head, making his handsome face even more inhumane.

"I can't die! I will take care of Lan Wei, you guys go back first!"

Ye Fan paused, and said in a low voice, "Young Master Lin, the wife is already married to the husband."

"Well, let Ning Yan come and pick him up in person!"

Lin Changqing's attitude cannot be questioned, Ye Fan left Wen Wan behind, and went out to call Ning Yan.

About 10 minutes later, Ning Yan arrived at the hospital before Lan Xin woke up. His eyes were covered with bruises, his coat was in his hand, and his shirt was wrinkled. He was not as unattainable as before.

A little more presumptuous decadence.

"How are you?" Ning Yan's voice was a little hoarse, and Lin Changqing knew that he didn't have a good rest last night.

"If you come a little later, you will almost be stupid!" Lin Changqing responded lightly.

Ning Yan tightened his grip on the jacket, and gave a low laugh. The corners of Lin Changqing's mouth curled up, and there was no smile on his face: "It's good, I can still laugh like this!"

"Long love, Lan Wei is really difficult to raise." Ning Yan took out a cigarette, but because Lan Xin was still on an IV drip, he didn't dare to smoke it. He pinched it in the palm of his hand and played with it. The eyelashes cast a shadow on the lower eyelid, making it look extra very dignified.

"I don't want to raise her and say it, Huaiyan and I can take over." Lin Changqing responded, "To be honest, I still think that in your hands, she will be tossed to death by you one day."

"Ayan, she is a woman, not an iron man!"

The weight of this sentence was somewhat heavy, Ning Yan's breathing became heavier, and a thick black welled up in his eyes.

"For so many years, your love for Qiaoqiao has been deeply rooted in your bone marrow. If you can't stop it, you will see less. Lan Wei is really pitiful. You can either let her go or love her a little bit."

Ning Yan couldn't hold back, and went out to smoke a cigarette.

When Lan Xin woke up, Lin Changqing was reading a patient's medical report. She moved her finger and found that the back of her hand was fixed, and her consciousness suddenly became clear. As soon as she sat up from the bed, Ning Yan pushed the door away came in.

Seeing that she was awake, he reached out and touched her forehead.

Seeing this, Lin Changqing smiled, and said, "Ayan, this time I brought people back, I can't send them here again!"

Ning Yan snorted and said, "I've seen patients who refuse to go to the doctor, but I haven't seen a doctor who refuses to save them!"

After the drip was finished, Lin Changqing stood beside Lan Xin and pulled out the needle for her, and said with a smile, "I'm almost becoming Lan Wei's dedicated doctor!"

Lan Xin also felt a little sorry for Lin Changqing, if she hadn't refused to dress properly last night, maybe Ning Yan wouldn't have slept again and wouldn't have had a fever again.

She felt a sting in her heart, feeling that she had been doing it for so long, and all the people she tossed about were insignificant people!

After thanking Lin Changqing, Lan Xin walked out of the gate of the hospital. The Chinese New Year was approaching, and there were many cars on the road. Lan Xin was not in a good mood, sitting in the carriage, drowsy.

Ning Yan reached out to wrap her arms around her waist, Lan Xin's drowsiness was shaken by Ning Yan's action, and she pushed Ning Yan violently.

His chest was very hard, and Ning Yan grabbed her hand as soon as she pushed it up, "Mrs. Ning, are you still making trouble?"

Lan Xin glared at Ning Yan until his eyes were sore, then he blinked and said dryly: "Stop making trouble, I want to take good care of my body."

She has no money to make trouble, so she can take advantage of the few days by Ning Yan's side to recuperate well and take good care of her body before she can take good care of her mother.

Ning Yan glanced down at Lan Xin, saw the seriousness in her eyes and laughed softly, "What do you want to eat?"

Lan Xin didn't want to go back to the villa, didn't want to be alone with Ning Yan, hesitated for a while, and said, "Hot pot."

"I just got a fever, what kind of hot pot should I eat?" Ning Yan frowned and said, "Think again."

"Ning Yan, if you don't take me there, don't ask me what I want to eat!" Lan Xin snorted coldly and scolded Ning Yan in her heart.

"Return to Moon Bay!"

Ning Yan ordered in a cold voice.

"Wonton wonton!" Lan Xin raised her voice twice.

Only then did Ning Yan ask people to turn the car around, and went to Chongming Road to buy wontons for Lan Xin.

She was still wearing her pajamas, and Ning Yan didn't let anyone down, she stood at the door of the wonton shop, waited for her wontons to come out of the pan, and carried the bowl to Lan Xin's car with a bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other.

Ning Yan held it, and Lan Xin ate it with a spoon. His stomach was [-]% full, and there were still a few wontons left. Ning Yan took the spoon and finished it in two bites, and then asked Ye Fan to send the bowl back.

There were only the two of them left in the carriage. When Ning Yan was sleeping lightly on the back of the chair with his eyes closed, Lan Xin's voice came through.

"Ning Yan, I won't make trouble anymore, let's live a good life."


Ning Yan thought he heard it wrong, so he opened his eyes and glanced sideways at Lan Xin.

Lan Xin repeated it, and Ning Yan's heart sank slowly, and with a flash of warmth, he reached out and hugged her into his arms.

"it is good."

Lan Xin leaned against Ning Yan's arms and let out a slow breath.

When Lan Wei came back, Ning Yan had a very strange temper. Although he was gentle in front of her most of the time these days, being gentle was a bit too cold.

Ning Yan and Lan Wei, Lan Xin silently read the names of the two of them, and gave a low laugh.

Not bad, quite a match!
"I don't want to go back, take me to buy clothes." Lan Xin said as if on a whim.

Ning Yan knew that she was not such a person, and also knew that what happened yesterday frightened her.

He also regretted it after entering.

He didn't know how he felt about Lan Xin, but the relationship that happened for the sake of punishment broke not only Lan Xin's inner defense.

"Ye Fan, go to the mall."

The car stopped at the busiest shopping mall, Ning Yan stopped Lan Xin, and Ye Fan went up to buy a set of women's clothing for Lan Xin.

After Lan Xin changed her clothes in the car, she let Ning Yan lead her down.

The two of them wandered around the mall aimlessly, and whenever Lan Xin took a second look at things, Ning Yan had someone wrap them up.

When passing by a jewelry store, Ning Yan pulled the person in: "Go in and have a look."

When they got married, although Ning Yan was present, he omitted all the formalities that should be omitted. Even when exchanging rings, Ning Yan was extra careless.

After getting off the stage, he took off the ring and threw it away.

He chose several diamond rings for couples, and asked Lan Xin to choose one. Lan Xin was dissatisfied, but didn't show it, and carefully looked at the rings he chose.

As soon as Qian Ting came in, she saw the two people who were choosing the ring, a dark color flashed in her eyes quickly, and she walked over gracefully with small steps.

"Mr. Ning, Mrs. Ning, long time no see!"

She greeted her, and without waiting for a response from the two of them, she pointed at a ring on the counter and said with a smile, "I've liked this pair of rings for a long time. I wonder if Mrs. Ning can give them to me?"

Lan Xin smiled, and was about to agree, when Ning Yan suddenly stretched out his big hand, and said to the waiter, "I want them all, I don't want to pick them, let's go back and pick them. If you can't pick them out, just wear a pair every day!"

The smile on Qian Ting's face froze, she tugged on her clothes, encouraged herself, and continued to talk to Ning Yan: "Mr. Ning, that ring..."

"Miss Qian, Mrs. Ning doesn't need to give up anything!" Ning Yan's voice was flat, the waiter saw this, and quickly packed the jewelry box.

It's no secret that Qian Ting likes Ning Yan in the upper class circle. Ning Yan knows it, but doesn't save any face.

She dares to let Lan Xin give up this ring, maybe in a few days, she still dares to let Lan Xin give herself to her.

There was a cold light in Ning Yan's eyes, and he took the bag handed over by the waiter, and walked out with Lan Xin in his arms. Qianting frowned, and when two people passed by, she said, "Mr. Ning, I have some cooperation and want to cooperate with you." You talk!"

Ning Yan's face remained cold and hard, and his voice was weak: "Miss Qian, if you have any cooperation with me to discuss, please find my secretary!"

"I... We have known each other for so many years, I want to talk to you." Qian Ting's face became more and more stiff, and she whispered: "Sorry, I may have crossed the line!"

"It's just, Miss Lan, can I talk to you?"

Lan Xin: "...what do you want to talk to me about?"

She and Qian Ting have different ways of acting, and now that she is worth more than Qian Ting, there is no need to cooperate with Qian Ting at all.

Is it true that she wants to talk to her, and does not want to let go of this chance meeting with Ning Yan?

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